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rel="thor" class="Byle_thor-YGQMoXqnRHQ- Byle_hasProfile-IuU8MCrRlFs-">Bce Ehorn</a>, <a href=" rel="thor" class="Byle_thor-YGQMoXqnRHQ- Byle_hasProfile-IuU8MCrRlFs-">Kyunghee Park</a>, and <a href=" rel="thor" class="Byle_thor-YGQMoXqnRHQ- Byle_hasProfile-IuU8MCrRlFs-">River Davis</a></div><div class="ByleTimtamp_timtamp-K98S5oYW23w-"><div class="Timtamp_timtampWrapper-w-YevWapP-k- ByleTimtamp_timtamp-K98S5oYW23w-" data-ponent="timtamp"><time dateTime="2021-06-16T20:00:07.215Z" data-lole="en-US">June 16, 2021 at 4:00 PM EDT</time></div><span class="ByleTimtamp_updatedTimtamp-SK9GdJmdSNs-">Updated on <!-- --> <div class="Timtamp_timtampWrapper-w-YevWapP-k- ByleTimtamp_updatedTimtamp-SK9GdJmdSNs-" data-ponent="timtamp"><time dateTime="2021-06-19T21:47:33.078Z" data-lole="en-US">June 19, 2021 at 5:47 PM EDT</time></div></span></div></div></div></div></div><div class="SendaryLabel_wrapper-RZbApji3oaY- styl_subscriberLabel__fEUe_ sendary-label" data-ponent="sendary-label"><div class="SendaryLabel_left--njez9clFRM-"><svg width="24" height="24" aria-label="Lock" role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="><tle>Lock</tle><path fill-le="evenodd" clip-le="evenodd" d="M9.5 7C9.5 5.61929 10.6193 4.5 12 4.5C13.3807 4.5 14.5 5.61929 14.5 7V9H9.5V7ZM7 9V7C7 4.23858 9.23858 2 12 2C14.7614 2 17 4.23858 17 7V9H18C19.1046 9 20 9.89543 20 11V18C20 19.1046 19.1046 20 18 20H6C4.89543 20 4 19.1046 4 18V11C4 9.89543 4.89543 9 6 9H7Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg> <div>This article is for <b>subscribers only</b>.</div></div></div><div class=""><p class="Paragraph_text-SqIsdNjh0t0-" data-ponent="paragraph">South Korea’s <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="Lk_lk-tVkXhPLPofs-" data-ponent="lk"> Hyundai Motor Co.</a> has urted the Amerin LGBTQ muny for years, backg a film seri 2019 that featured Shangela—a breakout star of the realy show <em>RuPl’s Drag Race</em>—and sponsorg the Outft Fn QTBIPOC Film Ftival for queer artists of lor. In April the pany unveiled a 60-send mercial, <a href=" tle="Chosen Fay vio: YouTube" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="Lk_lk-tVkXhPLPofs-" data-ponent="lk"> <em>Chosen Fay</em></a>, ma by a gay-owned productn pany wh a st cludg drag queens and a male uple expectg a baby wh a pregnant woman.</p><p class="Paragraph_text-SqIsdNjh0t0-" data-ponent="paragraph">A longtime sponsor of Glaad’s annual media awards, Hyundai received a perfect sre this year’s Human Rights Campaign Foundatn rankg of the bt plac for LGBTQ people to work. The pany is “proud to partner wh anizatns that fight for LGBTQ rights every day,” said <!-- -->Angela Zepeda<!-- -->, chief marketg officer for Hyundai Motor Ameri, an April statement.</p><div class="Placeholr_placeholrParagraphWrapper-yqk1PvmrNoc-"><div class="Placeholr_shimmergParagraph-CAmHW46Yvo4-" data-ponent="placeholr-paragraph"><div class="Placeholr_shimmergLe-eiuBL5rgMWw-" data-ponent="placeholr-le"></div><div class="Placeholr_shimmergLe-eiuBL5rgMWw-" data-ponent="placeholr-le"></div><div class="Placeholr_shimmergLe-eiuBL5rgMWw-" data-ponent="placeholr-le"></div><div class="Placeholr_shimmergLe-eiuBL5rgMWw-" data-ponent="placeholr-le"></div><div class="Placeholr_shimmergLe-eiuBL5rgMWw-" data-ponent="placeholr-le"></div><div class="Placeholr_shimmergLe-eiuBL5rgMWw-" data-ponent="placeholr-le"></div></div><div class="Placeholr_shimmergParagraph-CAmHW46Yvo4-" data-ponent="placeholr-paragraph"><div class="Placeholr_shimmergLe-eiuBL5rgMWw-" data-ponent="placeholr-le"></div><div class="Placeholr_shimmergLe-eiuBL5rgMWw-" data-ponent="placeholr-le"></div><div class="Placeholr_shimmergLe-eiuBL5rgMWw-" data-ponent="placeholr-le"></div><div class="Placeholr_shimmergLe-eiuBL5rgMWw-" data-ponent="placeholr-le"></div><div class="Placeholr_shimmergLe-eiuBL5rgMWw-" data-ponent="placeholr-le"></div><div class="Placeholr_shimmergLe-eiuBL5rgMWw-" data-ponent="placeholr-le"></div></div></div></div><div class="styl_toutWrapper__wEmA8"><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class="TipTout_tipTout-NP387c-VPn4- TipTout_centerAligned-1R3aE3UWtZI-" data-ponent="tip-tout"><div class="TipTout_background-ilqhthmR9OM-">Have a nfintial tip for our reporters?<!-- --> <span class="TipTout_lk-uBZSvGfY87E-">Get Touch</span></div></a><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class="TermalTout_termalTout-jMmQ--E35FQ- TermalTout_centerAligned-dU4kQ27OR90-" data-ponent="termal-tout"><div class="TermalTout_background-ugfAG8JrlcE-"><div class="TermalTout_-7hWexZP6x-U-">Before ’s here, ’s on the<!-- --> <span class="TermalTout_highlight-LKP-y7t--IQ-">Bloomberg Termal</span></div><div class="TermalTout_cta-MhehFIQemMA-"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" role="img" aria-label="Bloomberg Termal" xmlns=" class="TermalTout_in-UNnzMeAfRHw-"><tle>Bloomberg Termal

