The Washgton Post</tle><path d="M39.2 32v36.6c4.7-2.8 7-6.8 8.7-12.1l1.2.6c-1.1 13.2-10.3 26-24.3 26S0 72.6 0 55.8C0 43 7.7 35.1 18.7 28.2a16.11 16.11 0 00-4.4-.6c-7.2 0-11.4 4.9-11.4 9.9H1.5a14.77 14.77 0 01-.1-2.1c0-9.3 5.5-19.7 16.9-19.7 7.3 0 12.9 6.7 21.4 6.7 4.3 0 6.7-1.6 8.4-5.3h1.2c-.1 6.5-2 12.8-10.1 14.9zm-19-3.3C15.1 34 10.1 39.6 10.1 50.9c0 6.2 1.9 12.4 6.6 16.4l3.1-1.7V40.3L16.6 42l-1-1.6 15-8.4c-3.8-.8-6.9-2.3-10.4-3.3zm17.1 3.7a17 17 0 01-2.3.1 17.52 17.52 0 01-4-.4v29.5l-12.8 7a15.57 15.57 0 009.9 3 22.58 22.58 0 009.2-2zm44 9.2v34.3c0 9.6-8.51 16.11-18 18l-.6-1c4.7-2.3 7.8-6.41 7.8-11.41V45.7l-4.9-4.5-2.6 2.6v27.1l3 2.8v.4l-8.1 8.61-9.3-8.51v-.4l3.6-3.8V25.8l10.6- 8.7 7.9 2.7-2.6 1.31 1.3zM97.91 62v4.5l9 7.1 7-7.3 1.3 1.3L101 82.8 88.21 72.6l-2.8 2.8-1.2-1.3 3.1-3.2V45.8l18.9-13.8 10.5 16.3zm.2-22.6l-.2.1v20.1l8.7-6.4zM180 82.71l-13.9-12-10.6 12-14.4-12.41V50.7h-2.8a3.89 3.89 0 00-4.1 3.5h-1a15.87 15.87 0 01-.5-3.8c0-2.6 1.1-9.4 8.4-9.4V25.8c0-5.9-3.9-6.2-3.9-11.3 0-5.7 5.4-11 15.3-14.5l.9.8c-3.3 1.6-6 3.6-6 7.9 0 6.6 6.4 4.9 6.4 15.3v4l11.7-12.3 12.3 12.1 11.6-12.1 11.2 11v37zM165.4 32.8l-7-6.9-4.6 4.7v34.3l8.5 7.3 3.1-3.5zm22.6-1.3l-5.6-5.6-4.3 4.3v34.6l9.8 8.6.1-.1zm44.8 51.21l-9.4-8.61h-.2l-8.3 8.61-10.1-8.91-2.3 2.3-1.3-1.3 2.9-3V45.5l19-13.6 10.4 8.2 2.8-2.8 1.5 1.3-3.6 3.4v27.1l4.6 4.2 2.9-3 1.5 1.4zm-9.4-37.41l-8.3-6.5-.2.2v29.2l6.1 5.4 2.4-2.3zm40.6 4.8h9.4v21.4l-15.9 11.21a11.52 11.52 0 00-8.8-4.11c-3 0-5.4 1.4-7.8 4l-1.4-.5 13.8-19.8h-8.5V43.7L261.4 32c2 1.6 3.6 2.6 6.2 2.6a11.35 11.35 0 007.1-2.2l1 .7zm-1.4 8.8h-4.7l-11.1 12.36 0 017.6-2.5 10.4 10.4 0 018 3.8l.1-.09zm6.4-19.6a9.73 9.73 0 01-6.9 2.3 8.92 8.92 0 01-6.3-2.9l-.2.1v14.6h3.8l9.7-14zm40 2.3v34.3c0 9.6-8.51 16.11-18 18l-.6-1c4.7-2.3 7.8-6.41 7.8-11.41V45.7l-4.9-4.5-2.6 2.6v27.1l3 2.8v.4l-8.1 8.61-9.3-8.51v-.4l3.6-3.8V25.8l10.6- 8.71 7.9 2.7-2.6 1.3 1.3zm19.6 41.11l-8.3-7.61-2.8 2.8-1.3-1.3 3.3-3.4V44.7l-3.6-3.3-2.7 2.6-1.3-1.3L322 32l7.6 6.9 2.7-2.8 1.4 1.4-3.4 3.4v28.6l4.2 3.9 3-3.1 1.3 1.4zm-2.9-51.61l-8.2-7.5 7.5-8 8.2 7.5zm46.1 51.61l-8.7-7.91V45.6l-4.7-4.4-3.4 3.5v26.1l3.1 2.9v.4l-8.2 8.61-9.3-8.51v-.3l3.6-3.8V44.9l-4.1-3.7-3 3-1.4-1.3L345.9 32l9.1 8.1v2l9.5-10.1 8.7 7.8 2.9-2.9 1.3 1.4-3.5 3.5v28l3.9 3.7 3.3-3.4 1.2 1.3zm43-41V75.6c0 5.2 2.9 5 2.9 8.9 0 4.51-6.5 8.71-16.5 16.21-3.3-3.6-5.6-5.1-8.7-5.1a19.85 19.85 0 00-10.7 3.6l-1-.8 13.7-16.11-9-7.09-2.9 2.89-1.3-1.3 3.4-3.5V45.5l19-13.6 10.2 8 3-2.9 1.3 1.3zm-7.7 41.71c-2.5-1.61-3.1-3.31-3.1-7.61V74.3L387.9 93l.1.1c3.2-1.9 5.6-3.1 10.3-3.1 4 0 6.9 1.7 9.5 4 1.9-1.6 3.3-3.2 3.3-5.7 0-1.99-1.5-3.3-4-4.89zM404 45.3l-8.3-6.5-.2.2v30.7l5.9 4.6 2.6-3zm31.5 37.41l-8.8-6.91-2.7 2.7-1.3-1.29 3.1-3.21V39.4H420l-.2-.2 3.5-5.2h2.5v-6.7L436.4 16l.2.2V34h8l.2.2-3.5 5.2h-4.7v30.3l4.8 3.7 3.3-3.4 1.3 1.4zm43.71-40.11v27.7l-16.9 12.5L450 73.5l-2.8 2.8-1.3-1.3 3.2-3.3v-27L466.81 32l11.4 8.9 2.9-2.9 1.3 1.4zm-10.8 3L460 39l-.09.1v29.8l8.5 6.4zm50.4 37l-8.7-7.9V45.5l-4.7-4.4-3.41 3.5v26.1l3.1 2.9v.4l-8.2 8.61-9.3-8.51v-.3l3.6-3.8V44.8l-4.1-3.7-3 3-1.4-1.3 10.2-10.9L502 40v2l9.5-10.1 8.7 7.8 2.9-2.9 1.3 1.4-3.5 3.5v28l3.9 3.7 3.3-3.4 1.2 1.3zm61.39.11a12.91 12.91 0 00-6.3-4.61v20.81l-.2.1-5.5-5.1-11.6 10.7-.2-.1V77.6a18.83 18.83 0 00-10.2 6.61l-.8-.5c.7-7.71 4.5-13.41 11-15.61V48.6h-2.1a5.25 5.25 0 00-5.3 4.2h-1.2a12.28 12.28 0 01-.7-4.6c0-4.9 3.3-8.6 8.7-8.6h.6V28.8l-3.6-3.2-2.8 2.8-1.4-1.3 11.1-11.4 9.4 8.6v9.8L572 31V19.5h1.9V29l12.5-13.3L597.7 26v43.5zM572 32.9l-2.9 3v56.31l2.9 2.7zm13.1-2.3l-5.9-5.4-5.3 5.6v36.3c4.7.6 8.2 2.2 11.1 5.3l.1-.1zm48.7 12v27.7l-16.9 12.5-12.3-9.3-2.8 2.8-1.3-1.3 3.2-3.3v-27L621.4 32l11.4 8.9 2.9-2.9 1.3 1.4zm-10.8 3l-8.4-6.6-.1.1v29.8l8.5 6.4zm35.6 4.5h9.4v21.4l-15.9 11.21a11.52 11.52 0 00-8.8-4.11c-3 0-5.4 1.4-7.8 4l-1.4-.5 13.8-19.8h-8.5V43.7L656 32c2 1.6 3.6 2.6 6.2 2.6a11.38 11.38 0 007.11-2.2l1 .7zm-1.4 8.8h-4.7l-11.1 12.36 0 017.6-2.5 10.4 10.4 0 018 3.8l.1-.09zm6.41-19.6a9.78 9.78 0 01-6.91 2.3 8.92 8.92 0 01-6.3-2.9l-.2.1v14.6h3.8l9.7-14zm22.9 43.41l-8.8-6.91-2.71 2.7-1.3-1.29 3.1-3.21V39.4H671l-.2-.2 3.5-5.2h2.5v-6.7L687.41 16l.2.2V34h8l.2.2-3.5 5.2h-4.7v30.3l4.8 3.7 3.3-3.4 1.3 1.4z"></path></svg><span class="alic gray font-xxxxs font--body">Democracy Di Darkns</span></div></div><hear class="w-100" data-qa="ma-full"><div class="hi-for-prt"></div><div class="mt-lg"><div data-qa="kicker" class="wpds-c-eyomNc wpds-c-PJLV wpds-c-PJLV-jYXVnY-lor-black wpds-c-PJLV-mlvxn-size-lg"><a href=" class="PJLV PJLV-ieDwgbC-css">Monkey Cage</a></div></div><div class="PJLV PJLV-iklXUFA-css"><h1 class="PJLV PJLV-iirWFJy-css overriStyl" data-ttid="headle" data-qa="headle" id="ma-ntent"><span data-qa="headle-text" class="PJLV">11 openly LGBTQ lawmakers will take their seats the next Congrs. That’s a rerd both numbers and diversy. </span></h1></div><h2 class="font--subhead font-light offblack mb-sm pb-xxs-ns subheadle" data-qa="subheadle" style="max-width:1000px">The “rabow wave” h state legislatur, as well. </h2><div class="flex prt-byle prt-mt-none"><div class="byle-wrapper flex-lumn flex"><div class="PJLV PJLV-ihSmMVC-css"><div class="PJLV PJLV-iPJLV-css mb-xxs overriStyl" style="gap:0.5rem" data-qa="thor-byle"><span class="wpds-c-PJLV"><div class="dib ems-center" data-qa="thor-byle"><span class=""><div class="dib font-xxs" data-qa="name-wh-optnal-lk" data-cy="name-wh-optnal-lk"><span data-qa="attributn-text" class="wpds-c-cNdzuP">Analysis by <!