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class><div class="available-ntent"><div dir="to" class="body markup"><p><em>This is the Sunday edn of </em><span>Pagg Dr. Lbian</span><em><span>. Pl, this week’s dispatch om the lbian ter. If you like this type of thg, </span><a href=" rel>subscribe</a><span>!</span></em></p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk is-viewable-img image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="1266" height="531" data-attrs="{"src":" Kiyoko - \"Girls Like Girls\" Vio","tle":null,"type":null,"href":null,"belowTheFold":false,"topImage":te,"ternalRedirect":null}" class="sizg-normal" alt="Hayley Kiyoko - "Girls Like Girls" Vio" tle="Hayley Kiyoko - "Girls Like Girls" Vio" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" fetchprry="high" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a></figure></div><p><span>It was the summer of 2015. Among a sea of pop vio hs that year (Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood,” Drake’s “Hotle Blg,” Ale’s “Hello,”), one vio stood out among the sapphic nizens of the ter, a vio that would reverberate even outsi the Tumblr circl which ially emerged. That vio was Hayley Kiyoko’s “</span><a href=" rel>Girls Like Girls</a><span>,” which was released on June 24th, 2015, and has sce been viewed more than 138 ln tim. </span></p><p><span>I brg up Kiyoko’s famo vio bee I thk some sense marks a startg pot, or at the very least a renewal, of the lbian mic vio genre. What I am terted explorg is the breadth and pth of this landspe, and how the vios f to the mic vio scene at large, as well as wh the ntext of onle queer culture more specifilly. Is there an overarchg athetic or narrative/visual form that f the vios? Can we tie them to sapphic trends pop culture more broadly? The qutns are particularly tertg to nsir bee of how the mic vios have e to make up a signifint portn of sapphic “reprentatn” on YouTube. (The other, larger portn of this ntent is ma up of </span><a href=" rel>-ntextualized clips</a><span> of lbian upl on var ternatnal televisn shows, as well as the numero </span><a href=" rel>“real-life” lbian upl</a><span> wh their own YouTube channels, but those are both topics for another day). </span></p><div id="youtube2-I0MT8SwNa_U" class="youtube-wrap" data-attrs="{"vioId":"I0MT8SwNa_U","startTime":null,"endTime":null}" data-ponent-name="Youtube2ToDOM"><div class="youtube-ner"><iame src=" ameborr="0" loadg="lazy" gture="media" allow="toplay; fullscreen" allowtoplay="te" allowfullscreen="te" width="728" height="409"></iame></div></div><p>As I allud to above, any discsn of this so-lled lbian mic vio renaissance mt beg wh a nsiratn of Hayley Kiyoko. At the time of the release of “Girls Like Girls,” Kiyoko was jt another wannabe popstar LA, tryg (and for the most part failg) to make a nt the mic dtry. But upon the release of the now-legendary vio, Kiyoko entered a new phase of her reer, officially g out as a lbian pop star and subsequently gag a passnate and dited fanbase. </p><p><span>Kiyoko’s stat as perhaps the first lbian pop star n be largely attributed to the succs of this vio, which led to the release of her but album </span><em><a href=" rel>Expectatns</a></em><span> 2018. (Obvly, there have been other popular lbian or queer micians the past – most notably Melissa Etheridge, k.d. lang, Tracy Chapman, and The Indigo Girls, as well as numero women the blu and rock tradn such as Sister Rosetta Thorpe – but Kiyoko’s place wh mastream pop mic is a parture om the rock and folk legaci of past stars). Sce 2015, Kiyoko has released 10 such mic vios – all self-directed – most of which volve an explicly or implicly (ually the former) lbian storyle. </span></p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk is-viewable-img image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="1080" height="720" data-attrs="{"src":" Kiyoko: Sleepover (2017)","tle":null,"type":null,"href":null,"belowTheFold":false,"topImage":false,"ternalRedirect":null}" class="sizg-normal" alt="Hayley Kiyoko: Sleepover (2017)" tle="Hayley Kiyoko: Sleepover (2017)" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a><figptn class="image-ptn"><span>Kiyoko’s vio for her song “</span><a