ESRB: Mature</tle><path fill="#1B1615" d="M.119.117h54.824V74.6H.119V.117z"></path><path fill="#FFF" d="M51.63 3.277H3.454v11.237H51.63zM3.546 17.29h48.09v43.82H3.546z"></path><path fill="#FFF" d="M3.6 70.673v-6.588h9.685v1.54H7.489v.94h4.906v1.538H7.489v1.032h6.025v1.538H3.599zM21.735 66c-.057-.22-.274-.36-.556-.444-.277-.085-.62-.12-1.007-.12-.856 0-1.236.138-1.236.383 0 .975 6.829.365 6.829 2.76 0 1.527-2.296 2.272-5.559 2.272-3.135 0-5.175-1.017-5.258-2.207h3.721c.087.24.319.408.647.52.315.11.723.165 0 1.621-.171 1.621-.484 0-.997-6.834-.311-6.834-2.823 0-1.401 2.176-2.103 5.15-2.103 3.289 0 4.797.933 5.077 2.082h-3.704zM31.59 66.94h1.527c1.207 0 1.855-.173 1.855-.624 0-.466-.657-.69-1.57-.69H31.59v1.314zm0 1.437v2.296H27.7v-6.589h5.601c3.956 0 5.262.603 5.262 1.883 0 .762-.607 1.394-1.994 1.614 1.251.252 2.01.409 2.01 1.739 0 .857-.048 1.154.414 1.154v.199H35.05c-.099-.146-.196-.567-.196-1.15 0-.866-.262-1.146-2.076-1.146H31.59zM44.85 65.625v1.105h1.617c.771 0 1.338-.202 1.338-.578 0-.514-.765-.527-1.584-.527H44.85zm0 2.296v1.214h1.693c.961 0 1.687-.108 1.687-.601 0-.576-.902-.613-2.149-.613H44.85zm-3.892 2.753v-6.59h5.672c2.678 0 4.803.354 4.803 1.663 0 .678-.793 1.17-1.549 1.43 1.279.184 1.976.801 1.976 1.511 0 1.469-2.026 1.986-5.116 1.986h-5.786z"></path><path fill="#1B1615" d="M4.563 12.838V5.252h2.212l1.031 5.16h.019l1.088-5.16h2.136v7.586H9.715V6.987h-.016l-1.264 5.851H7.118L5.922 6.987h-.023v5.851H4.563zM11.666 12.838l1.822-7.586h1.814l1.78 7.586h-1.446l-.361-1.678h-1.877l-.374 1.678h-1.358zm2.648-6.126h-.022l-.623 3.28h1.315l-.67-3.28zM21.095 5.252v1.26h-1.529v6.326h-1.375V6.512h-1.525v-1.26zM26.17 5.252v5.381c0 .289-.038.569-.113.847a2.252 2.252 0 0 1-.37.746c-.174.22-.404.399-.692.534-.28.138-.636.206-1.05.206-.763 0-1.323-.21-1.692-.631-.363-.419-.55-.986-.55-1.702V5.252h1.373v5.277c0 .467.079.801.233 0 .526-.111.663-.334.141-.224.213-.547.213-.967V5.252h1.371zM28.637 12.838h-1.373V5.252h2.534c.475 0 .855.166 1.127.503.278.337.415.832.415 1.482 0 .484-.095.893-.277 1.231-.188.337-.499.547-.942.632v.02c. 0 .117 0 .286.006.501 0 .219.009.443.019.676. 2.026 0 0 1-.144-.724c-.006-.25-.006-.5-.006-.744 0-.226 0-.439-.003-.642a1.56 1.56 0 0 0-.09-.531.738.738 0 0 0-.291-.362c-.137-.091-.336-.138-.594-.138h-.356v3.141zm0-4.307h.611a.512.512 0 0 0 .333-.107.691.691 0 0 0 .217-.267c.057-.109.093-.229.116-.362.021-.133.033-.258.033-.377 0-.366-.063-.623-.184-.771a.63.63 0 0 0-.515-.229h-.611v2.113zM32.347 12.838V5.252h3.584v1.166h-2.207V8.29h2.036v1.165h-2.036v2.219h2.282v1.164h-3.659zM38.788 6.392c.233-.155.455-.323.666-.513.21-.19.4-.413.564-.669h1.219v7.629h-1.373V6.97a4.912 4.912 0 0 1-.518.462c-.18.137-.368.267-.558.391V6.392zM46.075 6.664l-1.543 6.175h-1.431l1.741-6.448h-2.174V5.21h3.407zM48.197 6.724h1.01v2.071h1.538v1.167h-1.538v2.07h-1.01v-2.07h-1.545V8.795h1.545z"></path><path fill="#1B1615" d="M6.678 27.32l13.824-3.715 7.877 18.509.067-.022-2.38-19.974 13.82-3.709 8.626 32.318-8.427 2.255-6.163-23.107-.07.029 2.616 24.045-9.114 2.453-9.72-22.145-.072.02 6.159 23.104-8.419 2.254L6.678 27.32z"></path></svg></a></div></div><div