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40.88,4.66666667 27.9766667,4.66666667 Z M28,46.6666667 C17.6866667,46.6666667 9.33333333,38.3133333 9.33333333,28 C9.33333333,17.6866667 17.6866667,9.33333333 28,9.33333333 C38.3133333,9.33333333 46.6666667,17.6866667 46.6666667,28 C46.6666667,38.3133333 38.3133333,46.6666667 28,46.6666667 Z M29.1666667,16.3333333 L25.6666667,16.3333333 L25.6666667,30.3333333 L37.9166667,37.6833333 L39.6666667,34.8133333 L29.1666667,28.5833333 L29.1666667,16.3333333 Z" /> </g> </g></svg></i><time class="iCsJz _0Z4Oc" dateTime="2021-02-20T08:03:00Z" data-ttid="date-time">Saturday 20 Febary 2021 at 8:03am</time></div></li></ul></div><figure class="ZN3xR"><picture class="cp_picture"><source type="image/avif" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 1280px)"/><source type="image/avif" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 1024px)"/><source type="image/avif" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 768px)"/><source type="image/avif" srcSet="><source type="image/webp" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 1280px)"/><source type="image/webp" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 1024px)"/><source type="image/webp" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 768px)"/><source type="image/webp" srcSet="><source type="image/eg" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 1280px)"/><source type="image/eg" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 1024px)"/><source type="image/eg" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 768px)"/><source type="image/eg" srcSet="><img class="cp_picture__img" src="></picture><figptn class="Ya3u6 SilLI" data-ttid="ptned-picture-ptn"><span class="mjYl8"> Cred: <!-- -->AP</span></figptn></figure></hear><div class="_074l4 cp_grid__em" data-ttid="article-body"><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"><strong class="_1ATDh">By ITV News Multimedia Producer Suzanne Elltt</strong></p><hr/><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Febary is <a class="qNUzV q7LZa" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/news/topic/lgbt-history-month"><span class="n6NlI">LGBT+ History Month</span></a>, 28 days of celebratn, rmatn, tn and remembrance that aims to raise awarens on matters affectg the <a class="qNUzV q7LZa" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/news/topic/lgbt"><span class="n6NlI">LGBT+</span></a> muny, promotg equaly and diversy across society. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Even today,<strong class="_1ATDh"> </strong>LGBT+ people face prejudice and discrimatn, but for many liv have been improved and saved by those trailblazers and pneers that have gone before. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Here are 10 LGBT+ who have changed the liv or their muny, untry and the world.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"><strong class="_1ATDh">Barbara Gtgs</strong></p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Many of this si of the Atlantic may not know her name, but Ms Gtgs is wily regard as the mother of the LGBT+ civil rights movement, blazg a trail for future generatns durg a time when was dangero to be openly gay. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">In 1958, Ms Gtgs started the New York chapter of the Dghters of Bilis (DOB), the first lbian civil rights anisatn the Uned Stat origally found San Francis.</p><figure class="A8Lwr m-O"><div class="cp_placeholr"></div><figptn class="Ya3u6 SilLI" data-ttid="ptned-picture-ptn">Kay Tob Lahen, 82, an early photographer of the gay rights movement holdg a portra of her late partner Barbara Gtgs,<span class="mjYl8"> Cred: <!-- -->AP</span></figptn></figure><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">She eded the first US lbian magaze, The Ladr om 1963 to 1966, g as a rallyg cry for equaly.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Together wh Frank Kameny, another leadg Amerin gay rights activist, Ms Gtgs helped anise the first public monstratns for gay and lbian equaly. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">The first monstratn ont of Inpennce Hall on July 4, 1964, attracted 40 prottors; by the time of fal prott 1969, that number had more than tripled. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Ms Gtgs' succsful csas for lbian equaly clud promotg gay lerature and elimatg discrimatn Ameri's librari, and mandg the classifitn of homosexualy as a mental disorr by the Amerin Psychiatric Associatn.