href=" rel>Sleepover</a><span>”</span></figptn></figure></div><p><span>“Girls Like Girls” follows the love story of two bt iends (played by Stefanie Stt and Kelsey Chow) as they reckon wh their feelgs for one another and nont a jealo boyiend. “</span><a href=" rel>What I Need</a><span>” follows Kiyoko and R&B sger Kehlani as they n away om home, and “</span><a href=" rel>Cur</a><span>” follows Kiyoko as she nonts a girl who she feels is g her (both vios end wh dramatic makeout ssns – on the si of the road and a bathroom, rpectively). Kiyoko is undoubtedly the most prolific and fluential producer of lbian mic vios, but she is not the only one the bs. </span></p><p><span>Another artist who has achieved succs this arena is the sger FLETCHER. The first vio that ed her populary to skyrocket was for her song “</span><a href=" rel>Wasted Youth</a><span>” which starred her then-girliend, popular YouTuber Shannon Beveridge (who herself was prevly part of a wildly popular lbian YouTube uple whose </span><a href=" rel>breakup</a><span> triggered mass vastatn among fans). The vio is stripped-back and sual, and was filmed on a whim as FLETCHER (whose full name is Cari Fletcher) and Shannon jnted around LA one night, stoppg at var lotns such as the lndromat and the beach. </span></p><div id="youtube2-tCX2axvbE4o" class="youtube-wrap" data-attrs="{"vioId":"tCX2axvbE4o","startTime":null,"endTime":null}" data-ponent-name="Youtube2ToDOM"><div class="youtube-ner"><iame src=" ameborr="0" loadg="lazy" gture="media" allow="toplay; fullscreen" allowtoplay="te" allowfullscreen="te" width="728" height="409"></iame></div></div><p><span>Last year FLETCHER released an even more-talked-about EP, entled </span><em>THE S(EX) TAPES, </em><span>which is all about her breakup wh Shannon. The EP’s release cid wh the revelatn that FLETCHER and Shannon had been livg together durg quarante, broke up durg quarante, and ntued livg together for some months afterward. (Lbian drama </span><em>never</em><span> disappots). To make matters even juicier, Shannon filmed every vio for every song on the EP, (which aga, is </span><em>about their breakup),</em><span> two of which clu shots of them bed together (the aptly tled “</span><a href=" rel>Sex (Wh My Ex)</a><span>, which clus vlog-like footage of the two, and “</span><a href=" rel>If I Hated You</a><span>,” which is shot like a VHS-style m vio). </span></p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk is-viewable-img image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="1440" height="900" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" loadg="lazy" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a><figptn class="image-ptn"><span>FLETCHER (left) and Shannon (right) the vio for “</span><a href=" rel>Sex (Wh My Ex)</a><span>”</span></figptn></figure></div><p><span>The vios themselv are dly salac – as you may have gused by the aforementned scriptns (and the tle of the EP) – and are ma all the more so when you know the juicy tails behd the songs. FLETCHER herself has garnered a large dience part by smartly playg to this sire for pulpy lbian drama, while also makg broadly accsible pop mic that still speaks to the specific experience of beg queer. Like Hayley Kiyoko before her, much of her succs n be attributed to her mic vios – both the aforementned vios along wh several others -between such as “</span><a href=" rel>Undnk</a><span>” and “</span><a href=" rel>If You’re Gonna Lie</a><span>”. FLETCHER’s nfsnal style of pop mic and revealg ( both sens of the word) vios have th garnered her legns of sapphic fans, who e both for the mic and for the people behd (and ont) of the mera.