by Jordan Redman Staff Wrer Do you know what the word gay really means? The word gay dat back to the 12th century and om the Old French “gai,” meang “full of joy or mirth.” It may also relate to the Old High German “gahi,” meang impulsive.
* what does homosexual mean in english language *
Chaddock's translatn of Krafft-Ebg's "Psychopathia Sexualis, " om German homosexual, homosexuale (by 1880, Gtav Jäger), om Greek homos "same" (see homo- (1)) + Lat-based sexual. 'Homosexual' is a barbaroly hybrid word, and I claim no rponsibily for .
Don Kulick, Gay and Lbian Language, Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 29 (2000), pp. 243-285 * what does homosexual mean in english language *
'Homogenic' has been suggted as a substute.
Havelock Ellis, "Studi Psychology, " 1897]Sexual versn (1883, later simply versn, by 1895) was an earlier clil term for "homosexualy" English, said by Ellis to have origated Italian psychology wrg. For homosexualy as well as perasty and ct. Related: Homosexually.
Sexual orientatn refers to the endurg physil, romantic and/or emotnal attractn to members of the same and/or other genrs, cludg lbian, gay, bisexual and straight orientatns. As GLAAD not, "Transgenr people may be straight, lbian, gay, bisexual or queer.