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"><strong class="_1ATDh">Christe Jensen</strong></p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Christe served the US army durg the Send World War before beg one of the first people the Uned Stat to have genr reassignment surgery. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Her story ma headl across Ameri after she transned the 1950s, her glamour bed wh her heroism a ptivatg mix. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">On December 1, 1952, she ma the ont page of the New York Daily News unr the headle “Ex-GI Be Blon Bety: Operatns Transform Bronx Youth.”</p><figure class="A8Lwr m-O"><div class="cp_placeholr"></div><figptn class="Ya3u6 SilLI" data-ttid="ptned-picture-ptn">Christe Jensen 1977.<span class="mjYl8"> Cred: <!-- -->AP</span></figptn></figure><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">But she was far more than a celebry and she ed her platform to advote for the rights of transgenr people and shape a disurse, fightg hard for equaly. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Ms Jensen fluenced other transgenr people to change their nam on their birth certifit after she was nied a marriage licence bee her birth certifite intified her as a male.</p><hr/><ul class="xhBdb" data-ttid="list"><li class="t9HgO" data-ttid="list-em"><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"><a class="qNUzV q7LZa" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/news/2021-02-16/dismissed-lgbt-veterans-n-apply-to-reclaim-nfisted-medals"><span class="n6NlI">Gay veteran says he has to go 'back to his bully' to reclaim his medals</span></a></p></li><li class="t9HgO" data-ttid="list-em"><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"><a class="qNUzV q7LZa" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/news/2021-02-13/i-wanted-a-space-where-we-uld-reprent-honour-and-celebrate-black-queer-life--the-"><span class="n6NlI">'I wanted a space where we uld reprent, honour and celebrate black queer life the UK'</span></a></p></li></ul><hr/><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"><strong class="_1ATDh">The Glamour Boys</strong></p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Alan Turg was not the only member of the LBGT+ muny to play a part fluencg the ti of the 20th century. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">This group of like-md MPs were among the earlit to warn the untry and the world about the dangers of Hler's rise Germany, and faced ridicule and worse for their urage. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Labelled the Glamour Boys by then prime mister Neville Chamberla as an suatn of their sexualy, the five keys members, Robert Bernays, Ronald Cartland, Victor Cazalet, John Maamara, and Anthony Muirhead had their phon tapped, were harassed, and threatened wh selectn and exposure for refg to be silenced. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">As regular visors to Berl, the men saw first hand the persecutn of Jewish people and other mory groups cludg homosexuals. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">They refed to be silenced and were stmental Bra not bowg to Hler. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">When war me, they enlisted; four of them died actn. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"><strong class="_1ATDh">Osr Wil</strong></p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Flamboyant Irish dramatist, novelist, poet and w, Wil was a glterg star of late Victorian London society, a huge h wh those who were very often the target of his satiril eye. <span class="LjyUJ"></span><span class="LjyUJ"></span>His ic masterpiec have ensured his legacy, cludg Lady Wrmere's Fan (1892), A Woman of No Importance (1893), An Ial Hband (1895) and The Importance of Beg Earnt (1895), were ntemporary hs, and ntue to be performed today, wh many turned to films, but his illtr reer was cut celly short. </p><figure class="A8Lwr m-O"><div class="cp_placeholr"></div><figptn class="Ya3u6 SilLI" data-ttid="ptned-picture-ptn">Osr Wil was an Irish poet and playwright</figptn></figure><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">In 1884, Wil married a wealthy Englishwoman, Constance Lloyd and the uple had two sons. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">His homosexualy was somethg of an open secret upon his circl, spe beg illegal at the time. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">But his affair wh Lord Aled Douglas was to prove his downfall after 'Bosie's' father the <span class="LjyUJ"></span>Marquis of Queensberry left a llg rd at the playwright's home addrsed to "Osr Wil: Posg Somdome" (sic).