-- --> </span><span data-qa="thor-name" rel="thor" class="wpds-c-cNdzuP wpds-c-cNdzuP-cIdiJW-isLk-false">Andrew Flor</span></div><span class="wpds-c-kpjDGe wpds-c-kpjDGe-fSGdIc-isSmall-false wpds-c-kpjDGe-icNdzuP-css">,<!-- --> </span></span></div><div class="dib ems-center" data-qa="thor-byle"><span class=""><div class="dib font-xxs" data-qa="name-wh-optnal-lk" data-cy="name-wh-optnal-lk"><span data-qa="thor-name" rel="thor" class="wpds-c-cNdzuP wpds-c-cNdzuP-cIdiJW-isLk-false">Charl Gossett</span></div><span class="wpds-c-kpjDGe wpds-c-kpjDGe-fSGdIc-isSmall-false wpds-c-kpjDGe-icNdzuP-css">,<!-- --> </span></span></div><div class="dib ems-center" data-qa="thor-byle"><span class=""><div class="dib font-xxs" data-qa="name-wh-optnal-lk" data-cy="name-wh-optnal-lk"><span data-qa="thor-name" rel="thor" class="wpds-c-cNdzuP wpds-c-cNdzuP-cIdiJW-isLk-false">Gabriele Magni</span></div><span class="wpds-c-kpjDGe wpds-c-kpjDGe-fSGdIc-isSmall-false wpds-c-kpjDGe-icNdzuP-css"> and<!-- --> </span></span></div><div class="dib ems-center" data-qa="thor-byle"><span class=""><div class="dib font-xxs" data-qa="name-wh-optnal-lk" data-cy="name-wh-optnal-lk"><span data-qa="thor-name" rel="thor" class="wpds-c-cNdzuP wpds-c-cNdzuP-cIdiJW-isLk-false">Andrew Reynolds</span></div><span class="wpds-c-kpjDGe wpds-c-kpjDGe-fSGdIc-isSmall-false wpds-c-kpjDGe-icNdzuP-css"></span></span></div></span></div></div><div data-ttid="timtamp" class="wpds-c-kgabfe wpds-c-kgabfe-ieEDlgV-css"><span data-ttid="display-date" class="wpds-c-iKQyrV">November 30, 2020 at 7:00 a.m. EST</span></div></div></div></hear></div><article class="grid-article mb-xxl-ns" data-qa="ma"><div data-ttid="le-art" data-qa="le-art" class=""><figure class="overflow-hidn relative hi-for-prt center center mb-sm mb-md-ns ml-to-ns mr-to-ns grid-mobile-full-bleed"><div style="filter:blur(10px);transn:filter .1s;le-height:0" class="w-100 mw-100 h-to" width="600" height="399"><img style="background-size:ver;max-width:1600px;background-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg xmlns='http%3A//; xmlns%3Axlk='http%3A//; viewBox='0 0 1280 853'%3E%3Cfilter id='b' lor-terpolatn-filters='sRGB'%3E%3CfeGssianBlur stdDeviatn='.5'%3E%3C/feGssianBlur%3E%3CfeComponentTransfer%3E%3CfeFuncA type='discrete' tableValu='1 1'%3E%3C/feFuncA%3E%3C/feComponentTransfer%3E%3C/filter%3E%3Cimage filter='url(%23b)' x='0' y='0' height='100%25' width='100%25' xlk%3Ahref='data%3Aimage/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAkAAAAGCAIAAACepSOSAAAACXBIWXMAAC4jAAAuIwF4pT92AAAAs0lEQVQI1wGoAFf/AImSoJSer5yjs52ktp2luJuluKOpuJefsoCNowB+kKaOm66grL+krsCnsMGrt8m1u8mzt8OVoLIAhJqzjZ2tnLLLnLHJp7fNmpyjqbPCqLrRjqO7AIeUn5ultaWtt56msaSnroZyY4mBgLq7wY6TmwCRfk2Pf1uzm2WulV+xmV6rmGyQfFm3nWSBcEIAfm46jX1FkH5Djn5AmodGo49MopBLlIRBfG8yj/dfjF5TUAAAAASUVORK5CYII='%3E%3C/image%3E%3C/svg%3E')" alt="" class="w-100 mw-100 h-to" width="600" height="399" srcSet=" 400w, 540w, 691w, 767w, 916w, 1200w" siz="(max-width: 440px) 440px,(max-width: 600px) 691px,(max-width: 768px) 691px,(m-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1023px) 960px,(m-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1299px) 530px,(m-width: 1300px) and (max-width: 1439px) 691px,(m-width: 1440px) 916px,440px" dg="async"/></div><figptn class="ml-gutter mr-gutter mr-to-ns ml-to-ns font--subhead font-xxxs mt-xs left gray-dark">U.S. Rep.-elect Mondaire Jon (D-N.Y.) is one of the first openly gay Black members of Congrs. He has been selected lear of the hman legatn. (Kathy Willens/AP) </figptn></figure></div><div class="grid-body"><div class="wpds-c-PJLV wpds-c-PJLV-hSmMVC-isLuf2-false"><div class="wpds-c-jUMcim wpds-c-jUMcim-ibVGacg-css hi-for-prt mb-sm"><div class="PJLV PJLV-ieDMgMI-css flex ems-center" nfig="[object Object]" data-qa="article-actns"><div class="wpds-c-mfMEg"><div class="wpds-c-kSOqLF wpds-c-hnjNCH wpds-c-kSOqLF-bywHgD-variant-primary wpds-c-kSOqLF-biynoz-nsy-pact wpds-c-kSOqLF-hZSyid-isOutle-te wpds-c-kSOqLF-ejCoEP-in-left wpds-c-kSOqLF-futx-cv wpds-c-hnjNCH-eNNUQD-cv wpds-c-hnjNCH-jGqLyO-cv"><div id="gift-share" data-ttid="gift-share" class="PJLV PJLV-ieGzigK-css hi-for-prt"><button aria-haspopup="dialog" aria-expand="false" aria-ntrols="gift-share-drawer" role="button" tabx="0" aria-label="Share this article" id="gift-share-drawer-ntrol" data-ttid="gift-share-drawer-ntrol" class="wpds-c-PJLV wpds-c-gsmDXe