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He says he’s bisexual, but I’m worried he’s actually gay.



Ironilly, was that program where I first experienced queer love (while alg wh homophobia, as they separated me and the girl I was love wh wh a punishment lled “no talk, ” which entailed severe punishments if we so much as glanced at each other).

The followg list is not exhstive, but may be a good first step or give you an ia of where to start lookg for your you feel like you may harm yourself or someone else or otherwise feel like you’re immediate danger, don’t wa to fd an LGBTQ+ or -affirmg therapist — see a doctor, go to the emergency room, or ll an LGBTQ+ crisis hotle, like the Natnal Suici Preventn Lifele (800-273-8255), The Trevor Project (866-488-7386, for LGBTQ+ youth ag 13-24), The Gay, Lbian, Bisexual and Transgenr Natnal Hotle (888-843-4564), or the Trans Lifele (877-565-8860) are some natnal directori of LGBTQ+ and -affirmg therapists you may want to beg your search wh. Organizatns like GLMA (prevly known as the Gay and Lbian Medil Associatn), AGLP (The Associatn of LGBTQ+ Psychiatrists), and others have natnal listgs of queer and queer-affirmg mental health profsnals, though they may not be fully up to lol LGBTQ+ mental health anizatns exist, and may provi a more thorough listg if you live a cy served by one — New York Cy has Lighthoe and Manhattan Alternative; San Francis has Gaylta; Utah/Salt Lake Cy have The LGBTQ-Affirmative Psychotherapist Guild of Utah; and Kansas Cy has The LGBT-Affirmative Therapists Guild. gay.


In orr to have doubts about one’s sexual inty, a sufferer need not ever have had a homo- or heterosexual experience, or any type of sexual experience at all.

If the sufferer is heterosexual, then the thought may be that they are homosexual. If on the other hand they happen to be homosexual they may obss about the possibily that they might really be straight. ” Some people’s doubts are further plited by havg such experienc as hearg other people talkg or lookg their directn and thkg that the people mt be analyzg their behavr or appearance and talkg about them – discsg how they mt be gay (or straight).

For those wh thoughts of beg homosexual, part of the distrs mt surely be social orig. Let’s face , gay people have always been an opprsed mory wh our culture, and to sudnly thk of beg this posn, and to be stigmatized this way, n be ighteng.


Internatnal OCD Foundatn | How Do I Know I’m Not Really Gay/Straight? .