class="jsx-1608829512 divir vertil"></div><div class="stack jsx-3567995370 meta-em"><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256 active small">Platforms</div><div class="stack jsx-898537701 platforms"><a href="/gam/platform/ps3" tle="PlayStatn 3" class="platform-in" data-cy="ps3"><svg class="ign-in jsx-1785568775 in-ps3" focable="false" viewBox="0 0 16 16" aria-hidn="false" role="img"><tle>PlayStatn 3</tle><path d="M0 4c0-2.20914 1.79086-4 4-4h8c2.2091 0 4 1.79086 4 4v8c0 2.2091-1.7909 4-4 4H4c-2.20914 0-4-1.7909-4-4V4Z" fill="#231F20"></path><path d="M13.9376 5.40729c-.5705-.10431-1.1986-.19372-1.8553-.25828C11.1138 5.04967 10.083 5 9.03316 5c-1.05475 0-2.11421.04967-3.15471.14901-.69999.06457-1.38557.149-2.03755.25828l-.02877.00496-.47943 1.35596.0959-.0149c.62326-.09934 1.30404-.18378 2.01842-.24338 1.0068-.08444 2.06158-.12417 3.14034-.12417 1.04996 0 2.04714.03973 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.87118.08368 1.19857.25104.33293.16737.58263.39889.7491.69456.16647.29568.2497.63599.2497 1.02092Zm-2.35552.63599c.46056 0 .69084-.212.69084-.63599 0-.42956-.23028-.64435-.69084-.64435h-.64922v1.28034h.64922Zm2.98457.33473c0-.5802.1193-1.09624.3579-1.54812.24416-.45746.58819-.81172 1.03211-1.06276C10.0991 5.12831 10.6096 5 11.1867 5c.7325 0 1.3484.19805 1.8478.59414.4994.39052.8212.92329.9655 1.59833h-1.7562c-.1055-.22315-.2525-.39331-.4412-.51046-.1831-.11716-.3967-.17573-.6409-.17573-.3773 0-.6797.13668-.9072.41004-.222.26778-.33297.62761-.33297 1.0795 0 .45746.11097.82287.33297 1.09623.2275.26778.5299.40167.9072.40167.2442 0 .4578-.05857.6409-.17573.1887-.11715.3357-.28731.4412-.51046H14c-.1443.67504-.4661 1.21057-.9655 1.60667-.4994.3905-1.1153.5858-1.8478.5858-.5771 0-1.0876-.1255-1.53151-.3766-.44392-.2566-.78795-.6108-1.03211-1.06273-.2386-.45746-.3579-.97908-.3579-1.56485Z" fill="#fff"></path></svg></a><a href="/gam/platform/xbox-360" tle="Xbox 360" class="platform-in" 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7.98127c0-1.3823-.5611-2.64007-1.4838-3.54915-.0125-.01246-.0126-.01241-.0251-.01241-.0187-.00623-.0647-.02092-.1471-.01605Zm-6.69337.00535c-.08416-.00331-.13257.01377-.15439.02311-.01247 0-.01237.0124-.02484.0124C3.56119 5.3536 3 6.61137 3 7.99368c0 1.13324.38667 2.19182 1.02258 3.02622 0 .0124.01237.0124.02483.0124.01247 0 .01247-.0124 0-.0248-.38652-1.18306 1.57096-4.03484 2.58092-5.23034l.01266-.01241c0-.01245-.0002-.01265-.01266-.01265-1.15023-1.13946-1.72521-1.33317-1.9777-1.34309Zm3.34925 2.60106s-.01242-.00005-.01242.0124C6.49122 8.15571 3.92283 10.9701 4.70835 11.7671 5.58116 12.5392 6.74054 13 7.99988 13c1.25933 0 2.40652-.4608 3.29172-1.2329.7731-.797-1.78282-3.61139-3.27906-4.74463 0-.01245-.01266-.0124-.01266-.0124Z" fill="#D0D0D9"></path></svg></a></div></div></div><div class="ObjectSummaryEmbed_object-actns__28WbG"><div class="stack jsx-1724562443 meta-wrapper"><div class="stack jsx-2974888060 sendary-actns"><button class="jsx-1603570557 button button--sendary 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ballad of gay tony margot

