In a marketg masterstroke, McDonald's has found a way to give a welg warm fuzzy to gays and lbians whout angerg Amerin right-wgers. The pany recently began airg a tasteful ad which a gay teen viss a McDonald's wh his dad. The trick that mak the strategy work: The ad, viewable below, is only airg on French televisn -- and on YouTube, where 's bee an ternatnal sensatn and been viewed more than 1 ln tim. By stayg off U.S. televisn, McDonald's has done a reach-around to the dience wanted and an end-n around right-wgers who might e a stk over the ad.
The Print of the Natnal Gay and Lbian Chamber of Commerce is accg McDonald’s of hypocricy after the French divisn of the rporatn aired a gay-themed mercial France. "They were lookg to portray themselv as an advote of the LGBT (lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr) muny or an ally ... when was pletely unter to what their actns here the U.S. were," said Jt Nelson, the print and -founr of the Natnal Gay and Lbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC). * mcdonald's banned gay *
The EEOC filed s su (EEOC and Dunse, Brown, and Gay v.
The Print of the Natnal Gay and Lbian Chamber of Commerce is accg McDonald’s of hypocricy after the French divisn of the rporatn aired a gay-themed mercial France. "They were lookg to portray themselv as an advote of the LGBT (lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr) muny or an ally... Were, " said Jt Nelson, the print and -founr of the Natnal Gay and Lbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) Print of the Natnal Gay and Lbian Chamber of Commerce is accg McDonald’s of hypocricy after the French divisn of the rporatn aired a gay-themed mercial France, ABC News is reportg.
Were, " said Jt Nelson, the print and -founr of the Natnal Gay and Lbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC). We have an employee work -- The McDonald's Gay, Lbian & Alli Network, " the pany said.