And given the non-stop mpaign to normalize the LGBT liftyle, should e as no surprise that the most recent versn troduc several homosexual Netflix seri, tled "Anne wh an E, " jt began s send season. "And se you missed the gay-is-good pot of the episo, the wrers have Anne askg another character: "How n there be anythg wrong wh a life if 's spent wh a person you love? People have suffered greatly through appropriate "love": For stance, a child whose father cid to love someone other than his wife, or a child who is loved, an erotic way, by an 's unlikely that Anne would ever have heard a sermon about homosexualy her day and age.
If she had, she would have known what scripture teach about homosexual relatnships: that they n unter to God's plan for human gay-themed episo of "Anne wh an E" has led many parents to turn the channel. As one of them wrote on the Facebook page of a Christian film review se, "The gay agenda pletely ed a perfectly heartwarmg and upliftg story. Look, the secular world unrstands the importance of worldview teachg jt as Christians do—and often teach through films and TV will bee harr and harr to avoid the "gay is good" msage the media.
Phillips is a man full of ntradictns and self-loathg behavr that prompts Cole to speculate wh Anne that he is reprsg his homosexualy. Phillips is gay and feels ep shame and hatred toward his own sexualy.