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If approved by the full Congrs, the bill uld force Stonewall Natnal Monument, an NPS se New York dited to tellg the story of the gay rights movement, to take down s Pri flags. It memorat the se of the rts at the Stonewall Inn that kicked off the morn gay rights movement on June 28, 1969.
As employe waved rabow flags, the drag queen — Wyn Wiley, gog by the name Pattie Gonia — joked that “gay people are lerally takg over the Natnal Park System. As the issue gas more polil tractn for gay rights opponents, the Human Rights Campaign rpond June by clarg s first “state of emergency.
Dpe the plats om Republins on Capol Hill, gay rights advot have been urgg more natnal parks to jo the Pri celebratns. The new battl e at a key time for the gay rights movement.
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While a rerd high 71 percent of Amerins last year said they believed gay and lbian relatns were morally acceptable, that fell to 64 percent this year Gallup’s most recent Valu and Beliefs poll released June.
Last month, his mpaign released a vio that cricized former Print Donald Tmp for his earlier ments on gay rights and Pri Month, llg him “the polician who did more than any other Republin to celebrate . Gay rights backers say they’re ready to do more battle.
The Bin admistratn also plans to make the monument larger stature next year, when NPS opens a new visor center that will be the first of s kd the Uned Stat voted exclively to the gay rights movement. NPS also has worked to advance s tellg of gay rights stori on s webse, featurg a 2016 theme study of “LGBTQ Ameri.