This is a list of gay ships I ship, don't hate if you hate and or don't ship any other them. Some of them are non, but some are jt
This is a list of gay ships I ship, don't hate if you hate and or don't ship any other them. Although has not yet been fished, people have already speculated that Goh is homosexual, as his androgyno and feme manners along wh his seemed attractn to Ash prov.
Well i heard the newt pokemon anime pulled an utena wh lillie and mallow so i'm batg watchg that for my gay dghter.
Gay? Gay. Lillie and mallow are gay.
I don’t really re about the Pokémon anime much anymore, but I do really hope that Lillie and Mallow do gay sh bee I really like our gay ass beg reprented. I dont ship lillie and mallow but thank you pokemon for the utena reference i'm glad lillie is a gay. Pokemon are you dog a gay??
Gibraltar – Gay. Gibraltar beg nfirmed as the first gay legend really mattered to a lot of people, pecially as was a character who wasn’t jt your average whe guy.