</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Wil was so censed by the note that he sued Queensberry for libel, a cisn that would his life. <span class="LjyUJ"></span><span class="LjyUJ"></span>The libel se was thrown out after the urt was prented wh evince of Wil's homosexualy. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Instead, he was arrted on charg of "gross cency" 1895. He was imprisoned for two years Readg Gaol and died poverty three years after his release at the age of 46. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"><strong class="_1ATDh">Alan Turg<span class="LjyUJ"></span></strong>There are few people who n say they lerally changed the urse of history, but Mr Turg's breakg geni did jt that. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Mr Turg and his fellow Bletchley Park breakers ciphered the ary 'Enigma' s ed by Germany and s alli durg the Send World War, a breakthrough that is often creded for shorteng the war by several years. </p><figure class="A8Lwr m-O"><div class="cp_placeholr"></div><figptn class="Ya3u6 SilLI" data-ttid="ptned-picture-ptn">World War Two breaker Alan Turg was given a posthumo royal pardon 2013.<span class="mjYl8"> Cred: <!-- -->PA</span></figptn></figure><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">In 1945, Turg was award an OBE for his wartime work and went on to work on what would be a precursor to puters, the Turg Mache.<span class="LjyUJ"></span> <span class="LjyUJ"></span>But 1952, Mr Turg was arrted for homosexualy – then illegal Bra. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">He was found guilty of ‘gross cency’ and was chemilly strated. In 1954, he was found ad om cyani poisong. An qut led that was suici.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Mr Turg's ccial role crackg the enigma remaed a secret until the 1970s and his story only me to light the 1990s. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">His nvictn was overturned 2013 and he is now a regnised natnal hero and the face of the £50 note. </p><figure class="A8Lwr m-O"><div class="cp_placeholr"></div><figptn class="Ya3u6 SilLI" data-ttid="ptned-picture-ptn">Marta Navratilova and Julia Lemia<span class="mjYl8"> Cred: <!-- -->Rters</span></figptn></figure><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"><strong class="_1ATDh">Marta Navratilova<span class="LjyUJ"></span></strong>Czech-born Navratilova is nsired one of the bt tennis players of all time, her immaculate grass urt game helpg her w a rerd ne Wimbledon tl. Throughout her reer she won an unprecented 59 Grand Slam tl. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">But was not jt her skills on the urt that changed the woman's game and tennis, her urage to live her life on her own terms ma her a champn away om tennis.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">She was the first openly gay athlete, g out 1981 to a world where stutnal homophobia, pecially the rarefied rridors of tennis, was the norm. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Ms Navratilova would spend much of her reer overg prejudic and stereotyp - refg to be anythg other than her te self meant losg lns of dollars endorsement als. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">She ntu to fight for equal rights and a strong supporter of many chari which directly benef the LGBT+ muny. <span class="LjyUJ"></span><span class="LjyUJ"></span><strong class="_1ATDh">Jam Baldw</strong></p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">The Ain Amerin wrer was a bold, brave voice a time before the Amerin Civil Rights movement. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">One of the foremost wrers on the 20th century, his plays, novels and says, cludg Not of a Native Son, explore race and sexualy segregated and homophobic Ameri.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">He beme active the civil rights stggle on his return to the US 1957 after several years Paris. </p><figure class="A8Lwr m-O"><div class="cp_placeholr"></div><figptn class="Ya3u6 SilLI" data-ttid="ptned-picture-ptn">Jam Baldw at his home, June 3, 1963, New York.<span class="mjYl8"> Cred: <!-- -->AP</span></figptn></figure><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Shortly after his arrival Paris, Baldw met seventeen-year-old Swiss artist Lucien Happersberger. “In Paris,” Baldw said, “I didn’t feel socially attacked, but relaxed, and that allowed me to be loved.”<span class="LjyUJ"></span> <span class="LjyUJ"></span><strong class="_1ATDh">Ellen DeGener</strong></p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">The edian and actor turned chat show host was, for many middle Amerins, the first lbian they had heard of - and embraced. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Ms DeGener faced tense tabloid scty after she me out 1997 -   a now famo episo of the ABC s <i>Ellen - </i>that railed her reer and left her prsed. </p><figure class="A8Lwr m-O"><div class="cp_placeholr"></div><figptn class="Ya3u6 SilLI" data-ttid="ptned-picture-ptn">Ellen DeGener prentg an MTV Mic Award. <span class="mjYl8"> Cred: <!-- -->AP</span></figptn></figure><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">It wasn’t until 2003 and the begng of the Ellen DeGener Show that she ma a eback - and what a eback. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Chat show host Ellen DeGener has bee a pneer the fight for LGBT+ equal rights and visibily. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"><strong class="_1ATDh">Frida Kahlo </strong></p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Mexin pater Kahlo was open about her bisexualy at time when uld have signalled the end of her reer. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">She married pater Diego Rivera 1929, but their marriage was never a nventnal one, her lovers moured to clu the sger Josephe Baker and artist Geia O'Keefe. </p><figure class="A8Lwr m-O"><div class="cp_placeholr"></div><figptn class="Ya3u6 SilLI" data-ttid="ptned-picture-ptn">Pater and surrealist Frida Kahlo at home 1939.<span class="mjYl8"> Cred: <!-- -->AP</span></figptn></figure><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Dpe a life changg accint at the age of 18, Kahlo pated right up until the end of her life. Frequently bed bound, she had a mirror built on the ceilg orr to be able to study herself for her now inic self-portras. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">The nstant pa she lived fluenced her patg, but as her work evolved she brought inography om Mexin and digeno culture. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">While her lourful life sometim eclips her talent as an artist, the symbolism, urage and creativy of her patgs ensure that her reputatn as one of the 20th century's great artists ntu. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"><strong class="_1ATDh">Harvey Milk</strong></p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Milk was first openly gay elected official the history of California when he was elected to the San Francis Board of Supervisors 1977.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Even before he took public office he was a vol gay rights advote. An engagg speaker, one of his most famo speech lled for people to e out as a time when took great urage. </p><figure class="A8Lwr m-O"><div class="cp_placeholr"></div><figptn class="Ya3u6 SilLI" data-ttid="ptned-picture-ptn">Harvey Milk pictured takg part a gay eedom para 1978.<span class="mjYl8"> Cred: <!-- -->AP</span></figptn></figure><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">“Gay people, we will not w our rights by stayg quietly our closets... </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"We are g out to fight the li, the myths, the distortns. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"We are g out to tell the tths about gays, for I am tired of the nspiracy of silence, so I’m gog to talk about . And I want you to talk about . You mt e out.”</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">He was assassated nearly a year after takg office aged 48, a fate he had always expected given the opprsn and hatred directed at gay people at the time. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">He rerd several versns of his will, “to be read the event of my assassatn.” </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">One of his tap ntaed the statement: “If a bullet should enter my bra, let that bullet stroy every closet door.” </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">His life was the subject of the 2008 film, Milk. </p><hr/><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"><strong class="_1ATDh">ITV News is showsg the liv, legaci and stori of dividuals throughout LGBT+ History Month, read more the seri </strong><a class="qNUzV q7LZa" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/news/topic/lgbt-history-month"><span class="n6NlI"><strong class="_1ATDh">here</strong></span></a><strong class="_1ATDh">.</strong></p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"></p></div><footer data-ttid="article-footer"><div class="cQTzz C04KI" data-ttid="tag-list"><ul 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gay people in history

The Nazi regime rried out a mpaign agast male homosexualy and persecuted gay men between 1933 and 1945.



This Pri Month, celebrate the famo people who have played a major role the Gay Rights Movement over the years. * gay people in history *

In addn to lnchg the New York chapter of the lbian anizatn, Dghters of Bilis (which she ran form 1958 to 1963), she eded their natnal magaze and was known for standg ont and center picket l prottg anti-gay discrimatn. She is thought to be the first openly gay prime mister the was an active unnist her nearly 10 years workg as a flight attendant, acrdg to the Council of Women World Lears, a work of female heads of state. ”Xavier Bettel Prime Mister of Luxembourg (2013-prent)Luxembourg Prime Mister Xavier Bettel at a news nference Belgra, Serbia, on July Vojovic / APBettel was first elected prime mister of Luxembourg 2013, and 2018 he beme the first openly gay prime mister the world to be re-elected for a send marriage beme legal Luxembourg 2015, and the same year Bettel beme the first servg European Unn lear to marry a same-sex partner, the BBC recently cricized a Hungarian law that bans school tnal materials and TV shows for people unr 18 that are emed to promote LGBTQ ntent, Rters reported.

“Hopefully this will blow over three or four days, and then I won’t be known as the gay mister, ” she told The Associated Prs at the Varadkar Prime Mister of Ireland (2017-20, 2022-prent)Irish Prime Mister Leo Varadkar Bssels on June 30. The basels claim that chemils – particularly tap water – uld turn people gay has gaed populary wh nspiracy theorists over the years, most memorably wh nservative rad host Alex Jon, who said chemils the water were “turng the igg’ ogs gay. Edutn Board Remov LGBTQ Support Docs Over Don't Say Gay Law ›Florida Board of Edutn OK's Anti-LGBTQ+ Polici, Sanized View of Slavery ›Ron DeSantis Inv Kamala Harris to Discs Slavery Standards wh Homophobe Who Wrote Them ›.

By the end of the 20th century, the word gay was remend by major LGBT groups and style guis to scribe people attracted to members of the same sex, although is more monly ed to refer specifilly to men.


As Edgars Rkēvičs be the first openly gay print Latvia’s history, here’s a glimpse at other openly gay heads of state om around the world. * gay people in history *

Later the North Wt Commtee was transformed to the Campaign for Homosexual Equaly (CHE), which was the largt LGBT anizatn there has ever been the UK, wh more than 5, 000 members and 120 lol groups all over the untry when was at s biggt. Lambda is an Amerin civil rights anizatn that foc on lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) muni as well as people livg wh HIV/AIDS (PWAs) through impact ligatn, societal tn, and public policy work.

Chris Vogel and Rich North, a gay uple om Wnipeg, Canada, shock the world by beg the first homosexual uple to publicly marry a church and file a legal challenge to the untry’s ban on same-sex marriage.


Democratic printial ndidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a history of repeatedly sharg unfound nspiraci that man-ma chemils the environment uld be makg children gay or transgenr and g the femizatn of boys and masculizatn of girls. * gay people in history *

The term gay is equently ed as a synonym for homosexual; female homosexualy is often referred to as different tim and different cultur, homosexual behavur has been varly approved of, tolerated, punished, and banned. Morn velopments Attus toward homosexualy are generally flux, partially as a rult of creased polil activism (see gay rights movement) and efforts by homosexuals to be seen not as aberrant personali but as differg om “normal” dividuals only their sexual orientatn.

The nflictg views of homosexualy—as a variant but normal human sexual behavur on one hand, and as psychologilly viant behavur on the other—rema prent most societi the 21st century, but they have been largely rolved ( the profsnal sense) most veloped untri.

The Ksey report of 1948, for example, found that 30 percent of adult Amerin mal among Ksey’s subjects had engaged some homosexual activy and that 10 percent reported that their sexual practice had been exclively homosexual for a perd of at least three years between the ag of 16 and 55.


Durg Prohibn, gay nightlife and culture reached new heights—at least temporarily. * gay people in history *

After the 1969 Stonewall rts, which New York Cy policemen raid a gay bar and met wh staed ristance, many homosexuals were embolned to intify themselv as gay men or lbians to iends, to relativ, and even to the public at large. In rponse to their activism, many jurisdictns enacted laws banng discrimatn agast homosexuals, and an creasg number of employers Ameri and European untri agreed to offer “domtic partner” benefs siar to the health re, life surance and, some s, pensn benefs available to heterosexual married upl. In one such stance, Albania repealed s sodomy statut 1995, and gay upl Amsterdam 2001 were legally married unr the same laws that ern heterosexual marriage (rather than unr laws that allowed them to “register” or form “domtic” partnerships).