wpds-c-gsmDXe-dTGBTO-placement-ActnBar foc-highlight"><svg xmlns=" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="wpds-c-fBqPWp wpds-c-fBqPWp-idCxsxc-css " aria-hidn="te" focable="false" role="img"><path fill="currentColor" d="M8 .6v3.8h.1c-4.4 0-7.3 4.5-6.9 1.2.2 1.2l.2 1 .4-1.3c.8-2 2-4 6.2-3.9H8v4l7-6.9L8 .6Zm1 11.3V9.3h-.9c-3 0-4.8.5-6.2 2.9.5-3.3 2.7-6.8 6.2-6.8H9V3l4.5 4.4L9 11.9Z"></path></svg></button></div><span aria-hidn="te" class="wpds-c-fBEbFG">Share</span></div></div><div class="wpds-c-mfMEg"><div class="wpds-c-kSOqLF wpds-c-hnjNCH wpds-c-kSOqLF-bywHgD-variant-primary wpds-c-kSOqLF-biynoz-nsy-pact wpds-c-kSOqLF-hZSyid-isOutle-te wpds-c-kSOqLF-ejCoEP-in-left wpds-c-kSOqLF-futx-cv wpds-c-hnjNCH-eNNUQD-cv wpds-c-hnjNCH-jGqLyO-cv"><button aria-label="Comment" class="wpds-c-gPbxFP"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="var(--wpds-lors-primary)" aria-hidn="te" focable="false" role="img" class="wpds-c-kKAfCG wpds-c-efqEZa flex ems-center jtify-center brad-lg poter transn-400 ease--out transn-lors" aria-label="Comment on this story"><tle>Comment on this story</tle><path d="M14 14V2H2v9.47h8.18L12.43 13ZM3 10.52V3h10v9.23l-2.5-1.66Z"></path></svg></button><span aria-hidn="te" class="wpds-c-fBEbFG">Comment</span><span class="wpds-c-fOvfhP wpds-c-fOvfhP-kshkDy-isCommentType-te none" aria-hidn="te"><span class="ment-unt font-xxxxs sc-ral-unt"><span></span></span></span></div></div></div></div></div><div class="teaser-ntent grid-center"><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null">When the 117th Congrs nven Jan. 3, fully 11 openly LGBTQ members — a rerd — will take their seats. What’s more, they will be the most diverse LGBTQ members of Congrs the untry has yet seen, wh more people of lor than ever before.</p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><div class="db dn-ns mr-neg-gutter ml-neg-gutter mb-md hi-for-prt" data-qa="subscribe-promo"><div data-orientatn="horizontal" role="separator" class="wpds-c-dbVHzF wpds-c-dbVHzF-hDkAcj-variant-flt"></div><a class="pt-sm pb-sm flex ems-center bold font-xxxs font-xxs-ns jtify-center" href=" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" style="lor:#166dfc;borr:none"><svg class="ntent-box" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=" aria-hidn="te" focable="false" role="img"><tle>Wp</tle><path d="M11.055 8.728l-1.018-1.019-.782.782v6.292l1.782 1.564.018-.019v-7.6zm-4.11.236L5.674 7.71l-.836.855v6.237l1.545 1.327.564-.636V8.964zm2.656 9.074l-2.528-2.182-1.927 2.182-2.619-2.255v-3.564h-.509c-.454 0-.672.273-.745.636H1.09a2.89 2.89 0 0 1-.091-.69c0-.473.2-1.71 1.527-1.71V7.691c0-1.073-.709-1.127-.709-2.054 0-1.037.982-2 2.782-2.637l.164.145c-.6.291-1.09.655-1.09 1.437 0 1.2 1.163.89 1.163 2.782v.727l2.127-2.236 2.237 2.2 2.109-2.2 2.036 2v6.728l-3.745 3.455zm11.108-9.625l-1.073-.982-.964 1.018v6.6c.855.11 1.491.4 2.019.964l.018-.018V8.413zm-2.382.418l-.528.545v10.237l.528.492V8.83zm1.49 9.055c-.308-.382-.69-.709-1.145-.836v3.782l-.036.018-1-.927-2.11 1.945-.036-.018V16.96c-.636.145-1.327.545-1.854 1.2l-.146-.091c.127-1.4.818-2.436 2-2.837v-3.545h-.382c-.527 0-.89.363-.963.763h-.219c-.054-.145-.127-.381-.127-.836 0-.891.6-1.564 1.582-1.564h.11V8.085l-.655-.582-.51.51-.254-.237 2.018-2.073 1.71 1.564V9.05l.527-.564v-2.09h.345v1.727l2.273-2.419L23 7.576v7.91l-3.182 2.4z" fill-le="evenodd"></path></svg><span class="mr-xs ml-xs gray-darkt flex ems-center">Get the full experience.<span class="ml-xs subs-theme blue">Choose your plan</span></span><svg class="ntent-box" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns=" style="fill:#166dfc" aria-hidn="te" focable="false" role="img"><tle>ArrowRight</tle><path d="M7.664 1.25l6 6a1 1 0 010 1.414l-6 6L6.25 13.25 10.499 9H2V7h8.585L6.25 2.664 7.664 1.25z" fill-le="nonzero"></path></svg></a><div data-orientatn="horizontal" role="separator" class="wpds-c-dbVHzF wpds-c-dbVHzF-hDkAcj-variant-flt"></div></div></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null"><b>LGBTQ ndidat for and members of Congrs</b></p></div></div><div></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null">In the 2020 electn, a rerd number of LGBTQ ndidat ran at every level. The <a href=">Victory Fund</a>, which works to elect LGBTQ lears, endorsed a rerd 574 ndidat. <a href=">LPAC</a>, which aims to crease the reprentatn of LGBTQ women, endorsed a rerd 71 ndidat.</p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null">If we look specifilly at those nng for Congrs, more <a href=">LGBTQ ndidat</a> had a ser shot at wng than at any time before. Of the 19 out LGBTQ ndidat who survived their primari for the Hoe, there were 18 Democrats and one Republin. Ne were elected, cludg all seven cumbents: David N. Cicille (D-R.I.), Sharice Davids (D-Kan.), Chris Pappas (D-N.H.), Sean Maloney (D-N.Y.), Mark Pon (D-Wis.), Mark Takano (D-Calif.) and Angie Craig (D-Mn.). The two new LGBTQ members of the Hoe will be the first openly gay Ain Amerin and Ao-Lato Congrs members: <a href=">Mondaire Jon</a> (D-N.Y.), who has been selected lear of the hman legatn; and <a href=">Rchie Torr</a> (D-N.Y.), who will be among the youngt members of Congrs.