</span></p><p><span>Another tertg se of this phenomenon is the sger Zola as she, like Kiyoko, primarily gaed succs bee of a wildly popular lbian mic vio. Followg the succs of this first vio (“</span><a href=" rel>Explosn</a><span>,” which at this moment has 17 ln views), she released several other vios, cludg the siarly popular “</span><a href=" rel>Holy</a><span>,” which follows a lbian at a strict private school who starts a femist cult wh her girliend. I say Zola is an tertg se bee I never hear about her until she releas a new mic vio (and immediately pops up on my feed, of urse) and I have lerally never listened to her outsi the vios nor have I ever seen anyone claim to be a fan of hers. (The only other thg I know about her I learned om rearchg this article, which is that she is apparently a wch and posts var spells on her YouTube channel). Now I’m sure she mt have </span><em>some </em><span>fans outsi the people who absentmdly h play on her vios, but my years studyg sapphic culture onle I’ve not once heard anyone mentn her apart om a quick reblog of one of her vios. </span></p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk is-viewable-img image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="1440" height="660" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" loadg="lazy" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a><figptn class="image-ptn"><span>Still om Zola’s vio for “</span><a href=" rel>Explosn</a><span>”. Did someone ll for load Catholic imagery?</span></figptn></figure></div><p><span>Kiyoko on the other hand </span><em>do </em><span>have a very dited fan base (fans lerally ll her “</span><a href=" rel>Lbian J</a><span>”), and although much of this fandom has siarly alced around her vios, the populary of the vios has also translated to ticket and album sal, not to mentn a large onle followg. (To give you a sense of her fluence, while </span><a href=" rel>terviewg people at ClexaCon</a><span> for my this, I talked to multiple duos who lerally met at Hayley Kiyoko ncerts). So Zola beg known primarily (or even exclively) for her lbian mic vios </span><em>whout </em><span>havg the large followg that Kiyoko do says somethg tertg about the currency of the lbian mic vios – that they n exist both as self-ntaed objects ( the se of Zola) or objects that exist wh a more expansive ntext of fan engagement (Kiyoko and FLETCHER). </span></p><p><span>There are numero other vios and artists that uld be nsired among this hort. For example, I would also clu Brish Shura among this generatn of sapphic pop sgers. Like Kiyoko, she has a vio about a gay high school csh (</span><a href=" rel>“What’s It Gonna Be”</a><span>) and an entirely origal one about lbian nuns gettg married (“</span><a href=" rel>relign (u n lay your hands on me)</a><span>”). I would also be remiss if I did not mentn the queer, Gen Z pop/rock star Kg Prcs wh this discsn. What is tertg about Kg Prcs is that her vios are some s ls explicly sapphic terms of ntag lbian storyl and more so bee of the exorable gay </span><em>swagger</em><span> that she embodi every performance (see, for example, “</span><a href=" rel>Prophet</a><span>,” pictured below). </span></p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk is-viewable-img image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="1456" height="963" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" loadg="lazy" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a><figptn class="image-ptn"><span>Kg Prcs the vio for “</span><a href=" rel>Prophet</a><span>”</span></figptn></figure></div><p>That the vios exist primarily on YouTube rather than tradnal vio outlets like MTV or VHI is another important ponent of this phenomenon. Part of what nnects the vios to one another is the YouTube algorhm self. As anyone who has ever ed YouTube knows (particularly those who e the se to search for “gay ntent”), once the algorhm notic you watchg a certa type of vio, related vios will be remend to you for the foreeable future. So if you watch a uple of Hayley Kiyoko vios, a FLETCHER vio or a Zola one might show up on your homepage the next time you log on. (Bee of my particular YouTube habs this happens to me equently, and I often fd myself gettg remend clips om shows or movi that I have never once teracted wh bee they clu a sapphic character). This particular functn of the YouTube algorhm is why has bee such a popular se for fdg queer ntent overall – once you go down the rabb hole, ’s difficult to get out. </p><p><span>But back to the qutn of style. Perhaps the relative diversy of the vios ntent and form – om wchcraft to high school csh to sex tap – means that there </span><em>isn’t </em><span>a unified generic athetic that the mic vios have mon. But maybe there is also somethg to be said for lookg at the vios om a mographic