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gay tooth fairy

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It’s long been prumed by historians and folklorists that heroic LGBTQ characters simply didn’t exist. But when one ancient gay fairytale was disvered, one amic has explas they were actually eded out of history as recently as the 1960s. * gay tooth fairy *

“The Dog And The Sailor” is a gay fairytale lost for over 200 years, after narrowly ped beg... But one newly released gay fairytale, that n be traced back to at least the 19th century has been disvered by Pete Jordi Wood, the Cornish wrer and illtrator.


Thats what you ll a gay ntist." name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn * gay tooth fairy *

His rearch suggts that not only did gay fairytale “The Dog And The Sailor” exist but that a “whole chunk of LGBTQ folklore” was “leted” by one homophobic man, as recently as the 1950s.

MORE FROM FORBESTalkg About Your Pronouns Is One Easy Way To Be A Transgenr AllyBy Jamie WarehamGay fairytal have always existed, but some have been eded out of history. “In the acpanyg Motif Inx of Folklore he piled the 1920s, and revised the 1950s, he lists ‘Homosexualy’ and ‘Lbianism’ a sectn lled “Unnatural Perversns” wh btialy and ct.

One guy got to choose what stori did or didn’t make the cut what is now the re rource and system for documentg folklore an orr still ed gay folklore was lost when Sh Thompson and other prolific folklore amics imposed their...

gay - Tooth Fairy * gay tooth fairy *

[+] a posive queer story that was passed om generatn to generatn over 200 years agoPete Jordi Wood – The Dog And The SailorMORE FROM FORBESOpenly Gay Indian Prce Jos Calls To Ban LGBT Conversn TherapyBy Jamie WarehamThe Dog And The Sailor is the gay fairytale where the male sailor, gets to kiss Prce Charmg. So after translatg variatns of the story om Danish, German, Frisian, and others; and checkg Thompson’s synopsis was rrect, ntag the same elements or motifs – Pete found an “unbelievably and fabuloly gay” plot.

“Ultimately ’s an ancient tale wh a posive portrayal, of a guy who n be read as gay or asexual, but certaly queer, who is the only person who n feat the evil bee he n rist her bety. But Pete got ‘gay goosebumps’ when he realised what he’d found.

* gay tooth fairy *

“When I started to reunt to my gay iends, they got goosebumps too. “There is extreme paranoia the gay muny surroundg HIV and AIDS, and n sometim e the gay muny to turn on self a b. For example, Oklahoma or Alabama hepatis C and HIV were given to as many as 1, 000 people through their homosexual ntist.

I thk that this, is like, an ditor that many people have AIDS the gay muny and that a lot of gay people no longer want to go to other gay ntists. People ll gay ntists ‘tooth fairi’ bee they are ntists who are gay and the ntists supposedly want to give other people HIV. I thk that people the gay muny are even more aaid of AIDS and HIV then straight people bee we are affected more often, so we have more of the terror stori surroundg the disease.


Why This Charmg Gay Fairytale Has Been Lost For 200 Years .