top 10 lgbt vehicles

While not ourselv gay, we're proud to support our man-lovg brothers and women-lovg sisters makg whatever choic they feel most fortable makg. That clus rs — like the latt fabulo list of most-rearched vehicl on Apparently the Toyota Yaris ntu to take the top spot,…



Apparently, we as a society are so wrapped up the ia of how "gay" objects, clothg styl, and activi are that we n't even leave tomobil out of ! Th, the guys at Car Talk, those te terers of r nversatn, have e up wh the: lists of the top 10 gay and lbian rs. Let's take a look,… * top 10 lgbt vehicles *

It’s no surprise that the vehicl most rearched by gay, lbian, bisexual and transgenr shoppers are those produced by gay-iendly tomakers.

Classifi vehicle manufacturers as gay-iendly or not based on their rporate polici for offerg domtic-partner benefs to their employe the U. Gaywheels has been keepg tabs on gay-iendly vehicl on a quarterly basis for the past 1. “Sce the ceptn of this list, the Top 10 Most-Rearched Vehicl have always e solely om gay-iendly tomakers, leatg the importance of a brand’s rporate polici and posns regard to the gay muny, ” said Joe LaMuraglia, founr of.

Apparently, we as a society are so wrapped up the ia of how "gay" objects, clothg styl, and activi are that we n't even leave tomobil out of ! Th, the guys at Car Talk, those te terers of r nversatn, have e up wh the: lists of the top 10 gay and lbian rs.


OffEnglishCar Talk took a pletely non-scientific poll and queried their lbian and gay listeners, and apparently some straight and bisexual people, too, askg for nomatns of the bt queer vehicl. Nomatns om gays, om lbians, om borg heterosexuals like ... Good for seemg utterly pretent and important the area of At's Wt Camp, where I lived wedged between sorory, so how about the Top 10 Gay Cars?

The 3-seri is on the gay list? Is VW to gay men what Suba is to lbian women? As wh all the rs on the list that have been stereotyped as “gay, ” the Forter is stylish, strayg om the “strong” or “bold” more mascule sign.

The notn that a product is girly or feme was also associated wh beg gay. The general ia was that gay mal were effemate and would have an affy for “girly” products.


You n see how this would have been terpreted as homophobic when the LGBT muny felt margalized and targeted.

There exist r brands that are known as “gay iendly.


One of the pani is Volkswagen, which offers domtic partner verage for their gay staff members. The gays support Volkswagen bee Volkswagen supports them.

I bet you didn’t know this, but gays are said to fancy style while lbians favor fuel enomy. In Febary of 2021, Tla was voted the number one place for gays and lbians alike to work ncerng safety, rights, and regnn.

It is not unmon to see gays and lbians alike drivg a Tla.


The 10 Bt Cars Which to Get Gay-Married &#8211; Feature &#8211; Car and Driver .