Axs is an associatn for Orthodox Christians and Byzante Re Catholics who are gay, lbian, bisexual, or transgenr which was found Los Angel 1980.
Orthodox Christiany and homosexualy. A place of support for gay, lbian, bisexual and transgenred Orthodox Christians. Constctive cricism of the church's posn * axios gay orthodox *
On Beg Orthodox & Gay (May 1997) (Click here for pla text versn). Biblgraphy for On Beg Orthodox and Gay.
Scripture and Tradn on Homosexualy: Discsns.
Censored om OCA's Wonr Blog and replaced wh among other thgs, anti-gay boilerplate, on or before Nov.
* axios gay orthodox *
everythg gay, cludg olr (pre-1997) Axs fil. GaYellow Pag.
For Orthodox Christians, no discsn of sex whether is toerotic, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or the current polyamoro sex, n be divorced om an Orthodox theology of sexualy. The limatns are further elaborated later on and clu prohibns agast adultery and homosexualy. In our day effort is beg ma to create a moral pary between heterosexualy and homosexualy.
Sanctng homosexual marriage would go a long way removg the moral prohibns agast homosexual behavr. Gay marriage advote borrow the moral teachgs and assert they apply equally to homosexual.