standpot – wh the exceptn of Kiyoko (who is half-Japane), all of the artists I have mentned (and most I have not) are whe, and wh the exceptn of Kg Prcs (who is genrqueer), all the artists lean towards the feme. </span></p><p><span>But the stanc, the exceptns do rry some weight. If Kiyoko is the most prolific mic-vio-maker of this group, then the “diversy” she brgs to the table (both her own prence as well as the other women of lor who have starred her vios), is not signifint. And Kg Prcs’ nsirable succs </span><em>as </em><span>a genrqueer pop star (and ed, her genr prentatn and sexualy are a large part of her image) is a meangful addn to the pop mic landspe. Nohels, lbian or queer reprentatn overall do tend to skew both whe and feme televisn and film, so is not surprisg that mic vios might some sense also uphold this bias. </span></p><p><span>There are also numero other vios I have not had time to clu here (such as on by </span><a href=" rel>Elektra</a><span>, </span><a href=" rel>Catey Shaw</a><span>, and </span><a href=" rel>Matilda</a><span>, to name a few) that make up part of this landspe. But perhaps what mak the vios both distct and nnected is the way they tend to reflect some part of the artist’s inty a manner they seem to fd liberatg to share (Like Kiyoko, FLETCHER siarly stggled to fd succs the mic dtry until the release of the “Wasted Youth” vio which she revealed that she was queer, a moment that she marks as important turng pot for both her reer and personal life). This distctn rri more weight when we look at the history of lbian mic vios wh pop culture more broadly. </span></p><div id="youtube2-8mGBaXPlri8" class="youtube-wrap" data-attrs="{"vioId":"8mGBaXPlri8","startTime":null,"endTime":null}" data-ponent-name="Youtube2ToDOM"><div class="youtube-ner"><iame src=" ameborr="0" loadg="lazy" gture="media" allow="toplay; fullscreen" allowtoplay="te" allowfullscreen="te" width="728" height="409"></iame></div></div><p><span>There is another subset of sapphic-adjacent mic vios that have proliferated amongst a more mastream (see: Top 40) hort of pop stars. This trend n be said to beg wh the mic vio for Rsian group t.A.T.u.'s 2002 song “</span><a href=" rel>All The Thgs She Said</a><span>,” which portrays the duo as teen lbians. This song (and vio) was beloved by a generatn of young queer women, only for the two women to later e out and say they were not gay nor were they a relatnship. (To make matters even worse, one-half of the duo even revealed herself to be a </span><a href=" rel>homophobe</a><span> several years ago). This vio off the heels of a trend the 1990s that has been lled “lbian chic,” begng wh Cdy Crawford and k.d. lang’s famo </span><a href=" rel>Vany Fair ver</a><span> and ntug to t.a.T.u. as well as Madonna and Brney Spear’s shockg </span><a href=" rel>lbian kiss</a><span> at the 2003 VMAs. (Here I should also mentn Katy Perry’s 2008 “</span><a href=" rel>I Kissed A Girl</a><span>”, a song which arguably hurt more than helped queer women). Thgs have gotten at least slightly better sce then as a lbian “athetic” ntu to be seen as a profable currency wh pop culture.</span></p><p><span>Other vios we might nsir om female pop stars are Shakira & Rihanna’s “</span><a href=" rel>Can’t Remember to Fet You</a><span>” or perhaps Beyonce and Lady GaGa’s “</span><a href=" rel>Telephone</a><span>”, both of which are at least sublimally queer. (Though GaGa herself do actually intify as bisexual). I would also clu Rihanna’s pretty explicly sapphic vio for “</span><a href=" rel>Te Amo</a><span>” ( which she apparently falls love wh a Spanish-speakg woman?) or Lana Del Rey’s “Summertime Sadns”, which a lbian storyle to illtrate the song’s tragic athetic. A more recent addn is Ariana Gran’s vio for “</span><a href=" rel>break up wh your girliend, i’m bored</a><span>,” which ends wh a twist where stead of kissg someone’s boyiend, she kiss his girliend stead, who then transforms to another Ariana Gran (don’t ask me to expla this). There are a few artists this more “mastream” tegory that are actually queer – famo Tumblr bisexual Halsey achieved a lot of succs wh her vio for “</span><a href=" rel>Ghost</a><span>,” and also released a song wh another bisexual sger, Fifth Harmony’s Lren Jregi (“</span><a href=" rel>Strangers</a><span>”), though the vio isn’t que as sapphic as the song self. </span></p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk is-viewable-img image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="1435" height="727" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" loadg="lazy" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a><figptn class="image-ptn"><span>Shakira and Rihanna the vio for “</span><a href=" rel>Can’t Remember to Fet You</a><span>.” I have nothg to add that this image do not already say. There is no heterosexual explanatn for this. </span></figptn></figure></div><p><span>Even more strangely (or perhaps this is not strange at all), there are also a nsirable number of lbian mic vios put out by (predomantly) male bands or artists, artists who you would assume have very ltle personal nnectn to actual lbians. In this tegory, one of the ickit of the is probably Metro Statn’s “</span><a href=" rel>She Lik Girls</a><span>,” which tells the story of two women om a cidly </span><em>male</em><span> perspective. There’s also The Head and the Heart’s “</span><a href=" rel>Another Story</a><span>,” which is a mi lbian perd piece starrg Troian Bellisar, The Neighborhood’s “</span><a href=" rel>A Ltle Death</a><span>,” (which, by the way, is a song about asms), and Avicii’s “</span><a href=" rel>Addicted To You</a><span>,” which tells a lbian versn of Bonnie and Cly. </span></p><p><span>What sets the vios apart om the vios of the sapphic sgers I highlighted earlier is that there is not a clear nnectn between the lbians picted the vios and the artists, nor even the songs, themselv. This is not </span><em>necsarily</em><span> a bad thg - the style of the vios range om culturally savvy mp (“Telephone”) to fetishizatn (“She Lik Girls”) – but the ntextualized lbian moments often e om more of an athetic standpot than an emotnal one (which is not to say that queer imag on their own do not produce an emotnal effect the viewer). Ined, relatnships between the more mastream vios and queer viewers are often ght – is queer-bag, fetishizatn? – while queer viewers of the more “niche” vios tend to have a more broadly affirmg relatnship to such ntent.</span></p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk is-viewable-img image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="1434" height="594" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" loadg="lazy" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a><figptn class="image-ptn"><span>Shura (right) relivg a high school csh the vio for “</span><a href=" rel>What’s It Gonna Be</a><span>”</span></figptn></figure></div><p><span>What the lbian and queer artists have done is place themselv wh this cultural leage, fg themselv both agast and alongsi the pop culture that has e before them. Dpe the relative disfavor that has now befallen them, songs like “All The Thgs She Said” and “I Kissed A Girl” were foundatnal moments for many young sapphics. Rather than totally chew the cheeks (and, ed, the sexs) of the fluential artifacts, artists like FLETCHER and Kiyoko have rema the imag on their terms, wh – and this is important – the sir of their queer fans explicly md. (On the topic of homage – Kg Prcs’ vios at tim abi by a broadly ‘</span><a href=" rel>90s athetic</a><span>, and Zola’s more often echo </span><em>The Craft</em><span>). </span></p><p>Rather than fe the purely om a stylistic standpot, perhaps what nnects them as an dvisual genre is their prized posn wh ntemporary sapphic culture. While of urse queer ntent exists mic and lerature, there is somethg particularly immersive and expansive about visual culture that I image is why so many queer youth have flocked to plac like YouTube and Tumblr (a se known for s’ heavy circulatn of GIFS and other imag) the last or so. Mic vios are fortgly simple and do not require the ntextual knowledge of a televisn show, but are also a reliable source for repeat viewgs (the view unt on “Girls Like Girls” is surely ma up of many such repetns). </p><p>The tone of the vios – which range om earnt to tongue--cheek but skews towards the former – is important, but so is the tentn behd them. As generatns of queer women have grown weary of disappotment (see, aga, t.A.T.u.), the imag the vios prent are often jt as important as the people behd them. Ined, is both the nfint displays of sex and sexualy the vios and the nfsnal, knowg tone of the songs that draw viewers , and is their cherished place wh the sapphic stratosphere as visual currency that allow them to rema relevant and endlsly circulated. If we are ed creatg a unified theory of lbian mic vios, this would be s central tenant. To Hayley Kiyoko and beyond. </p><div><hr /></div><p><span>Wele to this week’s </span><strong>dispatch om the lbian ter.</strong></p><p><strong>On Tuday</strong><span>, Charlize Theron was </span><a href=" rel>profiled Vany Fair</a><span>. In the terview, she reerated her tert starrg a lbian versn of </span><em>Die Hard, </em><span>an ia which someone floated around on Twter last year. Charlize ially replied to this ia on Twter, sayg “Where do I sign,” and then Aisha Tyler also replied, sayg “Where do I sign.” Now, who knows if this actn movie starrg Charlize and Aisha as wiv will ever happen, but Charlize says once someone </span><a href=" rel>wr </a><span>, she is all . So what I’m sayg is…who’s ready wh the screenplay? </span></p><div data-ponent-name="Twter2ToDOM" class="tweet" data-attrs="{"url":" do I sign ","ername":"CharlizeAi","name":"Charlize Theron","date":"Tue Dec 08 01:38:09 +0000 2020","photos":[],"quoted_tweet":{"full_text":"Lbian Christmas rom s are all well and good but what I REALLY want is a Die Hard where Charlize Theron go on a rampage to save her wife Francis Osis"},"retweet_unt":24619,"like_unt":269619,"expand_url":{},"vio_url":null,"belowTheFold":te}"><a class="tweet-lk-top" href=" target="_blank" rel><div class="tweet-hear"><img class="tweet-hear-avatar" src=" alt="Twter avatar for @CharlizeAi" loadg="lazy" /><div class="tweet-hear-text"><span class="tweet-thor-name">Charlize Theron </span><span class="tweet-thor-handle">@CharlizeAi</span></div></div><div class="tweet-text">Where do I sign </div><div class="quote-tweet"><div class="quote-tweet-hear"><img class="quote-tweet-hear-avatar" src=" alt="Twter avatar for @f_osis" loadg="lazy" /><div class="quote-tweet-hear-text"><span class="quote-tweet-name">Dr Francis Osis </span><span class="quote-tweet-ername">@f_osis</span></div></div><span>Lbian Christmas rom s are all well and good but what I REALLY want is a Die Hard where Charlize Theron go on a rampage to save her wife </span></div></a><a class="tweet-lk-bottom" href=" target="_blank" rel><div class="tweet-footer"><span class="tweet-date">1:38 AM ∙ Dec 8, 2020</span><hr /><div class="tweet-ufi"><span href=" class="lik"><span class="like-unt">269,619</span><span>Lik</span></span><span href=" class="retweets"><span class="rt-unt">24,619</span><span>Retweets</span></span></div></div></a></div><div data-ponent-name="Twter2ToDOM" class="tweet" data-attrs="{"url":" do I sign ","ername":"aishatyler","name":"Aisha Tyler","date":"Tue Dec 08 03:07:47 +0000 2020","photos":[],"quoted_tweet":{"full_text":"Where do I sign Theron"},"retweet_unt":151,"like_unt":2868,"expand_url":{},"vio_url":null,"belowTheFold":te}"><a class="tweet-lk-top" href=" target="_blank" rel><div class="tweet-hear"><img class="tweet-hear-avatar" src=" alt="Twter avatar for @aishatyler" loadg="lazy" /><div class="tweet-hear-text"><span class="tweet-thor-name">Aisha Tyler </span><span class="tweet-thor-handle">@aishatyler</span></div></div><div class="tweet-text">Where do I sign </div><div class="quote-tweet"><div class="quote-tweet-hear"><img class="quote-tweet-hear-avatar" src=" alt="Twter avatar for @CharlizeAi" loadg="lazy" /><div class="quote-tweet-hear-text"><span class="quote-tweet-name">Charlize Theron </span><span class="quote-tweet-ername">@CharlizeAi</span></div></div><span>Where do I sign </span></div></a><a class="tweet-lk-bottom" href=" target="_blank" rel><div class="tweet-footer"><span class="tweet-date">3:07 AM ∙ Dec 8, 2020</span><hr /><div class="tweet-ufi"><span href=" class="lik"><span class="like-unt">2,868</span><span>Lik</span></span><span href=" class="retweets"><span class="rt-unt">151</span><span>Retweets</span></span></div></div></a></div><p><strong>On Wednday</strong><span>, Gallup released a new study tailg the rise of LGBT-intified people the Uned Stat. Unsurprisgly, the study revealed that there are more LGBT-intified dividuals Gen Z (born after 1997) than any generatn prevly. In particular, there are more than 2x more people who intify as bisexual among Gen Z than among Millennials. </span></p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk is-viewable-img image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="919" height="372" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" loadg="lazy" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a></figure></div><p>This data after a year which we have unfortunately seen a rurgence of transphobia among a mory of lbians who feel the “trans movement” is stealg away lbians by “forcg” them to intify as trans rather than as lbians. (I will not lk any exampl here bee this disurse is abhorrent and need not be spread any further). This so-lled “disappearance” of lbians is th disproven by this study (and by mon sense), which fds that nearly double the amount (.08% to 1.4%) of people Gen Z intify as lbians than do Millennials. But bee bigots don’t generally rpond to actual facts, jok will have to do. </p><div data-ponent-name="Twter2ToDOM" class="tweet" data-attrs="{"url":" lbians aren't disappearg we're jt beg upload to the cloud","ername":"jillboard","name":"Jill Gutowz","date":"Thu Feb 25 17:19:16 +0000 2021","photos":[],"quoted_tweet":{},"retweet_unt":92,"like_unt":1545,"expand_url":{},"vio_url":null,"belowTheFold":te}"><a class="tweet-lk-top" href=" target="_blank" rel><div class="tweet-hear"><img class="tweet-hear-avatar" src=" alt="Twter avatar for @jillboard" loadg="lazy" /><div class="tweet-hear-text"><span class="tweet-thor-name">Jill Gutowz </span><span class="tweet-thor-handle">@jillboard</span></div></div><div class="tweet-text">the lbians aren't disappearg we're jt beg upload to the cloud</div></a><a class="tweet-lk-bottom" href=" target="_blank" rel><div class="tweet-footer"><span class="tweet-date">5:19 PM ∙ Feb 25, 2021</span><hr /><div class="tweet-ufi"><span href=" class="lik"><span class="like-unt">1,545</span><span>Lik</span></span><span href=" class="retweets"><span class="rt-unt">92</span><span>Retweets</span></span></div></div></a></div><div data-ponent-name="Twter2ToDOM" class="tweet" data-attrs="{"url":"'m gay for attentn so the fewer lbians there are the better for me, personally. i don't like sharg the spotlight","ername":"Muna_Mire","name":"I don’t rell sayg good luck","date":"Thu Feb 25 17:23:23 +0000 2021","photos":[],"quoted_tweet":{},"retweet_unt":3,"like_unt":82,"expand_url":{},"vio_url":null,"belowTheFold":te}"><a class="tweet-lk-top" href=" target="_blank" rel><div class="tweet-hear"><img class="tweet-hear-avatar" src=" alt="Twter avatar for @Muna_Mire" loadg="lazy" /><div class="tweet-hear-text"><span class="tweet-thor-name">I don’t rell sayg good luck </span><span class="tweet-thor-handle">@Muna_Mire</span></div></div><div class="tweet-text">i'm gay for attentn so the fewer lbians there are the better for me, personally. i don't like sharg the spotlight</div></a><a class="tweet-lk-bottom" href=" target="_blank" rel><div class="tweet-footer"><span class="tweet-date">5:23 PM ∙ Feb 25, 2021</span><hr /><div class="tweet-ufi"><span href=" class="lik"><span class="like-unt">82</span><span>Lik</span></span><span href=" class="retweets"><span class="rt-unt">3</span><span>Retweets</span></span></div></div></a></div><p><strong>On Friday</strong><span>, Apple TV+ released the fale of their h seri </span><em>Dickson, </em><span>which is an anachronistic romp about young Ey Dickson starrg Hailee Stefeld. I don’t actually watch this show (sorry – the vib are jt not for me) so I lerally n’t spoil for you, but I am aware that a romantic </span><a href=" rel>bathtub scene</a><span> between Ey and Sue (her bt iend and paramour, duh) was volved. The only other thg I know about this show is that rapper Wiz Khalifa once played a personifitn of Death and there is a very </span><a href=" rel>memorable moment</a><span> between Ey and Sue set to Mksi’s “Your Bt Amerin Girl” (for this, the show earns my rpect). For those of you that watch this show – ngratulatns. I am always happy to feel the