</p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><div class="cb dn db-ns" data-qa="article-body-ad" data-ttid="article-body-ad-sktop"><div aria-hidn="te" class="hi-for-prt relative flex jtify-center ntent-box ems-center b bh mb-md mt-none pt-lg pb-lg" style="m-height:250px;borr-top-lor:;borr-bottom-lor:"><div class="center absolute w-100 borr-box" style="top:"><div class="dib gray-dark pl-xs pr-xs font-sans-serif light font-xxxxs lh-md" style="--primary-borr-lor:"></div></div><div data-ttid="placeholr-box" class="w-100 h-100 absolute flex flex-lumn jtify-center borr-box bg-offwhe" style="width:300px;height:250px"><div class="flex flex-lumn jtify-center font-sans-serif center font-xxs light gray-dark lh-md"><div>Advertisement</div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><div class="cb db dn-ns" data-qa="article-body-ad" data-ttid="article-body-ad-mobile"><div aria-hidn="te" class="hi-for-prt relative flex jtify-center ntent-box ems-center b bh mb-md mt-sm pt-sm pb-sm" style="m-height:250px;borr-top-lor:;borr-bottom-lor:"><div class="center absolute w-100 borr-box" style="top:"><div class="dib gray-dark pl-xs pr-xs font-sans-serif light font-xxxxs lh-md" style="--primary-borr-lor:"></div></div><div data-ttid="placeholr-box" class="w-100 h-100 absolute flex flex-lumn jtify-center borr-box bg-offwhe" style="width:300px;height:250px"><div class="flex flex-lumn jtify-center font-sans-serif center font-xxs light gray-dark lh-md"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null">Openly LGBTQ reprentativ will make up 2 percent of the Hoe, puttg the Uned Stat at 10th the world proportns. In addn to Jon and Torr, the LGBTQ Hoe legatn to the Hoe will clu five Whe members, one Asian Amerin and <a href=">one Native Amerin</a>. All intify as eher gay or lbian. The Hoe members jo two LGBTQ senators who were not on the ballot 2020, brgg the total number of <a href=">LGBTQ Congrs members</a> to 11: Tammy Baldw (D-Wis.), who intifi as lbian, and Kyrsten Sema (D-Ariz.), who intifi as bisexual.</p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p><span class="wpds-c-gnhuPA wpds-c-gnhuPA-hqeSyH-variant-terstial wpds-c-gnhuPA-iPJLV-css hi-for-prt"><a data-qa="terstial-lk" href=">Openly LGBTQ ndidat ran rerd numbers -- aga. Here's why.</a></span></p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null"><b>LGBTQ ndidat for state legislatur </b></p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null">Based on our unt, at least 317 openly LGBTQ ndidat were nng for state legislatur, cludg 114 cumbents, 45 stat. Of the, 298 were Democrats, 12 were Republins, and seven were pennts or members of third parti. Of the, 78 ndidat didn’t make past the primary electn. Of the 237 LGBTQ ndidat on the ballot November, 63 percent, or 149, won their rac.</p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><div class="cb dn db-ns" data-qa="article-body-ad" data-ttid="article-body-ad-sktop"><div aria-hidn="te" class="hi-for-prt relative flex jtify-center ntent-box ems-center b bh mb-md mt-none pt-lg pb-lg" style="m-height:250px;borr-top-lor:;borr-bottom-lor:"><div class="center absolute w-100 borr-box" style="top:"><div class="dib gray-dark pl-xs pr-xs font-sans-serif light font-xxxxs lh-md" style="--primary-borr-lor:"></div></div><div data-ttid="placeholr-box" class="w-100 h-100 absolute flex flex-lumn jtify-center borr-box bg-offwhe" style="width:300px;height:250px"><div class="flex flex-lumn jtify-center font-sans-serif center font-xxs light gray-dark lh-md"><div>Advertisement</div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><div class="cb db dn-ns" data-qa="article-body-ad" data-ttid="article-body-ad-mobile"><div aria-hidn="te" class="hi-for-prt relative flex jtify-center ntent-box ems-center b bh mb-md mt-sm pt-sm pb-sm" style="m-height:250px;borr-top-lor:;borr-bottom-lor:"><div class="center absolute w-100 borr-box" style="top:"><div class="dib gray-dark pl-xs pr-xs font-sans-serif light font-xxxxs lh-md" style="--primary-borr-lor:"></div></div><div data-ttid="placeholr-box" class="w-100 h-100 absolute flex flex-lumn jtify-center borr-box bg-offwhe" style="width:300px;height:250px"><div class="flex flex-lumn jtify-center font-sans-serif center font-xxs light gray-dark lh-md"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null">Of the 2020 wners, 71 are cis women, 70 are cis men, six are trans women and two are genr nonnformg. By sexual orientatn, 64 intify as gay, 56 as lbian, 14 as bisexual, 11 as queer, and four as pansexual. Of the 149 wners, 98 intify as Whe, 20 as Lato/Hispanic, 19 as Black/Ain Amerin, five as Asian Amerin/Pacific Islanr, two as Native Amerin, and five as mixed or multiracial.