Margot (March 11, 1983 - 2008) was a random character Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony. She was the obssive ex-girliend of Luis Lopez until the pair end up bad. She was voiced by Sarah Clements. By 2007, Margot dated Luis Fernando Lopez. However, at some pot the...



Margot is a character the Grand Theft Auto seri who appears as a random character The Ballad of Gay Tony. Margot dated Luis Fernando Lopez at some pot durg 2007. Luis end the relatnship when he revealed that he didn't want to marry her. Afterwards, she stalked and beme obssed... * ballad of gay tony margot *

Margot is a character the Grand Theft Auto seri who appears as a random character The Ballad of Gay Tony. Events of The Ballad of Gay Tony[].

The Ballad of Gay Tony[]. Navigatnv • d • eThe Ballad of Gay Tony charactersStat† not Deceased, Italics not a stat termed by the player's choiceProtagonistLuis Fernando LopezCentral charactersTony Prce • Yuf Amir • Armando Torr • Henrique Bardas • Roc Pelosi† • Ray Bulgar†Ma charactersMori Kibbutz • Bcie Kibbutz • Adriana Yanira Lopez • Timur† • Uncle Vce† • Evan Moss† • Gracie AncelottiSupportg charactersRoman Bellic • Patrick McReary • Derrick McReary† • Dsie • Troy • Gala Bulgar • Abdul Amir • Joni • The Celebator • Niko Bellic • Johnny Klebz† • Al Di Napoli • Alfonso Vasquez Jr. Lopez • Nick Lanster • Roy Zo • Suphot Paci • Tony Arms • Willy ValerOther charactersJase • Miranda Cowan • Terrorism Expert • Rob • Vikky • Zack Adhem • Steve • Kelly • Mallm ForthrightCharacters The Ballad of Gay Tony • Category:Characters The Ballad of Gay Tony • The Ballad of Gay Tony • Category:Characters.


Margot appears as a Random Character GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony. Margot had dated Luis Lopez some time 2007. After their relatnship end, Margot... * ballad of gay tony margot *

Margot appears as a Random Character GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony. GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony.

On this page, you fd the ultimate gui and checklist to achieve 100% Completn GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony, wh all the required tasks.


