33 Major Pros & Cons Of Gay Marriage - E&C

pros and con of gay marriage

The issue on same-sex marriage or gay marriage has been a ntroversial topic for so many years now, wh several untri worldwi have ma legal while others still are firm on their stand to ban . Gay marriage is a unn or marriage between two people of the same sex through a civil ceremony or church. Although was not acknowledged legally for s and some even nsired a taboo, some untri have broaned their perspective and take on this ntent issue. Some of the untri that have legalized same-sex marriage are the Netherlands, Argenta, France, Spa, the Uned Kgdom, Brazil and jt years ago, the Uned Stat. Sce June 2, 2015, same-sex marriage has bee legal natnwi. The LGBT muny nsirs this a feat but for them, the battle isn't over yet. Dpe this achievement, not everybody disagre and have their views on the issue. List of Advantag of Gay Marriage 1. Legal Rights Protectn One of the most eful advantag of legalizg marriage is the protectn giv the uple when to health re, fanc and tax. Before, two people who are habatg and a homosexual relatnship livg as upl are not given the secury of protectg what both have them earned and saved together. If a partner di, the survivg lover do not have the right to the property unr the name of the ceased even if both of them have paid for the property. Wh the legalizatn of gay marriage, they are now nsired by the state they live as legally married so they now n enjoy tax breaks given to heterosexual married upl and are entled to bee heirs to their spo. This also clus signg documents together as a uple and open jot acunts and purchase properti together. 2. Lsens Stigma Legalizg gay marriage also migated the discrimatn and stigma on homosexuals bee makg the unn or marriage legal giv gay upl the affirmatn that they are accepted not only by society but also the state. For so many years, there have been stori about discrimatn of homosexuals as well as crime mted agast them. Today, no one n be ostracized and discrimated the workplace or be nied om marryg his or her partner bee of sexual orientatn. 3. Giv Right to Start a Fay There have been lbian and gay upl who want to start a fay and have their own children. Before, this was not allowed and looked at negatively by society. If ever one partner already has children, the other partner do not have the right to be an adoptive parent or if ever, they procs do not work on their favor and tak years to be pleted. Wh the legalizatn, gay upl n now adopt children jt as straight upl n. They n even have children of their own through vro fertilizatn or by gettg surrogate mothers or sperm donors. 4. Giv Equal Laws Homosexual relatnships are also the same wh heterosexual relatnships when to the mistak or ab that n happen between two people. However, unlike straight married upl who n file for adultery, divorce and fily, gay upl were not given the same purview of the law before. Wh gay marriage, married homosexuals n now file for divorce and sue their partners wh adultery or fily. Also, se of divorce, the other one n receive alimony and their children will be given child support. List of Disadvantag of Gay Marriage 1. Affects Child Development Even if gay parents are allowed to adopt or have children, havg two parents of the same sex might not be healthy or what's bt for the children volved. The kids need both a father and a mother image to have a balance and normal childhood. Genr rol n be hard to play pecially if blogil and physil aspects are the issue. If a boy grows up wh two women, wh the other one playg the role of the father or both plays the role of mothers, father image will be lackg and the uple nnot answer qutns typilly asked by boys to fathers, say, the physil chang the body. Same go for girls livg wh two-male parents. 2. Burns the Divorce System Another disadvantage of allowg gay people to marry is the fact that when thgs don't work out and they file for divorce, they will add to the number of s pendg urt and the burn put on the legal system terms of urt proceedgs for divorce, alimony and child support will be doubled while the problems would have been lsened if gay marriage were not legalized. 3. Prone to Bullyg Even if gay marriage is already legalized, not all accept and embrace this practice, particularly kids. Opponents of gay marriage claim that makg this marriage between homosexuals legal n brg problems the future pecially when children are volved. Children of homosexuals and lbians may be prone to bullyg at schools and some even end up beg physilly hurt by other kids. 4. Possibily of Tax Increase Wh the tax benefs to be given to survivg legal partners, this n be add expense for the ernment. Some people are thkg that wh the legalizatn of same-sex marriage and the crease tax benefs, the ernment will be prompted to raise tax orr to afford the add expens. 5. Affects Adoptn Procs By allowg married gay upl to legally adopt children and given that they might fd difficult and expensive to have children of their own, there will be an crease the number of child adoptn applitns. This might lead to more straight upl who are also terted to adopt not beg given prry sce they have bigger chanc to have their own children. Dpe the legalizatn of gay marriage, this topic will rema to be a ntent issue pecially that not all n accept and will accept the ia of two people wh the same genr to be married a relig ceremony.



Proponents ntend that gay marriage bans are discrimatory and unnstutnal, opponents ague that marriage is primarily for procreatn. * pros and con of gay marriage *

On July 25, 2014 Miami-Da County Circu Court Judge Sarah Zabel led Florida’s gay marriage ban unnstutnal and stated that the ban “serv only to hurt, to discrimate, to prive same-sex upl and their fai of equal digny, to label and treat them as send-class cizens, and to em them unworthy of participatn one of the fundamental stutns of our society. The Amerin Psychologil Associatn, Amerin Psychiatric Associatn, and others nclud that legal gay marriage giv upl “accs to the social support that already facilat and strengthens heterosexual marriag, wh all of the psychologil and physil health benefs associated wh that support.

2016 printial ndidate and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fra stated that civil unns are aquate as an equivalent to marriage: “Benefs are beg btowed to gay upl [ civil unns]… I believe we need to rpect those who believe that the word marriage has a spirual foundatn… Why n’t we rpect and tolerate that while at the same time sayg ernment nnot btow benefs unequally. Court papers filed July 2014 by attorneys fendg Arizona’s gay marriage ban stated that “the State regulat marriage for the primary purpose of channelg potentially procreative sexual relatnships to endurg unns for the sake of jog children to both their mother and their father… Same-sex upl n never provi a child wh both her blogil mother and her blogil father.


Gay marriage, also known as same-sex marriage, has been legal the US sce 2015. Learn what both parti thk about the pros and ns of this issue. * pros and con of gay marriage *

Lee Badgett, PhD, Director of the Center for Public Policy and Admistratn at the Universy of Massachetts at Amherst, stated that for many gay activists “marriage means adoptg heterosexual forms of fay and givg up distctively gay fay forms and perhaps even gay and lbian culture. Pla Ettelbrick, JD, Profsor of Law and Women’s Studi, wrote 1989, “Marriage ns ntrary to two of the primary goals of the lbian and gay movement: the affirmatn of gay inty and culture and the validatn of many forms of relatnships. Queer activist Anrs Zanichkowsky stated June 2013 that the then mpaign for gay marriage “tentnally and malicly eras and exclus so many queer people and cultur, particularly trans and genr non-nformg people, poor queer people, and queer people non-tradnal fai… marriage thks non-married people are viant and not tly servg of civil rights.

In Islamic tradn, several hadhs (passag attributed to the Prophet Muhammad) nmn gay and lbian relatnships, cludg the saygs “When a man mounts another man, the throne of God shak, ” and “Sihaq [lbian sex] of women is za [illegimate sexual terurse].


Matt Barber, Associate Dean for Onle Programs at Liberty Universy School of Law, stated, “Every dividual engaged the homosexual liftyle, who has adopted a homosexual inty, they know, tuively, that what they’re dog is immoral, unnatural, and self-stctive, yet they thirst for that affirmatn. A 2003 set of guil signed by Pope John Pl II stated: “There are absolutely no grounds for nsirg homosexual unns to be any way siar or even remotely analogo to God’s plan for marriage and fay… Marriage is holy, while homosexual acts go agast the natural moral law. The vast majory of scientific studi that have directly pared lbian and gay parents wh heterosexual parents have nsistently shown that the same-sex upl are as f and pable parents as heterosexual upl, and that their children are jt as psychologilly healthy and well adjted.

In 1989, Denmark beme the first untry the world to offer civil unns to same-sex partners, which offered some (but not all) marriage rights to gay 2001, the Netherlands passed a bill legalizg gay marriage — the first untry to do so, as well as the first 2003, Belgium legalized same-sex 2003, urts two Canadian provc cid that gay marriage was a nstutnal right Ontar, then Brish Columbia. In 2005, Canada legalized same-sex marriage natnwi — the first untry North Ameri to do 2006, South Ai beme the first Ain untry to legalize same-sex 2010, Argenta beme the first South Amerin untry to legalize gay 2013, New Zealand beme the first Oceanic untry to legalize same-sex 2019, Taiwan beme the first Asian natn to legalize gay recently 2022, all Mexin jurisdictns had legalized gay marriage, eher by legislatn, executive actn, or a Supreme Court orr. Another disadvantage of allowg gay people to marry is the fact that when thgs don’t work out and they file for divorce, they will add to the number of s pendg urt and the burn put on the legal system terms of urt proceedgs for divorce, alimony and child support will be doubled while the problems would have been lsened if gay marriage were not legalized.


O’Rourke, ComedianGay marriag are a que ntroversial there are many arguments for the legalizatn of gay marriag, there are also numero problems related to this this article, the pros and ns of gay marriage are discsed tail.

Equal rights for everyoneProhibn of gay marriage as outdated historil nstctEqual benefs for all uplGay marriag are part of a morn and tolerant societyCultural valu changed a lot over timePosive health effects for gay uplLower strs levels for self-sex uplDifference between relig and legal marriage should be maCan also be jtified om a legal and nstutnal perspectiveMay be nsired as a human rightCan help that more orphans get adoptedStigmatizatn of adopted children om gay upl n be avoidPeople n live their life to s fulltProhibn of gay marriag would discrimate peoplePeople do no longer have to hi their te natureMany celebri embrace the ia of gay marriageIncreasg number of people nsir gay marriag as normalOne important argument for gay marriag is that everyone our society should have equal rights to do whatever they want to do as long as they do not harm others. However, our nowadays society, there is far ls need for addnal children and same-sex marriage and therefore, the historil reasons why gay marriag had been prohibed the past may be missg our current long as gay upl are not allowed to marry, they will also not get the same benefs as married upl wh different sex. However, this n be nsired to be que unfair sce all marriag should be treated as equally important, which also impli that the benefs for all sorts of upl should be siar or even, allowg gay marriag n also help to improve the accs to benefs for gay general, we often claim to be so tolerant our society while fact, many people are not tolerant at are still many mori that are discrimated agast due to their race, genr and other herent should be handipped due to those herent characteristics and therefore, gay marriag are another step towards a more tolerant, morn and open society that embrac a variety of different liftyl and same-sex marriag would have been unthkable jt a few centuri ago, our cultural valu changed que a fact, people our nowadays society often try new thgs, want to expand their knowledge and their experience and try to really figure out what they want to do wh their, gay marriage would give those people an addnal tool to change the cultural valu our society even further.


Allowg gay marriag would also greatly benef the overall health of gay fact, our current society, many people who have an tert the same sex have to hi their feelgs sce beg gay is still nsired to be tolerable by many people our n lead to ser emotnal nflicts, which may turn to severe mental issu the long n. However, by allowg gay marriag, the overall level of tolerance our society would likely crease, which would lead to a state where gay upl uld eely live their liftyle whout havg to worry to get physilly or mentally turn, chanc are that this would also greatly improve their overall health gay upl do no longer have to fear gettg attacked by other people, chanc are that also their overall strs levels will drop turn, the people uld enjoy their liv much more whout havg to worry about the opns of others too much anymore. However, the state uld still allow gay marriag om a legal, relign and law uld be separated and gay marriag uld be allowed a non-relig many untri, there are nstutns place which state that everyone our society should have equal rights and should be able to make ee cisns for his or her life.


Consequently, also om a nstutnal perspective, allowg gay marriag would make que a lot of om nstutnal ameworks, gay marriag may also be nsired as human right by many are not god and we should not dictate other people how they should live their liv. However, if we allow gay marriag and also give those gay upl adoptn rights, more orphans uld be turn, the overall chanc of those orphans to succeed life uld be creased our current state of the world, the overall level of acceptance towards gay upl is still rather limed many regns of our pla.

However, if we allow gay marriag those untri, chanc are that the overall acceptance society would crease and also the social stigma towards self-sex marriag uld be turn, also children who had been adopted by gay upl uld benef sce they would have an easier time school and life far as we know, we only have a sgle life and mak sense that we live our life to s fullt whenever we therefore mak sense to also allow gay marriag so that also gay people n do what they want life and are not rtricted by legal prohibn of gay marriag n also be nsired as a form of ser discrimatn. However, if ernments those untri allow same-sex marriag, chanc are that the overall level of tolerance towards gay upl would crease turn, people uld show the world who they really are stead of havg to hi their te are also many celebri out there who embrace the ia of gay n be que important orr to improve tolerance towards gay marriage our who currently are agast gay marriage may change their mds if their idols speak up for the allowance of same-sex marriag and our society will bee more tolerant towards alternative liftyl people our current society also nsir gay marriag as part of the lol culture.


Dependg on the regn, people do no longer differentiate between straight and gay upl and therefore, there may no longer be a reason to prohib gay marriage at marriage may nflict wh relig beliefsSelf-sex marriage may nflict wh cultural valuMany people still nsir as dodgyWe need children to sta our populatnTolerance towards gay upl is still missgOpponents claim that gay marriage is agast human natureGay marriage may vlate certa tradnsMarriage may lose s importance our societyOpponents of gay marriage claim that is immoralRaisg kids hoeholds wh mother and father works btMay only be the begng of the erosn of cultural nceptsMarriage should be lked to procreatnNot allowed many untri yetSome people rather claim to abandon the ncept of marriage generalSame-sex marriag n be expensive for the stateAcceptance towards gay upl may be lackg even if they are allowed to marryApart om the var advantag of allowg gay marriag, there are still some downsis related to this disadvantage of gay marriage is that this ncept may nflict wh relig beliefs of many sorts. For stance, the bible, gay marriag are not nsired to be the right way to people all over the world are still que relig and take the words of the bible and other scriptur que, those regns, allowg gay marriag may be que problematic sce many people would simply not tolerate this ncept om a relig marriag may also not be le wh historil cultural valu.

In fact, gay marriage was never allowed the history of mankd and opponents of self-sex marriag often claim that we should therefore not allow cultur have not tolerated gay marriag for thoands of years, might make no sense to tolerate those social nstcts our current though the level of tolerance towards mori and also to self-sex marriag has creased que a lot over the past years some regns, there are still untri where the level of tolerance regardg gay marriage is still que low. People who live those regns often nsir gay marriag to be dodgy and not a thg that should be officially, many regns all over the world, gay upl may still have a hard time when to marryg sce the general public will still be que skeptil about this ncept. Another problem of gay marriage is that the human populatn may drop signifintly over the actn of gay upl be too high, chanc are that fewer children will be though this uld be beneficial for our environment to a certa extent, uld also lead to ser problems if we don’t have sufficient children that are borne.


Pros and Cons of Gay Marriage - Pros an Cons .