Did you know that Marv Gaye dreamed of jog the NFL? Or that he played the dms for Stevie Wonr? Today would have been Marv Gaye's 75th birthday. We're lookg back on the surprisg highs and lows the legendary life of Marv Gaye.
Marv Gaye, Amerin soul sger-songwrer-producer who, to a large extent, hered the era of artist-ntrolled popular mic of the 1970s. Among his h songs were ‘I Heard It Through the Grapeve,’ ‘A’t Nothg Like the Real Thg,’ ‘What’s Gog On,’ ‘Let’s Get It On,’ and ‘Sexual Healg.’ * what is marvin gaye about *
Marv Gaye, byname of Marv Pentz Gay, Jr., (born April 2, 1939, Washgton, D. Gaye sang his father’s Evangelil church Washgton, D. When doo-wop dissipated the late 1950s, Gaye had already absorbed Fuqua’s lsons close harmony.
After disbandg the Moonglows, Fuqua took the 20-year-old Gaye to Detro, where Berry Gordy, Jr., was formg Motown Rerds. Gaye, who also played dms and piano, bucked the Motown system and s emphasis on teen hs.
Marv Gaye bgraphy and history on AllMic cludg birthday, bt songs, existg and new album rmatn, and more. * what is marvin gaye about *
Gaye also enjoyed a seri of succsful duets, most notably wh Tammi Terrell (“A’t Nothg Like the Real Thg” [1968]). Blsed wh an exceptnally wi range that enpassed three distct vol styl—a piercg falsetto, a smooth mid-range tenor, and a ep gospel growl—Gaye bed great technil prows wh rare mil dividualy.
Gaye also displayed dazzlg virtuosy by overdubbg (buildg sound track by track onto a sgle tape) his own voice three or four tim to provi his own rich harmony, a technique he would employ for the rt of his reer.
Marv Gaye was one of the greatt sgers of all time, who rerd some of the ft ever soul songs a short perd of time." name="scriptn * what is marvin gaye about *
”Other major artists—most importantly Stevie Wonr—followed Gaye’s lead and acted as producer of their own efforts. In 1972 Gaye wrote the soundtrack for the film Trouble Man, wh lyrics that mirrored his own sense of secury.
Let’s Get It On, released 1973, displayed Gaye’s sensuo si. Here, My Dear (1979) brilliantly alt wh Gaye’s divorce om Gordy’s sister Anna (the first of the sger’s two tumultuo divorc)’s growg addictn to e exacerbated his psychologil stggl.