On this page, you fd the ultimate gui and checklist to achieve 100% Completn GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony, wh all the required tasks. The... * ballad of gay tony margot *

The Ballad of Gay Tony is the send expansn add to Grand Theft Auto IV, based Liberty Cy. You play as Luis Fernando Lopez, a young associate of Gay Tony Prce, whom he helps out wh managg his high-end nightclubs Algonqu.

To ease your task of fully pletg Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony, we've created this full list of all the tasks required to achieve 100% pletn GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony. For each task, you n fd out extra rmatn by accsg the lks to our The Ballad of Gay Tony Guis. GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: Missns (80%)Complete all 26 Storyle Missns (60%)Complete 8 Club Management Missns (10%)Complete all 3 Random Character's Enunters (5%)Complete 25 Dg Wars (2.

5%)GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: Activi & Friends (15%)Do all Friend Activi wh Armando & Henrique (5%)W a game of PoolW a game of DartsW a game of GolfW a game of Air HockeyW the Cage Fightg ChampnshipW the Champagne Drkg ConttDance succsfully Hercul and Maisote clubsGTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: Collectibl (5%)Complete all 15 Base Jumps (2.


Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony (Vio Game 2009) st and crew creds, cludg actors, actrs, directors, wrers and more. * ballad of gay tony margot *

5%)GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: 100% Completn RewardsTasks NOT Required for 100% CompletnGTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: 100% Completn Vio Walkthrough. GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: Missns (80%). Fd Arnd, Daisie, and Margot, the 3 random characters available The Ballad of Gay Tony, and help them out wh their tasks.


In this sectn you fd the full list of all Story Missns GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony chronologil orr. There is a total of 26 missns the... * ballad of gay tony margot *

GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: Activi & Friends (15%).

GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: Collectibl (5%). Here is a map of all the seagull lotns GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony:. Achievg 100% Completn of Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony allows the player to buy unlimed ammunn for their weapons.


For Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs msage board topic tled ";. * ballad of gay tony margot *

Well, there are many more thgs to do GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony, which are not actually required for 100% pletn of the game, such as:.


In this page you n fd the full list of Characters GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony, the downloadable episo of Grand Theft Auto V. This lists all TBoGT... * ballad of gay tony margot *

GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: 100% Completn Vio Walkthrough. This was everythg you need to know to achieve 100% Completn GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony! Anthony 'Gay Tony' Prce.

Young Gay Guy /. Middle Aged Gay Man.


GTA IV new downloadable episo on the xbox live ballad of gay tony(TBoGT) tak the role of LUIS lopez (the character we see the black and whe jacket on niko bellic's story missn "the 3 leaf clover" or other words the missn where you mt rob the bank wh pakie and his brother and where we last see that one missn where you exchange the mobsters dghter for ray's diamonds) IS THE FIRST GTA story where you play as a hispanic character,luis lopez who is a part time hoodlum and full time assistant for tony prce or gay tony." name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn * ballad of gay tony margot *

In this sectn you fd the full list of all Story Missns GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony chronologil orr.

There is a total of 26 missns the storyle of The Ballad of Gay Tony. The Ballad of Gay Tony troduc missn srg, wh specific objectiv (such as time, damage, accuracy, etc.

In addn, GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony featur other optnal Si Missns that n be played, which are still necsary for 100% pletn of the game. The are the Random Characters that n be enuntered The Ballad of Gay Tony. BoardsGrand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tonysoooo....


For Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony on the Xbox 360, Walkthrough by DG-le-Ste. * ballad of gay tony margot *

BoardsGrand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay. In this page you n fd the full list of Characters GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony, the downloadable episo of Grand Theft Auto V. The ma protagonist and playable character GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony is Luis Fernando Lopez.

Luis is a part-time hoodlum and full-time assistant to legendary nightclub imprar "Gay" Tony Prce - stgglg wh the petg loyalti of fay and iends a world where everyone has a price. The major characters the storyle of The Ballad of Gay Tony.


* ballad of gay tony margot *

Gay Tony Prce.

