Mic Team | Brighton Gay Men’s Chos

brighton gay choir

The origal and most fabulo Gay Men’s Chos Brighton and Hove. Registered Chary No. 1171020.



* brighton gay choir *

Brighton Gay Men’s Chos prents Sg-rellaThis Christmas jo Brighton Gay Men’s Chos for a faiar fairy tale told as only we know how – through the medium of song.

Bookg fe may Brighton Gay Men’s Chos is always lookg for new members. 00pm every Tuday eveng central click Read More below to read the rmatn on our Jo Us page and then drop our Membership Co-ordators a quick email to let them know to look out for UsBrighton Gay Men’s Chos is a space where people n celebrate mic, celebrate their sexualy, enjoy the fellowship of other like-md people and ntribute to the lol muni of which we are a part. Can’t self-intify as a gay or gay-iendly man?

Brighton Gay Men’s Chos has a number of opportuni for you to get the Rabow LotterySupport and other LGBTQ+ Cs and you uld w up to £25, 000! Bee a sponsorLet help you accs the LGBTQ sector wh Brighton & Hove and the surroundg TeamWhilst the members of Brighton Gay Men’s Chos are all amatr sgers, we are privileged to have the servic of some of the most talented mil profsnals on the south ast.


Brighton & Hove's Actually Gay Men's Chos will perform at Kg Charl III's ronatn ncert at Wdsor Castle on Sunday night (7 May). * brighton gay choir *

ShowsAs well as many appearanc throughout the year at chary events, Brighton Gay Men’s Chos stag three of our own shows each year. The Actually Gay Men’s Chos will perform durg a Coronatn Concert for Kg Charl III on Sunday, 7 May. (Getty/Actually Gay Men’s Chos).

A gay men’s choir om Brighton says will relish the “once--a-lifetime opportuny” to reprent the LGBTQ+ muny at the Kg’s ronatn ncert this weekend. Brighton & Hove’s Actually Gay Men’s Chos are set to take to the stage at Wdsor Castle on Sunday night (7 May) as part of a ‘ronatn choir’ ma up of diverse amatr sgers cludg refuge, NHS workers and af sgers.

Gav Bent, Chairman of the Actually Gay Men’s Chos, said the group were “thrilled and honoured” to have been selected to jo the ronatn choir, which will also be the subject of a documentary tellg the spirg stori of s members.


Buy Tickets for Brighton Gay Men’s Chos shows - no fe! * brighton gay choir *

Actually Gay Men’s Chos will form part of the ‘ronatn choir’ durg Sunday’s ronatn ncert (Actually Gay Men’s Chos). Found 2005, Actually Gay Men’s Chos wel members of varied ag and backgrounds “who share a passn for mic and a mment to promotg clivy and diversy”, acrdg to the group.

The late Queen’s 70-year reign saw transformative chang the UK, cludg major laws that advanced LGBTQ+ rights such as the partial crimalisatn of homosexualy 1967 and the Marriage (Same Sex Coupl) Act 2014. One such untry is Uganda, whose parliament recently passed an Anti-Homosexualy Bill that would make simply intifyg as LGBTQ+ a crimal offence. “Homosexualy was still a crimal offence England so they tried to export to their loni wherever they went and Uganda of urse was one of them, ” he said.

ForthgDecember 2023Sg-DerellaChristmas wouldn't be Christmas whout a Brighton Gay Men's Chos extravaganza to kick everythg off! Wh Brighton Gay Men’s ChosClick your heels three tim, say there’s no place like home, and jo this July “Somewhere Over The Rabow.


Wh a promise of a burlque theme the programme of their new show After Dark, and the venue drsed to look like a Parisian baret theatre, me as somethg of a relief that most of Brighton Gay Men's Chos (BGMC) kept most of their cloth on. That said, well let’s not go there yet shall we. * brighton gay choir *

”European Congrs of PsychologyPerformance at the 18th European Congrs of Psychology openg ceremony at the Brighton CentreVar Voic Ftival, 2023Performanc at Var Voic Ftival, Bologna – an ternatnal gay choir ftivalRoyal College of Nursg CongrsPerformance at Royal College of Nursg Congrs at the Brighton CentreAfter DarkBrightonGMC as you’ve never seen them before - darker, edgier & sexier… but still fabulo! Our annual Christmas extravaganza will this year be on Friday 2nd & Saturday 3rd December at St Gee's Aids Day ConcertAnnual ncert, wh other lol choirs, raisg money for lol AIDS Christmas Craft FayreChristmas rols at The Wals Christmas Craft FayreAn Eveng Wh Brighton Gay Men’s ChosBrightonGMC is thrilled to be ved back to the Hurst Ftival, wh an eveng of sgg, entertament...

And this year we'll be joed by our iends om South Wal Gay Men's Wh PriOn the openg night of Brighton Pri, Brighton Gay Men’s Chos & South Wal Gay Men’s Chos e together to help spread your pri!


REVIEW: Brighton Gay Men's Chos: AFTER DARK @ St Gee’s Church, Kemptown - Scene Magaze - From the heart of LGBTQ+ Life .