Bright, Catholic -- and gay | ABS-CBN News

bright catholic and gay

More than 10 years ago, Joseph Prever found himself surg the ter for anythg that might help him: he was gay, Catholic, and nfed. Rourc were srce for a man stgglg wh homosexualy and tryg to rema fahful to the Church’s teachg.



* bright catholic and gay *

More than 10 years ago, Joseph Prever found himself surg the ter for anythg that might help him: he was gay, Catholic, and nfed. Rourc were srce for a man stgglg wh homosexualy and tryg to rema fahful to the Church's teachg. Google the words "gay Catholic" and one of the top s to appear will be Prever's own blog, a blog wh the tagle: "Catholic, Gay, and Feelg Fe.

What follows is an eded versn of a nversatn about everythg om homosexualy and Batman to poetry and football. The blog is about what 's like to be a gay Catholic – a gay Catholic who is of urse, celibate – and I say 'of urse' bee that seems to me like the only optn if you're gog to be both gay and Catholic. My iends and I joke that there's a gay Catholic renaissance on, or actually a gay Christian renaissance on, and we're proud to be at the foreont of – or at least we tell ourselv that we're at the foreont.

It was hard the sense that I'd actually always said that people shouldn't be public about beg gay, bee was not anybody's bs and I felt that would lend legimacy to this ia that beg gay is a sort of a sgle way to intify yourself: I actually still sort of hold that posn – kd of. It's hard to scribe: I don't thk that beg gay is as sential of a way to intify yourself as say, beg male is, or beg Catholic, or beg human. When people began to associate you wh this gay guy who wr a blog?


Bright, Catholic, and gay by Danton Remoto, 2011, Published and exclively distributed by Anvil Pub. edn, English * bright catholic and gay *

Your blog hear is, 'Catholic, Gay, and Feelg Fe, ' and you've been g the word 'gay' throughout our nversatn so far. ' I ed to joke that the only reason I ed the word 'gay' was so that I would tend to show up more on Google, which is only partially a joke, bee you know if you're gog to e the tools of technology to evangelize, then you have to be savvy about what Google is gog to fd and what isn't.


But I gus the shift maly happened as I began to approach beg more public about , bee as I beme more public I also me to ntact more openly wh people who intified as gay or who stggled wh same-sex attractn, or whatever. And what I found was that a lot of them had a lot of rentment towards people who sisted on not g the word gay. And fact, I rarely feel strongly about whether I should e the word gay or not, but the one time I do feel strongly about is when somebody starts upbraidg me for .


It's the sort of thg where people feel, and I thk rightly, that they have been nstraed to keep silent for most of their liv – and a lot of people have, whether 's nstraed by actual explic homophobia among the people that they love and/or are related to, or whether 's jt sort of a general culture unrstandg that you don't talk about this sort of thg. ' This is tratg and across as very patronizg bee the are people who don't have any sight to the experience of what is to be gay tellg you what is or is not ok to talk about, and what is and is not ok to ll yourself.


Bright, Catholic -- and gay | ABS-CBN News .