Gay Athlet | List of Homosexual Sports Stars

lgbt sports stars

Thanks to the proment athlet who are gay, the sports world is beg more and more acceptg of homosexual players. Whether the famo Olympians, ...



Rairs fensive end Carl Nassib publicly me out June 2021, makg him the first openly gay man to actively play the NFL. * lgbt sports stars *

Carl Nassib ma history 2021 by beg the first openly gay man to actively play the NFL. In 2021, Carl Nassib beme the first active NFL player to e out as gay.

* lgbt sports stars *

In June 2021, NFL fensive end Carl Nassib me out as gay a vio posted to his Instagram, addg he donated $100, 000 to The Trevor Project, an anizatn that foc on suici preventn LGBTQ youth after he stggled wh his sexualy for 15 years. "I jt want to take a quick moment to say that I'm gay, " Nassib said the vio. Le Prokop beme the first NHL player to e out as gay.

"Acrdg to USA Today, no NHL player — active or retired — had e out as gay. Michael Sam was the first openly gay man to be drafted to the NFL.

In 2014, Michael Sam me out as gay an terview wh ESPN and ma history that same year. Louis Rams, beg the first openly gay man to ever be drafted to the NFL. "Sce Febary and my big announcement, this has been a whole [lot of] speculatn of the first openly gay football player, but you know what?


Gay Athlet | List of Homosexual Sports Stars.