Men general are more visually-oriented than women. Partly bee of this, gay men often put more effort to their appearanc pared to their straight unterparts. Dpe stereotyp, however, there is no narrowly-fed way of...
Partly bee of this, gay men often put more effort to their appearanc pared to their straight unterparts. Dpe stereotyp, however, there is no narrowly-fed way of lookg great as a gay man.
Article SummaryXIf you want to look great as a gay man, the bt thg to do is be nfint. Whether ’s femm who have been alg wh this sce the dawn of gay (filed unr: “femme visibily”), folks on the softer si of butch, or peeps who are passg for dus whout even tryg - ’s not unmon to wish you uld be better seen by your fellow queers.
Flaggg’s orig is traced back to the 60’s and 70’s when gay and bisexual men would e a “hanky ” to signal their terts to each other before gay sex was legal. Addg sue elbow patch to a sweater or heavy-weight shirt (like a nim button-up) is guaranteed to give at least a 50% gay boost. #5 - Super Gay T-shirt (Not So Subtle).