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elder gay

Elr Robert C. Gay was staed as a General Authory Seventy of The Church of J Christ of Latter-day Sats on March 31, 2012. He was given emer stat on October 1, 2021.



* elder gay *

Gay was staed as a General Authory Seventy of The Church of J Christ of Latter-day Sats on March 31, 2012. Personal LifeRobert Christopher Gay was born Los Angel, California, on September 1, 1951. Profsnal LifeElr Gay served as chairman of the Self-Reliance Servic and Perpetual Edutn Fund Commtee, print of the Asia North Area, and as a member of the missnary executive uncil, the executive mtee of the Church Edutnal System, and Princy of the Seventy, where he assisted the supervisn of the North Ameri Northeast, Asia, and Asia North Areas.

WE ARE A GROUP OF GAY MEN, more or ls fifty-five or olr, who have assembled to support each other beg gay elrs.


Elr Robert C. Gay was staed as a General Authory Seventy of The Church of J Christ of Latter-day Sats on March 31, 2012. * elder gay *

We e om a wi range of backgrounds and are uned our primary purpose of beg eful to younger gay men and of service to the gay and larger muny. The GAY ELDER CIRCLE is signed to assist gay men and others to make the transn om adult to elr, the procs nscly assumg a new role the muny—a life of ntug efulns to to others wh the ntext of group support, enuragement, and genue brotherhood.

After beg a General Authory, Elr Gay served as Chairman of the Self-Reliance Servic and Perpetual Edutn Fund Commtee and as Print of the Asia North Area.


Gay Elr Circle .