Auckland Gay Weddgs, Gay Weddgs Auckland New Zealand, Auckland Gay Weddg Packag - Gay Dtatn Weddgs

new zealand lgbt wedding

New Zealand's first gay weddgs took place on Monday after the natn beme the 14th the world to legalise same-sex marriage. Vows were exchanged venu rangg om an airler cisg at 30,000…


    * new zealand lgbt wedding *

    New Zealand's first gay weddgs took place on Monday after the natn beme the 14th the world to legalise same-sex marriage. When Trent Kandler and Pl McCarthy cid to get engaged, they knew they would probably have to tie the knot outsi their native Atralia, where same-sex unns are not yet years later, wearg matchg three-piece sus and pk ti, the uple marched down the isle at Wellgton’s Te Papa natnal mm, 2, 200 km (1, 370 ) om home, as a law to legalise gay marriage New Zealand went to force on Monday. ”Kandler and McCarthy were the spotlight after wng a ntt by the tourism board to ve a gay Atralian uple to wed New Zealand, the 13th untry to allow homosexuals to marry.


    Auckland Gay Weddgs, Gay Weddgs Auckland New Zealand, Auckland Gay Weddg Packag - Gay Dtatn Weddgs.