Havg lent money to Gay Tony, Luis Lopez is forced to work wh Mori.

Durg the events of The Ballad of Gay Tony, he beiends Luis and Tony and enters a partnership wh them Luis.


I was playg Grand Theft Auto:Liberty Cy Stori PC Edn And I Found A Store The Said Margot`s The Way,Margot Was The Character In Grand The Auto:Episos From Liberty Cy,The Ballad Of Gay Tony That Commed Suici Bee Luis Lopez Didn`t Love Cafe Was Loted At Or Ve... * ballad of gay tony margot *

Other characters that make a mor appearance GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony.

GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony (PC) Random Character - Margot [2 Enunters] (1080p). GTA IV new downloadable episo on the xbox live ballad of gay tony(TBoGT) tak the role of LUIS lopez (the character we see the black and whe jacket on niko bellic's story missn "the 3 leaf clover" or other words the missn where you mt rob the bank wh pakie and his brother and where we last see that one missn where you exchange the mobsters dghter for ray's diamonds) IS THE FIRST GTA story where you play as a hispanic character, luis lopez who is a part time hoodlum and full time assistant for tony prce or gay ballad of gay tony will be available for dlc on xboxlive marketplace for 1600 microsoft pots or 20$ on october 29 2009. * Grand Theft Auto: IV - The Ballad of Gay Tony *.

"Grand Theft Auto: IV - The Ballad of Gay Tony" is a vio game produced by. "Grand Theft Auto: IV - The Ballad of Gay Tony". "Gay" Tony Prce.


In this sectn you fd the full list of all Story Missns GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony chronologil orr. There is a total of 26 missns the... * ballad of gay tony margot *

2 to "Gay".

Tony Prce, the owner of Maisote 9 and Hercul, the latter beg a gay. After we tch glimps of Niko and Johnny, we are troduced to "Gay" Tony.

the gay club. "H", but they have not had the lucky break Luis got wh Gay Tony. Gay Tony is the owner of Maisote 9 and Hercul, the most prtig.

For Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs msage board topic tled "; - Page 2. * ballad of gay tony margot *

straight and gay bars Liberty Cy. for him to move off the doors at a gay club.

He wants to show to the world to prove that he's not gay. Margot (March 11, 1983 - 2008) was a random character Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony.

I was playg Grand Theft Auto:Liberty Cy Stori PC Edn And I Found A Store The Said Margot`s The Way, Margot Was The Character In Grand The Auto:Episos From Liberty Cy, The Ballad Of Gay Tony That Commed Suici Bee Luis Lopez Didn`t Love Cafe Was Loted At Or Very Close To Chatown. This Is Margot From GTA:EFLC The Ballad Of Gay Tony:. Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony.

In this page you n fd the full list of Characters GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony, the downloadable episo of Grand Theft Auto V. This lists all TBoGT... * ballad of gay tony margot *

(TBoGT - The Ballad of Gay Tony).

One random enunter GTA IV, Gracie Ancelotti, is not marked on the map wh the in, while one enunter The Ballad of Gay Tony, Daisie Cash-Cooze, do not always trigger, even when her in is on the screen. The Ballad of Gay Tony.

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony * ballad of gay tony margot *

The Lost and Damned | The Ballad of Gay Tony. This is a list of missns The Ballad of Gay Tony.

The Ballad of Gay Tony was tend to give players an over-the-top and immersive gamg experience to end the gameplay the Liberty Cy era. Gay Tony.

A scriptn of trop appearg Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony. Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony, released on 29 October 2009, is … * ballad of gay tony margot *

There are three random characters spread over Algonqu The Ballad of Gay Tony.

OverviewMargot is one of the random enunters wanrg the streets of Liberty Cy the Grand Theft Auto IV DLC pack The Ballad Of Gay Tony. At some pot prr to the events of Gay Tony, protagonist Luis Lopez had a one night stand wh Margot.


Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony .