Chat Gay Guatemala

guatemala gay

Come learn about the LGBT aspects of Guatemala om !



* guatemala gay *

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(New York) – Unintified assailants killed two transgenr women and one gay man Guatemala separate attacks wh the span of one week, cludg Andrea González, the lear of a trans rights anizatn, Human Rights Watch said today.


Unintified assailants killed two transgenr women and one gay man Guatemala separate attacks wh the span of one week, cludg Andrea González, the lear of a trans rights anizatn. * guatemala gay *

Guatemalan civil society anizatns reported that the 3 recent killgs brg the total killgs of lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr (LGBT) people so far 2021 to at least 13. The Natnal Observatory of LGBTIQ+ Human Rights reported that a gay man was gunned down on June 14 Moral, Izabal. And if the small town life is not for you, Guatemala Cy is only one hour away—you’ll fd tablished gay bars and clubs there, as well as all the other ameni of a typil urbanized area.

While Central Ameri as a whole is not typilly nsired a gay statn, the cy’s laid back attu and growg tourism dtry has brought more LGBT travelers recent years. The queer sensibily here is unique, and though is a b more most than some other statns, Antigua Guatemala is tly a hidn gem for the adventuro gay traveler. Antigua, Guatemala Gay-Friendly Activi & Attractns.

Though small, the gay muny self is iendly and welg, tegratg seamlsly wh the rt of Antigua. The untry is largely homophobic, so 's remend to be mdful of your safety while travelg Antigua or elsewhere Guatemala.


Wh s lorful buildgs, bbltone streets, volnic backdrop, and iendly culture, Antigua Guatemala is a low-key hotpot for LGBT travelers. Use this gay gui to Antigua, Guatemala to fd the bt thgs to do. * guatemala gay *

Expect the lowlands around Tikal to be hot and humid and the volnos to be que GuatemalaThough homosexualy is legal for persons over 18 years of age, the realy is that Guatemala is a mostly Catholic and socially nservative untry not entirely acceptg of the LGBTQ muny.

You’ll fd Guatemala’s most lively gay scene the pal cy, where there’s a smatterg of gay bars and an annual Pri ftival. That said, public displays of affectn are ill-advised anywhere the untry, and even tourist hot-spots, expect the gay muny to be discreet. Atlán Lake | Photo: Mar Anton ReyDay 6: Drive to Semuc Champey (via Cobán)The next spot on our gay Guatemala erary is a b of a trek, so ’s bt to break the seven-hour journey up wh a stop at Coban.

This will be your base for visg the inic Tikal Rus—next up on your gay Guatemala erary. Congro apeba una ley que prohíbe el matrimon homosexual.


Disver the ultimate Gay Guatemala erary: imperable jungl, volno-rged Lake Atlan, palm-led surf breaks and more. * guatemala gay *

El Congro Guatemala votó a favor una ley que prohíbe el matrimon homosexual y eleva la pena prisión por aborto, que solo se perme en el país cuando la vida la madre rre peligro.

El 17 mayo 1990 la Organización Mundial la Salud, OMS, elimó a la homosexualidad la lista enfermedas mental. Por e motivo en te día se celebra el Día Internacnal ntra la Homofobia, Transfobia y la Bifobia a nivel mundial. Es un gpo apoyo  Padr, faiar y amigos lbianas y gay cuya misión promover la salud y el bientar las personas LGBT l lectivo Guatemala.

Con su primer rrido sobre un amor gay Los Tigr l Norte maniftaron su apoyo a una unidad que sigue enentando rechazo, jando sorprendidos a muchos s fans al cucharla por primera vez en s nciertos.


Aldo Davila took office this month as Guatemala's first ever openly gay member of parliament. He spoke to DW about this historic moment a untry where homophobia is still rampant. * guatemala gay *

Now Davila, who himself is openly gay, has bee the untry's first ever LGBTQI lawmaker. DW: You are Guatemala's first ever openly gay lawmaker. I have always been openly gay and that fact that they voted for me means thgs are changg this untry.

To them, I am not only a gay man but also someone fightg for the rights of the LGBTQI muny, HIV-posive people and those of sexually abed girls. ' Many people still thk homosexualy is purely about sexual relatns.


On Internatnal Women’s Day, March 8, the Guatemalan Congrs passed an extraordarily regrsive “Life and Fay” bill that unrm the rights of women and lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people. Print Alejandro Giammattei announced on March 10 that he would veto the law, notg that vlated ternatnal treati. While outrage around the bill is jtified and should ntue, the bill also serv to divert attentn om the pernic dismantlg of the le of law that the ernment and s alli are currently unrtakg. * guatemala gay *

But gayns is about the polil sire to change thgs. There were homosexual members of parliament before me but they never ma this public or a polil issue. Homophobia and transphobia has led to the murr of many people.

But I want to make clear that I will not not pursue a specific gay agenda parliament.

Guatemala fac challeng protectg the rights of migrants; human rights fenrs; women and girls; and lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people.

A group of lawmakers Guatemala has advanced a bill that would stigmatize transgenr people and curtail children’s and adolcents’ rights to tn, rmatn, and health, Human Rights Watch said today. Congrs should reject the bill and stead addrs the vlence and discrimatn that lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people face the untry. * guatemala gay *

One gay man and two transgenr women—cludg Andrea González, legal reprentative of the advocy group OTRANS Queens of the Night—died separate attacks durg one week June. On Internatnal Women’s Day, March 8, the Guatemalan Congrs passed an extraordarily regrsive “Life and Fay” bill that unrm the rights of women and lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people.

Congrs should reject the bill and stead addrs the vlence and discrimatn that lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people face the untry.

LGBT Rights Guatemala: homosexualy, gay marriage, gay adoptn, servg the ary, sexual orientatn discrimatn protectn, changg legal genr, donatg blood, age of nsent, and more. * guatemala gay *

Guatemala’s Human Rights Ombudsperson’s Office reported that between December 30 and January 2, two trans women and one gay man were murred separate attacks. The UN Commtee on the Rights of the Child has intified lack of “accs to sexual and reproductive health servic and rmatn” as a particular issue for “[a]dolcents who are lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr and tersex. The men who threatened her had phoned to extort her nearly every day for two months 2018, llg her homophobic slurs and misgenrg her.

Ale’s se was one of dozens that Human Rights Watch documented a report published March 2021 on vlence and discrimatn agast lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people Guatemala. The Human Right Ombudsperson’s Office reports that durg the first month of 2021, at least five gay and trans people were killed the untry. In Ale’s se, when she reported the lls to the police, they rpond wh homophobic slurs rather than assistance.

Guatemala’s LGBTQ+ muny is mourng after two transgenr women and a gay man were murred ls than a week durg pri González, a proment activist and lear the transgenr women’s anisatn Otrans Reas la Noche (Queens of the Night) was shot ad on 11 June the street near her home Guatemala Cy.


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