Gay Pri Para Jesalem - Unpacked

gay pride jérusalem

More than ever before, this year’s Jesalem gay pri para offered a stage for opponents of the current far-right/ultra-Orthodox aln and the judicial overhl advanced by the ernment.



Police bolstered on pal's streets for annual event; 2 teens taed for puttg up posters agast event; anti-gay Lehava group monstrat agast participants * gay pride jérusalem *

Police bolstered on pal’s streets for annual event; 2 teens taed for puttg up posters agast event; anti-gay Lehava group monstrat agast participants. Thoands of people take part the annual Gay Pri Para Jesalem, June 3, 2021.

The annual event is a highlight for the cy’s vibrant LGBT muny, which is often overshadowed by Tel Aviv’s gay-iendly persona and bet by relig and polil tensns ever-prent the pal. As thoands filled the pal’s streets, a small monstratn prottg the para was held by members of the far-right and anti-gay Lehava anizatn.


Much of Israel’s L.G.B.T.Q. muny feels threatened by the right-wg ernment and s judicial overhl plan — even wh a gay speaker of Parliament. * gay pride jérusalem *

Right wg activists monstrate agast the annual Gay Pri para Jesalem, on June 3, 2021.

People at the Gay Pri Para Jesalem on June 3, 2021, look at a photo of Shira Banki, murred by an ultra-Orthodox extremist at the march 2015. I was shocked to the pths of my soul by this wild cement, by the famatn agast the gay muny, the profani, and the ath threats, " said Knset speaker add that he me to the march to "stand up agast this evil spir and say clearly and unequivolly as the Speaker of the Knset that reprents the entire public Israel: LGBTQ people are equal cizens and serve full and equal rights. "Horowz poted to reforms ma surrogacy to allow same-sex upl and sgle fathers to have children through the procs, regulatns issued agast nversn therapy and the approval of allowg gay men to donate blood.


Tens of thoands me to Jesalem to attend the Jesalem Gay Pri Para. Not jt a para, was a prott agast the anti-LGBTQ ernment. * gay pride jérusalem *

Muny feels threatened by the right-wg ernment and s judicial overhl plan — even wh a gay speaker of Parliament. Another far-right mister wh a history of homophobia, Itamar Ben-Gvir, who now overse the police, was tasked wh securg Jesalem para is normally a relatively staid annual tradn.


Jesalem's gay pri para is set to nclu jt an hour before the eply relig memorial service for an ultra-Orthodox rabbi. * gay pride jérusalem *

Activists have reported a sharp crease anti-gay abe and vlence Israel recent months, and had been expectg a large turnout for this year’s para. Dpe lls om the gay muny for Mr.

Members of Israel’s tech sector, women’s anizatns and army rervists who, together wh the gay muny, have played a proment role the anti-judicial overhl protts, attend the Jesalem para Netanyahu has pledged to protect gay rights and appoted Amir Ohana, a member of his nservative Likud party, as the first openly gay speaker of Israel’s Ohana was publicly weled at a state ceremony this year, markg the 75th anniversary of Israel’s tablishment, together wh his life partner, unrlg the high profile of the gay muny Israel even as hostile rhetoric om officials grows. “Maybe we won’t see a law sayg gay men have to wear a pk shirt Israel, ” said Jonathan Valfer, chairman of the Jesalem Open Hoe for Pri and Tolerance and a para anizer, of the potential dangers posed by the ernment’s judicial the end, he said an terview, gay rights — such as same-sex surrogacy rights — have mostly been nferred by the Supreme Court rather than the lawmakers. ”ImageAmir Ohana, a member of the nservative Likud party, is the first openly gay speaker of Israel’s Elkayam for The New York TimReflectg the more nservative character of the holy cy, the annual para Jesalem is much smaller and quieter than the rnival-like one Tel Aviv, which tak place a week later and attracts up to 250, 000 Israeli L.

We explore the Gay Pri Para Jesalem. What tnal challeng and opportuni do brg? * gay pride jérusalem *

Activists had raised fears of vlence durg the para, cg a 2022 report that showed a spike plats about homophobic and transphobic verbal and physil asslts Israel the last two months of last year, a rult, they said, of the oute of the Nov.


Gay Pri Para Jesalem - Unpacked .