One of the ft Gay travel agency providg gay group tours and ctom-built LGBTQ travel packag to India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, S.E Asia, Europe & USA.
Explore our gay travel gui to India featurg LGBTQ+ safety tips, gay rights , top ci & attractns, where to stay and more! * gay destinations india *
Indian society has changed s attu towards homosexualy sce then. Dpe the lack of exclively gay bars and venu, the cy is largely acceptg of all kds of sexuali.
* gay destinations india *
Home to many gay f, a men-only gay guthoe, queer-iendly art gallery, and one of the largt pri paras the untry, New Delhi is nstantly strivg to wele all kds of people.
In fact, Delhi also has a spa specifilly for gay men. This tourist-lovg beach state has many gay-iendly gutho, hotels, and f to s name.
The multiple gay bars and rtrants here are proof of !
Pri paras are a regular feature here, while gay spac have started g to the picture as well.
Amra Odbhuth, a gay-iendly fe here, even brgs together queer and trans voic unr one roof to perform, celebrate inti, and share the love. is the mega cy of India, offerg the bt gay life the untry, and is also well known for Maharashtra mic, dance and ntankis (street theatre). The Khajaraho templ are famo for their erotic sculptur that nta several pictns of ancient homosexual activy.
While homosexualy has been crimalized, ’s still advisable to exercise utn wh same-sex public affectn. Gay men should be reful of lol mal who target them as potential sexual enunters, and then mand money to not report them to police, who are also often volved the sm.