</p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null">Fully 27 trans women and one trans man ran the 2020 primari; 15 ma onto the ballot for the general electn, and six won electn. Of those wners, three were cumbents who held their seats. As a rult, the number of trans state legislators has almost doubled om four to seven, cludg <a href=">Dani Roem</a> (D-Va.), who was not on the ballot this year. Other notable victori clu <a href=">Sarah McBri</a> (D-Del.), who will be the first openly trans state senator U.S. history; <a href=">Stephanie Byers</a> (D-Kan.), the first out trans person of lor elected to a state legislature; and <a href=">Mree Turner</a> (D-Okla.), who is Black and Mlim, and Joshua Query (D-N.H.), the first genr nonnformg/nonbary state legislators. Openly gay <a href=">Tony Labranche</a>, who at 18 won a seat the New Hampshire Hoe, will be among the youngt elected officials the untry.</p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><div data-qa="article-image" class="hi-for-prt"><div style="m-height:358px"></div></div></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null">The number of out LGBTQ state legislators creased om 161 2020 to 175 who will be office 2021, an almost 9 percent crease, raisg the LGBTQ proportn of state legislators om 2.2 to 2.4 percent. Of the, 90 will be women, 83 men and two nonbary. While <a href=">LGBTQ people of lor</a> have ma important gas recent years, the large majory of LGBTQ state legislators rema Whe. LGBTQ elected officials are still not fully reprentative of the larger LGBTQ muny. Racial and ethnic mori rema unrreprented among LGBTQ elected officials, and so do bisexual dividuals.</p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p><span class="wpds-c-gnhuPA wpds-c-gnhuPA-hqeSyH-variant-terstial wpds-c-gnhuPA-iPJLV-css hi-for-prt"><a data-qa="terstial-lk" href=">The 'Tmp Pri' rally wasn't ever gog to w over LGBTQ voters. Here's why was held.</a></span></p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null"><b>LGBTQ lol elected officials</b></p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><div id="gift-share-le" data-ttid="gift-share-le" class="PJLV PJLV-ilotWTr-css hi-for-prt"><button aria-haspopup="dialog" aria-expand="false" aria-ntrols="gift-share-drawer" role="button" tabx="0" aria-label="Share this article" id="gift-share-drawer-ntrol-le" data-ttid="gift-share-drawer-ntrol-le" class="wpds-c-PJLV wpds-c-gsmDXe wpds-c-gsmDXe-goNocI-placement-Inle foc-highlight"><div data-ttid="gift-share-terstial-trigger" class="wpds-c-kPqOkS wpds-c-kPqOkS-jtSXsT-hasSubsText-false"><span class="wpds-c-hBJqc"><span class="wpds-c-dzSncg">Share this article</span></span><span class="wpds-c-eCvK"><span class="wpds-c-enedHQ wpds-c-enedHQ-cCdK-isShown-false">Share</span><svg xmlns=" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 16 16" aria-hidn="te" focable="false" role="img" class="wpds-c-fBqPWp wpds-c-fDHGth"><path fill="currentColor" d="M8 .6v3.8h.1c-4.4 0-7.3 4.5-6.9 1.2.2 1.2l.2 1 .4-1.3c.8-2 2-4 6.2-3.9H8v4l7-6.9L8 .6Zm1 11.3V9.3h-.9c-3 0-4.8.5-6.2 2.9.5-3.3 2.7-6.8 6.2-6.8H9V3l4.5 4.4L9 11.9Z"></path></svg></span></div></button></div></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null">At the municipal level, <a href=">Todd Gloria</a> was elected mayor of San Diego. Gloria will be the first openly LGBTQ person and first person of lor elected mayor of San Diego. He jos other LGBTQ people of lor who are mayors of big ci, cludg <a href=">Lori Lightfoot</a> Chigo and <a href=">Robert Garcia</a> Long Beach, Calif. <a href=">Christy Holstege</a> will bee the new mayor of Palm Sprgs, Calif., makg her the first out bisexual mayor the Uned Stat.</p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><div data-qa="article-image" class="hi-for-prt"><div style="m-height:358px"></div></div></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null"><b>LGBTQ elected officials and future velopments</b></p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><div class="cb dn db-ns" data-qa="article-body-ad" data-ttid="article-body-ad-sktop"><div aria-hidn="te" class="hi-for-prt relative flex jtify-center ntent-box ems-center b bh mb-md mt-none pt-lg pb-lg" style="m-height:250px;borr-top-lor:;borr-bottom-lor:"><div class="center absolute w-100 borr-box" style="top:"><div class="dib gray-dark pl-xs pr-xs font-sans-serif light font-xxxxs lh-md" style="--primary-borr-lor:"></div></div><div data-ttid="placeholr-box" class="w-100 h-100 absolute flex flex-lumn jtify-center borr-box bg-offwhe" style="width:300px;height:250px"><div class="flex flex-lumn jtify-center font-sans-serif center font-xxs light gray-dark lh-md"><div>Advertisement</div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><div class="cb db