The gay rights movement the Uned Stat began the 1920s and saw huge progrs the 2000s, wh laws prohibg homosexual activy stck down and a Supreme Court lg legalizg same-sex marriage. * gay people in history *

However, most shared wh gay men the sire to have a secure place the world muny at large, unchallenged by the fear of vlence, the stggle for equal treatment unr the law, the attempt to silence, and any other form of civil behavur that impos send-class article was most recently revised and updated by Alison Eldridge. The Begngs of a New Gay World“In the late 19th century, there was an creasgly visible prence of genr-non-nformg men who were engaged sexual relatnships wh other men major Amerin ci, ” says Chad Heap, a profsor of Amerin Studi at Gee Washgton Universy and the thor of Slummg: Sexual and Racial Enunters Amerin Nightlife, 1885-1940.

By the 1920s, gay men had tablished a prence Harlem and the bohemian mec of Greenwich Village (as well as the seedier environs of Tim Square), and the cy’s first lbian enclav had appeared Harlem and the Village.


Each gay enclave, wrote Gee Chncey his book Gay New York: Genr, Urban Culture, and the Makg of the Gay Male World, 1890-1940, had a different class and ethnic character, cultural style and public reputatn. ”At the same time, lbian and gay characters were beg featured a slew of popular “pulp” novels, songs and on Broadway stag (cludg the ntroversial 1926 play The Captive) and Hollywood—at least prr to 1934, when the motn picture dtry began enforcg censorship guil, known as the Hays Co. ” By the post-World War II era, a larger cultural shift toward earlier marriage and suburban livg, the advent of TV and the anti-homosexualy csas champned by Joseph McCarthy would help ph the flowerg of gay culture reprented by the Pansy Craze firmly to the natn’s rear-view mirror.

Barbara GtgsMany of this si of the Atlantic may not know her name, but Ms Gtgs is wily regard as the mother of the LGBT+ civil rights movement, blazg a trail for future generatns durg a time when was dangero to be openly gay. In 1958, Ms Gtgs started the New York chapter of the Dghters of Bilis (DOB), the first lbian civil rights anisatn the Uned Stat origally found San Tob Lahen, 82, an early photographer of the gay rights movement holdg a portra of her late partner Barbara Gtgs, Cred: APShe eded the first US lbian magaze, The Ladr om 1963 to 1966, g as a rallyg cry for equaly. Ms Gtgs' succsful csas for lbian equaly clud promotg gay lerature and elimatg discrimatn Ameri's librari, and mandg the classifitn of homosexualy as a mental disorr by the Amerin Psychiatric Associatn.

But was not jt her skills on the urt that changed the woman's game and tennis, her urage to live her life on her own terms ma her a champn away om was the first openly gay athlete, g out 1981 to a world where stutnal homophobia, pecially the rarefied rridors of tennis, was the norm.


One of the foremost wrers on the 20th century, his plays, novels and says, cludg Not of a Native Son, explore race and sexualy segregated and homophobic beme active the civil rights stggle on his return to the US 1957 after several years Paris. Harvey MilkMilk was first openly gay elected official the history of California when he was elected to the San Francis Board of Supervisors before he took public office he was a vol gay rights advote. Where homosexual activy or viance om tablished genr rol/drs was banned by law or tradnal ctom, such nmnatn might be munited through sensatnal public trials, exile, medil warngs, and language om the pulp.

However, throughout 150 years of homosexual social movements (roughly om the 1870s to today), lears and anizers stggled to addrs the very different ncerns and inty issu of gay men, women intifyg as lbians, and others intifyg as genr variant or nonbary. Such eyewns acunts the era before other media were of urse riddled wh the bias of the (often) Wtern or Whe observer, and add to beliefs that homosexual practic were other, foreign, savage, a medil issue, or evince of a lower racial hierarchy.

The European powers enforced their own crimal s agast what was lled sodomy the New World: the first known se of homosexual activy receivg a ath sentence North Ameri occurred 1566, when the Spanish executed a Frenchman Florida. Biblil terpretatn ma illegal for a woman to wear pants or a man to adopt female drs, and sensatnalized public trials warned agast “viants” but also ma such martyrs and hero popular: Joan of Arc is one example, and the chillg origs of the word “faggot” clu a stick of wood ed public burngs of gay men.


Gay Rights - Movement, Marriage & Flag | HISTORY .