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href="/ics/the-uned-stat-of-pta-ameri" class="jsx-167857536 article-object-lk unrled" data-cy="object-breadcmb">The Uned Stat of Capta Ameri</a></div><h1 class="display-tle jsx-1062180250" data-cy="article-headle">Marvel Comics to Introduce First LGBTQ Capta Ameri for Pri Month</h1><h2 class="tle3 jsx-2866659985" data-cy="article-sub-headle">Meet the newt hero spired by Cap's heroic legacy.</h2><div id="p-article-below-hear" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 page-ntent"><output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787 watch-read-vio" data-cy="watch-read-vio"><div class="jsx-3866305403 vio aspect-rat aspect-rat-16-9"><div class="jsx-3044862456 loadg"><svg class="ign-in jsx-2211565535 in-loadg" focable="false" viewBox="0 0 32 32" lor="whe" aria-hidn="false" role="img"><tle>Loadg</tle><path d="M16,5 L16,9 M23.7781746,8.22182541 L20.9497475,11.0502525 M27,16 L23,16 M23.7781746,23.7781746 L20.9497475,20.9497475 M16,27 L16,23 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profile-thumb-img jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823"/></div></sectn><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">By <a href="/person/Kicksplo" class="jsx-3953721931 article-thor unrled">Jse Scheen</a></div></div><div class="jsx-3176214726 divir"></div><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">Updated: <!-- -->Mar 16, 2021 8:21 pm</div><div class="jsx-3176214726 divir"></div><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">Posted: <!-- -->Mar 16, 2021 5:45 pm</div></div><div class="jsx-4050243981 divir"></div></sectn><div id="p-article-below-hear-image" class="jsx-3606872557 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div></div><div class="jsx-3517015813 page-ntent"><div class="jsx-3517015813 si-by-si"><div class="jsx-3517015813 article-ntent page-0"><sectn class="article jsx-2571790323 article-sectn jsx-28683165 news"><sectn class="article-page">Marvel Comics is kickg off a new limed seri June 2021 lled The Uned Stat of pta Ameri. And wh June beg Pri Month, 's only ftg that ic will troduce rears to the first LGBTQ+ character to take up the Capta Ameri mantle.<div class="jsx-303009029 adun-wrapper"><div class="jsx-303009029 bobble bobble-0 pogot pg-article"><div data-mix-name="mediumAd" data-pos="0" data-pogo-hi="1" class="jsx-343126785 pogo-slot"></div></div></div>Wrten by Christopher Cantwell (Doctor Doom) and drawn by Dale Eaglham (Fantastic Four), The Uned Stat of Capta Ameri foc on four hero who have served as Cap at one pot or another - Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barn and John Walker. The four hero will embark on a cross-untry journey to track down Steve's missg shield. Along the way, they'll meet a number of ordary Amerins who have been spired by Cap's example to help their muni. That's where new hero Aaron Fischer .<output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787"><figure class="jsx-3954765903"><span><img dg="async" alt="Art by Nick Robl. (Image Cred: Marvel)" src=" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image article-image size-full wp-image-2486963 jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round loadg"/></span><figptn class="ptn jsx-1673551436 article-image-ptn"> Art by Nick Robl. (Image Cred: Marvel)</figptn></figure></output>Aaron will but issue #1's ma story and also star a backup feature wrten by Aaron Tjillo (Dodge Cy) and drawn by Jan Bazaldua (X-Force), both of whom also created the character. As an openly gay man and the self-proclaimed "Capta Ameri of the Railways," Aaron has ma his missn to protect naways and the homels, even if he don't exactly have the powers or rourc of Steve Rogers.<br/><br/>“Aaron is spired by hero of the queer muny: activists, lears, and everyday folks phg for a better life,” Tjillo said Marvel's prs release. “He stands for the opprsed, and the fotten. I hope his but story ronat wh rears, and helps spire the next generatn of hero.”<br/><br/>“I want to thank Edor Alanna Smh and Joshua Tjillo very much for askg me to create Aaron,” Bazaldua said. “I really enjoyed signg him, and as a transgenr person, I am happy to be able to prent an openly gay person who admir Capta Ameri and fights agast evil to help those who are almost visible to society. While I was drawg him, I thought, well, Cap fights agast super-powerful begs and sav the world almost always, but Aaron helps those who walk alone the street wh problems that they face every day. I hope people like the end rult!”<output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787"><figure class="jsx-3954765903"><span><img dg="async" alt="Art by Jan Bazaldua. (Image Cred: Marvel)" src=" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image article-image size-full wp-image-2486962 jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round loadg"/></span><figptn class="ptn jsx-1673551436 article-image-ptn"> Art by Jan Bazaldua. (Image Cred: Marvel)</figptn></figure></output>Future issu of The Uned Stat of Capta Ameri will ntue to clu backup stori om different creative teams that flh out new hero troduced the ma story. Look for issue #1 to be released digally and prt on June 2.<br/><br/>In other recent ic book news, IGN learned <a target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" href="/articl/jtice-league-black-adam-naomi-dc-ics-fe-ontier">how Black Adam will transform the Jtice League </a> DC's Infe Frontier, and Marvel is teasg the start of <a target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" href="/articl/x-men-pla-size-x-hellfire-gala-marvel">a major new X-Men event June's Pla-Size X #1</a>. Check out the vio below to learn more about what Marvel has planned 2021:<div id="p-article-above-vio-1" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787" data-cy="article-vio"><div class="jsx-3033355949 jsx-2961976369 vio-wrapper"><div class="jsx-3033355949 jsx-2961976369 vio-ntaer"><div class="jsx-3866305403 vio aspect-rat aspect-rat-16-9"><div class="jsx-3044862456 loadg"><svg class="ign-in jsx-2211565535 in-loadg" focable="false" viewBox="0 0 32 32" lor="whe" aria-hidn="false" role="img"><tle>Loadg

aaron is gay

Evintly, Olivia Munn is one of those women who thks that if a guy isn't to her then he mt tomatilly be gay.



Aaron Rodgers went on his weekly rad show on Tuday and quashed a mor that he's gay. "I'm not gay. I really, really like women," Rodgers said. * aaron is gay *

That Rodgers is gay.

"I'm jt gog to say I'm not gay, " Rodgers said on 540 WAUK-AM Milwkee. That ment led host Jason Wil to brg up the 'Aaron Rodgers is gay' mor. As an openly gay man and the self-proclaimed "Capta Ameri of the Railways, " Aaron has ma his missn to protect naways and the homels, even if he don't exactly have the powers or rourc of Steve Rogers.


The Uned Stat of Capta Ameri will troduce a number of everyday hero spired by Cap's legacy, and one of them will be the first openly gay Capta Ameri the Marvel Universe. * aaron is gay *

“I really enjoyed signg him, and as a transgenr person, I am happy to be able to prent an openly gay person who admir Capta Ameri and fights agast evil to help those who are almost visible to society. There have been tons of mors floatg around the Inter claimg Aaron Rodgers is gay, and they started back 2008.

And not jt any rg—the prtig Super Bowl MVP rg which was award to Rodgers ’s a vio of Rodgers talkg affectnately of Lanflisi and the two at a banquet where Rodgers receiv his MVP award:It also shows off a batch of newly disvered tweets that portray a kd of faiary between the two that falls–at least the 140 word world– that gray area somewhere between bromance and love prompted a media storm to try and figure jt out who Lanflisi Break UpWas Aaron Rodgers once a gay relatnship wh his one-time roommate and assistant Kev Lanflisi? Acrdg to, the two had a “fallg out” after they had agreed to jo a group of NFL players preppg to e out as gay over the summer.

“Hello, by now I am sure you heard that NFL star Aaron Rodgers nied he is gay.


If you look at WHY people are sayg Aaron Rodgers is gay, you will fd somethg que tertg. * aaron is gay *

However, Rodgers is lyg, he is ed gay, and is still very angry he got dumped by ex boyiend Kev Lanflisi. Rodgers also addrsed the gay mors on the rad. Is she really jealo, or do she spect he’s gay too?

The Debate Rag OnWh no clear answer prented to the media, nobody really knows if Rodgers is ed gay, or not. “I’m jt gog to say I’m not gay, ” Rodgers said on 540 WAUK-AM Milwkee. Update: proment webse claims evince that will nfirm Aaron Rodgers gay mors.


* aaron is gay *

And as ual, every time Aaron Rodgers is on natnal televisn, I look at this se’s traffic stats and I see two phras “Aaron Rodgers Gay” and “Is Aaron Rodgers Gay?


In fact, the high amount of “Aaron Rodgers Gay Rumors” search activy ma the A-Rodg material the most viewed NFL ntent on the se. Now even wh his relatnship to Olivia Munn (which some of even brand a distractn) lots and lots of people out there seem to thk Rodgers is still a homosexual. I’m not even gog to venture a gus about whether Aaron Rodgers is straight or gay.

” but here’s a more ntemporary lk: “Michelle Bachman and 10 women who married famo gay men. Basilly the se for Rodgers beg a homosexual starts and ends wh the two quot:.


Then there’s the ments om Rodgers Sportg News (this is the send gunman on the grassy knoll for the Rodgers is gay nspiracy mp):. And pops up bee people are nstantly searchg for “Aaron Rodgers gay, ” “Aaron Rodgers gay mors, ” “Is Aaron Rodgers gay, ” “Aaron Rodgers athletic traer boyiend” and etc. Actrs Olivia Munn recently vised Whney Cummgs’ “Good for You” podst where she unload several homophobic micro-aggrsns on an unnamed ex-boyiend who people quickly figured out was NFL star Aaron Rogers.

The actrs then implied her ex was gay, sayg, “He’s like, ‘Well, I jt haven’t had a lot of, you know, experience dog .

Related: This sexy tattoo of Aaron Rodgers a jockstrap has homophob eakg out. By makg this suatn, Munn is employg that tired old trope that if a man isn’t attracted to one woman (read: her), then that mt mean he’s not attracted to any women, and, therefore, he’s gay, which is somethg to cricize him for.


The actrs has dated several A-listers over the years, but her longt and arguably hight profile relatnship was wh Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rogers, who she dated om 2014 to 2017 and who has been the subject of bog gay mors over the years. Some people are llg her out for engagg homophobia by further peddlg gay mors about Rogers and, fact, outg him to the world…. She’s publicly draggg her ex who was bad at sex and then suatg ’s bee he’s gay??

Jt bc Aaron Rodgers is a horrible lay do not mean he’s gay Olivia.


Aaron Hernanz was sexually abed as a child and kept beg gay a secret, brother Jonathan Hernanz says - CBS News .