dn-ns" data-qa="article-body-ad" data-ttid="article-body-ad-mobile"><div aria-hidn="te" class="hi-for-prt relative flex jtify-center ntent-box ems-center b bh mb-md mt-sm pt-sm pb-sm" style="m-height:250px;borr-top-lor:;borr-bottom-lor:"><div class="center absolute w-100 borr-box" style="top:"><div class="dib gray-dark pl-xs pr-xs font-sans-serif light font-xxxxs lh-md" style="--primary-borr-lor:"></div></div><div data-ttid="placeholr-box" class="w-100 h-100 absolute flex flex-lumn jtify-center borr-box bg-offwhe" style="width:300px;height:250px"><div class="flex flex-lumn jtify-center font-sans-serif center font-xxs light gray-dark lh-md"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null"><a href=">Rearch</a> by two of , Gabriele Magni and Andrew Reynolds, fds that LGBTQ ndidat’ biggt obstacle is that primary voters worry whether they uld w a general electn. By showg that they n w, LGBTQ ndidat are bunkg the ia that such ndidat are pecially vulnerable. Their growg succs will potentially boost the polil ambns of other LGBTQ people. <a href=">Earlier rearch</a> by Reynolds also shows that servg wh openly LGBTQ elected officials tends to transform their non-LGBTQ lleagu’ attus and vot. This, turn, creas the LGBTQ muny’s legal protectns, which self creas social acceptance.</p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null"><a href="><i>Don’t miss any of TMC’s smart analysis! Sign up for our newsletter. </i></a></p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null"><a href="><i>Andrew Flor</i></a><i> (</i><a href="><i>@DrAndrewFlor</i></a><i>) is assistant profsor of ernment at Amerin Universy and visg scholar at the Williams Instute.</i></p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><div class="cb dn db-ns" data-qa="article-body-ad" data-ttid="article-body-ad-sktop"><div aria-hidn="te" class="hi-for-prt relative flex jtify-center ntent-box ems-center b bh mb-md mt-none pt-lg pb-lg" style="m-height:250px;borr-top-lor:;borr-bottom-lor:"><div class="center absolute w-100 borr-box" style="top:"><div class="dib gray-dark pl-xs pr-xs font-sans-serif light font-xxxxs lh-md" style="--primary-borr-lor:"></div></div><div data-ttid="placeholr-box" class="w-100 h-100 absolute flex flex-lumn jtify-center borr-box bg-offwhe" style="width:300px;height:250px"><div class="flex flex-lumn jtify-center font-sans-serif center font-xxs light gray-dark lh-md"><div>Advertisement</div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><div class="cb db dn-ns" data-qa="article-body-ad" data-ttid="article-body-ad-mobile"><div aria-hidn="te" class="hi-for-prt relative flex jtify-center ntent-box ems-center b bh mb-md mt-sm pt-sm pb-sm" style="m-height:250px;borr-top-lor:;borr-bottom-lor:"><div class="center absolute w-100 borr-box" style="top:"><div class="dib gray-dark pl-xs pr-xs font-sans-serif light font-xxxxs lh-md" style="--primary-borr-lor:"></div></div><div data-ttid="placeholr-box" class="w-100 h-100 absolute flex flex-lumn jtify-center borr-box bg-offwhe" style="width:300px;height:250px"><div class="flex flex-lumn jtify-center font-sans-serif center font-xxs light gray-dark lh-md"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null"><a href="><i>Charl Gossett</i></a><i> is emer profsor of polil science</i> <i>and public policy and admistratn at California State Universy, Sacramento.</i></p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null"><a href="><i>Gabriele Magni</i></a><i> (</i><a href="><i>@gabmagni</i></a><i>) is assistant profsor of polil science at Loyola Marymount Universy.</i></p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null"><a href="><i>Andrew Reynolds</i></a><i> (</i><a href="><i>@AndyReynoldsPU</i></a><i>) is a faculty member the School of Public and Internatnal Affairs at Prceton Universy.</i></p></div><div class="article-body" data-qa="article-body"><p data-ttid="drop-p-letter" data-el="text" class="wpds-c-cYdRxM wpds-c-cYdRxM-iPJLV-css overriStyl font-py" dir="null"><i>Grace Lutat, Hiram College senr, assisted wh rearch.</i></p></div><div class="wpds-c-ipATMk wpds-c-ipATMk-hCiGAB-removeMobileStyl-te"><div class="wpds-c-dhzjXW wpds-c-dhzjXW-iPJLV-css overriStyl mt-md tt"><div id="gift-share-end" data-ttid="gift-share-end" class="PJLV PJLV-idiqKOk-css hi-for-prt"><button aria-haspopup="dialog" aria-expand="false" aria-ntrols="gift-share-drawer" role="button" tabx="0" aria-label="Share this article" id="gift-share-drawer-ntrol-end" data-ttid="gift-share-drawer-ntrol-end" class="wpds-c-PJLV wpds-c-gsmDXe wpds-c-gsmDXe-iIVoLq-placement-Shortcut foc-highlight"><div class="wpds-c-UazGY" id="gift-share-shortcut" data-ttid="gift-share-shortcut"><svg xmlns=" fill="var(--wpds-lors-primary)" viewBox="0 0 16 16" aria-hidn="te" focable="false" role="img" class="wpds-c-fVfumU "><path fill="currentColor" d="M8 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gay senators

