Lbian and gay parentg: Theoretil and nceptual examatns

lgbt parenting families

Inclus a summary of rearch fdgs on lbian mothers, gay fathers and their children, an annotated biblgraphy of the published psychologil lerature and addnal rourc relevant to lbian and gay parentg.



The Amerin Amy of Pediatrics regniz that a nsirable body of profsnal lerature provis evince that children wh parents who are homosexual n have the same advantag and the same expectatns for health, adjtment, and velopment as n children whose parents are heterosexual.

Amerin Amy of Child and Adolcent Psychiatry “There is no evince to suggt or support that parents wh a gay, lbian, or bisexual orientatn are per se different om or ficient parentg skills, child-centered ncerns and parent-child attachments, when pared to parents wh a heterosexual orientatn. The prev edn, which was tled Lbian and Gay Parentg: A Rource for Psychologists (1995) was the succsor to a publitn tled Lbian Parents and Their Children: A Rource Paper for Psychologists that was jotly produced by CLGBC and CWP 1991.

Unlike heterosexual parents and their children, however, lbian and gay parents and their children are often subject to prejudice bee of their sexual orientatn that n turn judg, legislators, profsnals, and the public agast them, sometim rultg negative out, such as loss of physil ctody, rtrictns on visatn, and prohibns agast adoptn (ACLU Lbian and Gay Rights Project, 2002; Appell, 2003; Patterson, Fulcher, & Waright, 2002). As wh beliefs about other socially stigmatized groups, the beliefs held generally society about lbians and gay men are often not based personal experience, but are equently culturally transmted (Herek, 1995; Gillis, 1998).


Lbian and gay parentg: Theoretil and nceptual examatns.