Israel set to lnch 2023 Gay Pri Month

jerusalem gay pride 2023

Much of Israel’s L.G.B.T.Q. muny feels threatened by the right-wg ernment and s judicial overhl plan — even wh a gay speaker of Parliament.



Organizers expect Jesalem Gay Pri Para to be the largt ever; claim the importance of the annual event this year while rights are unr threat om the ernment and vlence agast LGBTQ+ members on the rise * jerusalem gay pride 2023 *

Organizers expect Jesalem Gay Pri Para to be the largt ever; claim the importance of the annual event this year while rights are unr threat om the ernment and vlence agast LGBTQ+ members on the riseIsrael is set to Lnch Gay Pri Month on Thursday, wh a rerd-breakg 100 events planned around the untry and paras will take place where they had not before. 2 View gallery A protter holds an Israeli and rabow flag durg a monstratn outsi the Tel Aviv rabbate(Photo: Nadav Av)This year the LGBTQ+ muny's rights are unr threat om the most right-wg and relig ernment the untry's history cludg the prence of homophobic puty mister Avi Maoz who has brand LGBTQ as viants.

More than ever before, this year’s Jesalem gay pri para offered a stage for opponents of the current far-right/ultra-Orthodox aln and the judicial overhl advanced by the ernment. * jerusalem gay pride 2023 *

"Gay pri events are seen as a prott and ll for equal rights, personal secury and the advancement of tolerance Israeli society, " the LGBTQ+ associatn said a statement. On the year when our rights and eedoms are unr threat om the ernment, the gay muny will monstrate, prott and celebrate our culture, inty and love wh pri, " she said. Many of the achievements of the past year are danger and the polil climate has already ed vlence towards members of the gay muny, and an crease lls to psychologil and emotnal hotl, " activist and chairman of Jesalem's Open Hoe for Pri and Tolerance Jonathan Valfer said.

JERUSALEM — Thoands of people are expected to march Jesalem’s Pri para Thursday, an annual event that is takg place this year unr Israel’s most right-wg ernment ever, stacked wh openly homophobic march the nservative cy is always tense and tightly secured by police, and has been h by vlence the past. Jesalem’s march is typilly more subdued than the one gay-iendly Tel Aviv, where tens of thoands of revelers pour to the streets for a massive, multilored party.


Israel set to lnch 2023 Gay Pri Month.