Thirteen votg members of the 118th Congrs intify as lbian, gay or bisexual – the hight number of openly LGB members history.



Jacksonville Jaguars associate strength ach Kev Maxen has e out as gay. * gay senators *

I., and the first openly gay mayor of a state pal -- has reprented Rho Island's First Congrsnal District sce 2011. She mak history as Kansas's first LGBTQ member of Congrs and the first gay Native Amerin woman elected to Congrs. Gay ngrsman Sean Patrick Maloney won reelectn 2018 to ntue reprentg New York's 18th District.

Mark Pon is a gay polician and former small-bs owner who first took office the U.


Behd the succs of the Rpect for Marriage Act was a group of proment Republins, some of them gay, who worked to persua G.O.P. senators that embracg was a polil wner. * gay senators *

'Shocked': Gay senator nonted Rub as he lled bill 'stupid waste of time' elevator.

Tammy Baldw, the Wisns Democrat who is also the first known gay polician elected to the US Senate. -based profsnal league to e out as gay. Michael Sam beme the first openly gay player to be drafted when the then-St.

For s, the William Way LGBT Communy Center has sat at the heart of Philalphia’s gayborhood, offerg art shows, unselg servic, vacce clics and a slew of other health and hog assistance to rints as the center’s agg headquarters started to show s wear, s lears turned to Washgton for some help.


* gay senators *

8 ln feral aid for renovatns — until Hoe Republins mounted an extraordary blocka this week, nyg a requt to fund the anizatn and other lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr-foced groups two last year’s electns, Republin lawmakers creasgly have seized on the power of the feral purse, uplg their csa for stery wh a fierce ph to advance a nservative social agenda.

In state legislatur across the untry, party lawmakers recently have moved to adopt a rerd number of rtrictns that lim gay and transgenr rights, while the GOP’s printial ndidat have attacked transgenr athlet and rebed schools that teach about genr inty. AdvertisementSKIP ADVERTISEMENTBehd the succs of the Rpect for Marriage Act was a group of proment Republins, some of them gay, who worked to persua G.


Sen. Mar Rub (R-FL) told CNN that a vote on a bill to dify same-sex marriage was a “stupid waste of time” as he was walkg to an elevator where Sen. Tammy Baldw (D-WI), who is gay, was . She talks to CNN’s Jake Tapper about her rponse. * gay senators *

11, 2022WASHINGTON — When the Senate passed landmark legislatn last month to mandate feral regnn for same-sex marriag, the vote was ld as a rare moment of bipartisanship at a time of ep polil polarizatn the the narrow aln of 12 Republins that joed every Democrat support of the measure — which cleared Congrs on Thursday wh fal passage the Hoe, sendg to Print Bin — did not sprg up spontaneoly a groundswell of cross-party the scen, a group of fluential Republin donors and operativ, cludg some of the party’s most proment gay lears wh long experience proddg their party to embrace L.

Senators that backg would give them a polil quiet work helps expla how a bill to ensure regnn of same-sex marriag across the untry went om beg the subject of an electn-season polil manver that few expected to be enacted to an iative embraced by a cisive majory of senators, and an unexpected victory for the gay rights movement that will be one of the fal acts of the Democratic-ntrolled Congrs. Bh’s mpaign manager 2004 and a former chairman of the Republin Natnal Commtee who me out as gay 2010, and Centerle Actn, a centrist nonprof fund by him and Regald Brown, a lawyer Mr. ImageKen Mehlman, seen 2010, has worked to build greater acceptance among Republins for gay- and transgenr-iendly Heisler/The New York TimMr.


Mehlman, who has worked to build greater acceptance among Republins for gay- and transgenr-iendly polici, also leaned on a work of Republins that he enlisted 2019 to urge the Supreme Court to clare that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 explicly prohibs discrimatn agast gay men, lbians and transgenr people the workplace. Tmp; Ben Gsberg, the proment Republin lawyer; Mary Cheney, the openly gay and married dghter of former Vice Print Dick Cheney; Tom Ridge, the former homeland secury secretary unr Mr. More about Annie KarniA versn of this article appears prt on, Sectn A, Page 28 of the New York edn wh the headle: Proment Gay Republins Helped Smooth Way for the Marriage Bill.

California still has an anti-gay marriage law on the books.

Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a subsequent legislative attempt to legalize gay marriage. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage natnally two years later. Hoe Pass Bill Protectg Gay Marriage—47 Republins Vote ‘Y’ (Forb).


Clarence Thomas: Court Should Rensir Gay Marriage, Birth Control Decisns Next After Overturng Roe (Forb). – who 2013 beme the first openly gay U.


Thirteen votg members of the 118th Congrs intify as lbian, gay or bisexual – the hight number of openly LGB members history. Two senators and 11 members of the Hoe of Reprentativ intify as lbian, gay or bisexual, acrdg to a Pew Rearch Center analysis of lawmakers’ official bgraphi, mpaign webs and news reports.

In the 112th Congrs of 2011-13, jt four members – all reprentativ – intified as gay or lbian (and none as bisexual), acrdg to data om the Victory Fund, a polil actn mtee that works to elect LGBTQ policians. Data on the share of Amerins who are gay, lbian or bisexual om Gallup.

As of the 118th Congrs, this clus lbian, gay and bisexual members. In the Hoe, all but one of the 11 openly gay or lbian reprentativ are Democrats.


The exceptn is Republin Gee Santos of New York, who the 2022 midterm cycle beme the first openly gay, non-cumbent Republin to w a ngrsnal electn.

Seven of the 11 openly gay or lbian reprentativ the Hoe are returng members of Congrs. The four newly elected members clu Santos; Robert Garcia, D-Calif., the first openly gay immigrant elected to Congrs; Democrat Eric Sorensen, the first out gay ngrsperson to reprent Illois; and Democrat Bec Balt, the first woman and first openly LGB person to reprent Vermont. Eight of the 11 Hoe members who intify as gay or lbian are gay men and three are lbians.

The two new LGBTQ members of the Hoe will be the first openly gay Ain Amerin and Ao-Lato Congrs members: Mondaire Jon (D-N.


All intify as eher gay or lbian. By sexual orientatn, 64 intify as gay, 56 as lbian, 14 as bisexual, 11 as queer, and four as pansexual.

Openly gay Tony Labranche, who at 18 won a seat the New Hampshire Hoe, will be among the youngt elected officials the number of out LGBTQ state legislators creased om 161 2020 to 175 who will be office 2021, an almost 9 percent crease, raisg the LGBTQ proportn of state legislators om 2.

Tammy Baldw (D-WI), who is gay, was . C., and the forc of homophobia only amplify the nsequence when gay enunters make headl.


Many a gay sex sndal ret the urse of Amerin history and transformed the way natnal lears will be remembered for time immemorial.

Pl Internatnal Airport known by thori as a popular spot for gay trysts saw s most notor occupant ever on June 11, 2007. Pl his emphatic claratn he had "never been gay" prompted men claimg to be his ex-lovers to speak out to the prs.

The two never publicly acknowledged a sexual relatnship, but the closens earns scty even today, pecially wh Hoover's history of antagonizg gay people, but the FBI matas still that there was no evince Hoover was Foley Gets Too DeepHow much trouble did U. Some historians nsir the men to be the first gay print and vice Brgs Down LBJ HonchoWalter Jenks served as Print Lyndon Johnson's chief of staff, and by many acunts was key to brgg the former Texas senator to his historic posn of power.


But the New York Post reported that the polician fact was payg for gay sex an tablishment n by Nazi foreign agents. Alben Barkley that the Army handle such sndal by offerg an officer the tools for suici, acrdg to Charl Kaiser's The Gay Metropolis.


But the cint would be jt one mark on a sndal-plagued reer and he would eventually rign due to tax evasn by SndalIt would be nice if the first out ngrsman to serve Washgton's halls of power fact ma his own cisn to make his homosexualy known to the world. Dan Crane had had an affair wh a female page, Studds had to publicly acknowledge his gay sexualy. He would go on to be an outspoken Hoe member supportg same-sex marriage and other gay rights long before public opn swung a directn helpful to LGBT Social Conservative to Out, Poz ActivistRepublin Congrsman Jon Hson started his reer as a young pol reprentg a socially nservative area of Mississippi.


Florida's Gay State Sen. Shevr Jon Rponds to Don't Say Gay Bill .