Orthodox and Gay | Helpful lks

axios gay orthodox

Axs is an associatn for Orthodox Christians and Byzante Re Catholics who are gay, lbian, bisexual, or transgenr which was found Los Angel 1980.



Orthodox Christiany and homosexualy. A place of support for gay, lbian, bisexual and transgenred Orthodox Christians. Constctive cricism of the church's posn * axios gay orthodox *

On Beg Orthodox & Gay (May 1997) (Click here for pla text versn). Biblgraphy for On Beg Orthodox and Gay.

Scripture and Tradn on Homosexualy: Discsns.

Censored om OCA's Wonr Blog and replaced wh among other thgs, anti-gay boilerplate, on or before Nov.

* axios gay orthodox *

everythg gay, cludg olr (pre-1997) Axs fil. GaYellow Pag.

For Orthodox Christians, no discsn of sex whether is toerotic, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or the current polyamoro sex, n be divorced om an Orthodox theology of sexualy. The limatns are further elaborated later on and clu prohibns agast adultery and homosexualy. In our day effort is beg ma to create a moral pary between heterosexualy and homosexualy.

Sanctng homosexual marriage would go a long way removg the moral prohibns agast homosexual behavr. Gay marriage advote borrow the moral teachgs and assert they apply equally to homosexual.


Orthodox and Gay | Helpful lks | Orthodox and gay.