reverberatns of moments such as the when they occur the sapphic stratosphere. </span></p><div data-ponent-name="Twter2ToDOM" class="tweet" data-attrs="{"url":" feel a sexy disturbance the force. Did two ladi jt kiss on work televisn?","ername":"emtothea","name":"Ey Andras","date":"Tue Nov 15 02:04:53 +0000 2016","photos":[],"quoted_tweet":{},"retweet_unt":268,"like_unt":842,"expand_url":{},"vio_url":null,"belowTheFold":te}"><a class="tweet-lk-top" href=" target="_blank" rel><div class="tweet-hear"><img class="tweet-hear-avatar" src=" alt="Twter avatar for @emtothea" loadg="lazy" /><div class="tweet-hear-text"><span class="tweet-thor-name">Ey Andras </span><span class="tweet-thor-handle">@emtothea</span></div></div><div class="tweet-text">I feel a sexy disturbance the force. Did two ladi jt kiss on work televisn?</div></a><a class="tweet-lk-bottom" href=" target="_blank" rel><div class="tweet-footer"><span class="tweet-date">2:04 AM ∙ Nov 15, 2016</span><hr /><div class="tweet-ufi"><span href=" class="lik"><span class="like-unt">842</span><span>Lik</span></span><span href=" class="retweets"><span class="rt-unt">268</span><span>Retweets</span></span></div></div></a></div><p>That’s all for this week, folks! Stay tuned for next week’s romp through the sapphic ter. I will leave you wh this inic image of Cdy Crawford and k.d. lang, which I mentned above. </p><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk is-viewable-img image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="1456" height="1884" data-attrs="{"src":" lang Cuts It Close | Vany Fair","tle":null,"type":null,"href":null,"belowTheFold":te,"topImage":false,"ternalRedirect":null}" class="sizg-normal" alt="k.d. lang Cuts It Close | Vany Fair" tle="k.d. lang Cuts It Close | Vany Fair" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" loadg="lazy" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a></figure></div><div data-ponent-name="SubscribeWidget" class="subscribe-widget"><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-jtify-center--SQPji"><div class="ontend-ponents-ee_email_form-module__ntaer--OfBh4"><form actn="/api/v1/ee?nojs=te" method="post" noValidate class="form ontend-ponents-ee_email_form-module__form--LDIzl"><put type="hidn" name="first_url" /><put type="hidn" name="first_referrer" /><put type="hidn" name="current_url" /><put type="hidn" name="current_referrer" /><put type="hidn" name="referral_" /><put type="hidn" name="source" value="subscribe-widget" /><put type="hidn" name="referrg_pub_id" /><put type="hidn" name="addnal_referrg_pub_ids" /><div class="ontend-ponents-ee_email_form-module__siBySiWrap--yhsgv"><div class="ontend-ponents-ee_email_form-module__emailInputWrapper--BXNrb"><put type="email" name="email" placeholr="Type your email..." class="pencraft ontend-ponents-ee_email_form-module__emailInput--BLQGf" /></div><button tabInx="0" type="subm" class="button rightButton primary subscribe-btn ontend-ponents-ee_email_form-module__button--WcLG9"><span class="button-text ">Subscribe</span></button></div><div id="error-ntaer"></div></form><div class="ontend-log-typo_handler-EmailTypoHandler-module__animatnWrapper--UT0du"></div></div></div></div><p class="button-wrapper" data-attrs="{"url":"" data-ponent-name="ButtonCreateButton"><a class="button primary" href=" rel><span>Share</span></a></p></div></div><div class="visibily-check"></div><div class="post-footer"><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flexGrow--mx4xz ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-jtify-space-between--NvIcg ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-align-center--rSd6h ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-gap-16--TpblU ontend-pencraft-Box-module__paddg-y-16--ohCEm ontend-pencraft-Box-module__borr-top-tail-themed--e17yZ ontend-pencraft-Box-module__borr-bottom-tail-themed--eVwFY post-ufi"><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-gap-8--HFpIK"><div class="like-button-ntaer post-ufi-button style-button"><a role="button" class="post-ufi-button style-button has-label wh-borr"><svg role="img" style="height: 20px; width: 20px;" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="#000000" stroke-width="2" stroke="#000" xmlns=" class="in"><g><tle>.