Roger Gayle Nagle Obuary (1944 - 2023) | Louisville, Kentucky

roger gayle

Roger Gayle is a rint of FL. Lookup the home addrs and phone 3523512818 and other ntact tails for this person



Fd the obuary of Roger Gayle Nagle (1944 - 2023) om Louisville, KY. Leave your ndolenc to the fay on this memorial page or send flowers to show you re. * roger gayle *

Wh heavy hearts, we announce the ath of Roger Gayle Nagle of Louisville, Kentucky, born Evansville, Indiana, who passed away on January 12, 2023 at the age of 78.

After all, explor the heart-wrenchg 1988 homici of Gayle Bars, wh a specific foc on how a simple effort by her children eventually helped brg the se to a satisfactory close. How Did Gayle Bars Die? At the age of 30, Gayle Bars was not only a kd and voted sgle mother to three children, but she was also social, enthiastic, and virtually unflaggg her profsnal enavors.


Roger Gayle Miller, church mician, mister. Ordaed mister Prbyterian Church, 1982. Member of Fellowship Uned Methodist Worship, Mic and Other Arts, Amerin Choral Directors Associatn, Prbyterian Associatn Micians. * roger gayle *

However, as per sourc, Gayle wearg a distctive sweater and sharg a booth wh two men until she left at around 3:30 am did make her memorable that night, which proved ccial sce she never ma back home.

For the next 16 days, there was an extensive search for Gayle Battle Creek, Michigan.

As if that’s not enough, Gayle also had fensive juri to dite she’d fought for her life until the end, acrdg to her topsy report. Who Killed Gayle Bars?


* roger gayle *

Once vtigatns began, me to light that Gayle Bars’ vehicle had been outsi Speed’s Koffee Shop until someone lled to have impound, believg had simply broken down.

The nnectn to her havg gone missg had not been ma until this pot, meang the eventual unuful forensic analysis was also ccial — practilly dited that Gayle hadn’t even ma to her r on October 9, 1988. A signifint foc of the quiri was placed upon the two men Gayle was last seen dg wh, pecially as a wars revealed they had left right after her.


Around Gayle’s 30th ath anniversary, one of her sons lled the Battle Creek Police Department to requt her se be reopened, only to learn that people were already workg towards . There was a lot of blogil evince sce Gayle had been sexually asslted, but turned out that had never actually been tted agast the most likely spect, then-24-year-old Roger Plato. “There is more than enough evince to charge and take to trial Roger Plato for the kidnappg, rape, and murr of Gayle Bars, ” Calhoun County Prosecutor David Gilbert penned his official lg.

Unfortunately for Gayle Bars’ fay, Roger Allan Plato n not ever be charged nnectn to Gayle’s ath bee he died on October 23, 1988, two days before her body was even found. We should mentn that this se had transpired two weeks before Gayle’s disappearance. Roger Gayle Miller (born September 8, 1942), Amerin mister, church mician |.

The populary rank for the name Roger was 658 the US 2020, the Social Secury Admistratn's data shows How to Search and Fd Roger GayleThe populatn of the US is 329, 484, 123 people (timated 2020). There are at least 8 rerds for Roger Gayle our database alone. 01% GayRoger Gay593.


Deborah Gayle Rogers Obuary (1951 - 2023) | Danville, Kentucky.