Aaron Fischer, a gay teenager, will take on the mantle The Uned Stat of Capta Ameri, markg the character’s 80th anniversary <br>
The Uned Stat of Capta Ameri will troduce a number of everyday hero spired by Cap's legacy, and one of them will be the first openly gay Capta Ameri the Marvel Universe. * is captain america lgbt *
Marvel Comics unveiled s first gay Capta Ameri character this week — and is set to but the role June durg Pri Month, a report said.
“As a transgenr person, I am happy to be able to prent an openly gay person who admir Capta Ameri and fights agast evil to help those who are almost visible to society, ” Bazaldua said.
The first issue of the five-part seri will nta a back-up story troducg Aaron Fischer, created by wrer Joshua Tjillo and artist Jan Uned Stat of Capta Ameri #1 Aaron Fischer character sign by Jan Bazaldua (Image cred: Marvel Comics)Fischer, an openly gay hero, is scribed as "the Capta Ameri of the Railways, " protectg some of the most margalized people society. I really enjoyed signg him, and as a transgenr person, I am happy to be able to prent an openly gay person who admir Capta Ameri and fights agast evil to help those who are almost visible to society, " Bazaldua says.
As an openly gay man and the self-proclaimed "Capta Ameri of the Railways, " Aaron has ma his missn to protect naways and the homels, even if he don't exactly have the powers or rourc of Steve Rogers. “I really enjoyed signg him, and as a transgenr person, I am happy to be able to prent an openly gay person who admir Capta Ameri and fights agast evil to help those who are almost visible to society. Aaron Fischer, a gay teenager, will be the first, the new limed seri, released scribed Fischer, who will be the “Capta Ameri of the Railways”, as “a fearls teen who stepped up to protect fellow naways and the unhoed”, wh his but timed to ci wh Pri Month the US.
“As a transgenr person, I am happy to be able to prent an openly gay person who admir Capta Ameri and fights agast evil to help those who are almost visible to society, ” said Bazaldua.