A gay bought me Episo 1 - A GAY BOUGHT ME - Dreame

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* story of a gay bought me *

✅A GAY BOUGHT ME✅ ✴✴ Love, Li and Gam ✴✴ Not Eded _____Shyßoss❤️ ?Episo 1 ? ?Ma’s POV? My phone jarred me out of my sound sleep, I gmbled as I ver my ears wh my fluffy pillow but kept rgg I gave the bed vers an irrated jerk and I checked the ller, I let out a sigh while I stretched and settle to my pillow It was Wei, Eric kid sister I jt rolled my ey wonrg why she is llg me and how she even have my number the first place. J is a gay ? ? Even if he is a gay, that don’t stop him om beg my idol ? ? C. J is a gay oh em gee ??? ? No wonr he is never seen wh any girl ?? ? that is none of your bs if he is a gay or not ?? I kept strollg down and all the msag was C.

J beg a gay, I hissed and went to Instagram Only God know who C. “Dad is also affectg the mic dtry and is affectg me too ” CJ said tryg to fend himself “You beg a gay is the e of everythg ” ‘Dad I am not a gay, believe me.. I don’t really know how the mors circulate like that” CJ said “How do you want me to believe you’re not a gay??


Your mother and I should have take notice bee sce when you’re young, you’ve been shy to talk to girls and durg your middle school to high school, you never dated a girl and we’ve never seen you around a girl and how do want me not to believe you’re gay?? I am jt 21 ” “That don’t matter, you’re our son and we want the bt thg for you and no one is gog to change our cisn, the only thg you n do is to prove to everyone that you’re not a gay or else wh one month, you will be forced to Marry ” His father said and CJ angrily stood up “Dad, you’re unbelievable ” He said angrily and went out, he lled his iend who was livg gwanju that he is g to see him ???? ——– (In Gwanju) ——– ????? CJ was his r drivg rellg what his father had said, he was so angry that he clenched his hand hard on the steerg and he was speedg, jt then a girl crossed the road whout lookg at the road sign, she was too engrossed wh her phone to even notice anythg CJ quickly h the brak, the wheels locked and the tir screamed,.

A Gay Bought Me - Chapter 34Love, Li and GamWrten By Tom Anna[✓]Suzy POVImmediately he remove the mask off my face, I quickly looked away.."CJ " Mom yelledHe stood there for some mut whout sayg anythg and I was now gettg sred thkg he has seen my face"Hey look at me" he whispered and that is when I knew was over for me"Chen Jai" I heard a faiar voice, CJ turned away but I refed to look at anyone"Ohh mom good morng " He greeted"CJ, how many tim have I told you to stop llg her mom?? This is not the dumb Ma I once knewPoor Kayla A Gay Bought Me - Chapter 35Love, Li and GamWrten By Tom AnnaAuthor's POVEve's ey snapped open, and she took a quick, half panicked look the darkened room.


Shyboss's Book A gay bought me A story of how a popular sger was moured to be Gay leavg his fans vastated.

The mour really affected the dtry and affected him also bee no one believ him not even his parents, the reason was bee they never see him wh any girl makg them believe that their son is ed Gay.


A gay bought me Episo 1 - A GAY BOUGHT ME - Dreame .