Disver why Colombia is the ntent’s top gay travel statn, om s fabulo beach getaways and LGBTQ+ iendly ci to s adventure tourism.
At least 63 members of Colombia's lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr and tersex muny were killed the first eight months of this year, the Anan untry's human rights ombudsman said on Tuday, while other acts of vlence also creased. * columbia country lgbt *
Victims clud lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people.
From glor mounta tops to Caribbean ast, om lh jungle to hip and happeng ci, Gay Colombia has credible rich for travelers to experience.
Explore our gay travel gui to Colombia featurg LGBTQ+ safety tips, gay rights , top ci & attractns, where to stay and more! * columbia country lgbt *
Is safe for gay travellers?
Lat Ameri might not have the bt reputatn for beg gay-iendly, but that’s a story that’s startg to change and, fact, Colombia is one of Lat Ameri’s most progrsive untri terms of LGBT rights. There’s also a boomg LGBT tourism scene centred on Mell, Bogota and Cartagena – so, far om beg somewhere to avoid, ’s somewhere gay travellers should actively seek out!
The Legal Suatn In Gay Colombia.
* columbia country lgbt *
Homosexualy has been legal sce 1981 and 2011 a landmark anti-discrimatn law was passed tablishg prison sentenc for those found guilty of discrimatn.
At least 63 members of Colombia's lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr and tersex muny were killed the first eight months of this year, the Anan untry's human rights ombudsman said on Tuday, while other acts of vlence also creased. * columbia country lgbt *
The Constutnal Court has also led multiple tim to protect the rights of homosexuals and bisexuals to exprs themselv public; for example, 2011 they orred officials of a mall and s secury firm to follow a urse teachg them not to reprs homosexuals. Gay marriage was legalized 2016, followg Argenta, Brazil and Uguay.
The majory of people, for example, are still agast gay marriage, acrdg to a 2018 poll showg 46% Colombians support of same-sex marriage, while 52% were agast. As homosexualy be more visible, the hope is that this posive trend will crease. Certaly, mastream media has more LGBT characters and a wir verage of the LGBT muny than ever had; as visibily creas, perhaps the stigma attached to beg gay will crease.
So What Do This Mean For Gay Travellers? There’s a thrivg gay scene many of the bigger ci and people all over are iendly and welg. While macho and Catholic views still have a big fluence on society, this jt means that for gay travellers they need to be aware of the suatns they’re .