The war radilized many draft-age men, gay as well as straight. They helped normalize certa exprsns of homosexualy while tryg to avoid the draft.
* homosexuality in the vietnam war *
But historian Jt David Suran argu that an all-enpassg aspect of the Sixti has been downplayed or even ignored what he lls this “Stonewall-centered versn of gay history.
This say seeks to shed light on gay Vietnam War veterans whose experienc have remaed overlooked; the gay service personnel have battled to be heard, if they ever wanted to be heard at all. The say also seeks to expla how historil and societal factors impacted on the gay psyche and how dividuals challenged an… * homosexuality in the vietnam war *
“Inty-based solidari were a ccial factor antiwar anizg and antiwar activi played a cril role the formatn of inty-based movements such as Gay Liberatn, ” wr Suran. The Mattache Society, the Dghters of Bilis, and later, the Society for Individual Rights were typilly ma up of people wh memori of the ary’s anti-homosexualy purg WWII and Korea.