Gay Sri Lanka 2022 | Alternative Gay Holidays Asia

sri lanka lgbt travel

Sri Lanka is an LGBT Friendly Dtatn and Foozoo Travel is your bt optn to disver the island as a gay or lbian traveller to Sri Lanka



Pky Swear offers tours to the Gay, Lbian and LGBT clients for revelg holidays. A full-service Sri Lankan travel operator specializg the LGBT travel market. * sri lanka lgbt travel *

Among Sri Lankan society, rather more progrsive views prosper and lols are discreetly acceptg of same-sex lookg for Sri Lanka gay rmatn, is advised to be discreet and acknowledge that most lol gays are still closeted. In spe of all of this, the Colombo gay scene is quietly thrivg, particularly around the areas of Col 1, Col 3 and Col Sri Lanka safe for LGBTQ travellers? Be that as may, Sri Lanka uld very well be nsired a safe untry for gay travellers as lols are – general – very welg and cur of foreigners, regardls of orientatn.

The lack of Sri Lanka gay rights means is possible for bigots and rpt officials to discrimate wh impuny and this is largely why openly gay lols are hard to e by.

A popular first stop on the gay Sri Lanka travel erary, Negombo offers the chance to grow acctomed to the eic energy of the natn amidst stunng astle and lonial-era archecture. Dpe natnal laws mutg explic LGBT culture, gay Negonmo do offer a few unofficial gay hotels, such as the male-only Gomez Place and gay-iendly “adult-only” Dickman and Bnacle hotel rorts.


Disver our favoure plac gay Sri Lanka today, cludg Colombo, Galle, Mirissa, Tangalle, Yala Natnal Park, Ella, and Kandy. * sri lanka lgbt travel *

By day, Negombo Beach is a popular gay hangout which turns to a slightly riskier cisg spot for so-lled ‘beach boys’ (or rts) at to simplify luxury travel planng? You will travel wh a gay/lbian or lgbt iendly Tour Manager and stay at plac that have all been trialed and proven for their service, thenticy and rpect for who you are.

But for what lacks the tradnal sense of a LGBT statn, Sri Lanka more than mak up wh s welg hospaly and stellar levels of landspe was changg rapidly as far as Gay Night Life was ncerned but multiple crisis that clud the nearly two year Covid-19 lock down shuttered most tablishments.


* sri lanka lgbt travel *

Spectm Vatn Gay tours to Sri Lanka are available as package tours listed here or you n have a plan curated to meet your specific requirements, dat and budgets.

It tells the story of a young Ta gay boy lled Arjy growg up 1980s Sri Lanka durg the civil war era, stgglg to e to grips wh his homosexualy a very relig and tradnal fay and society. The dranian laws om the Brish lonial era (sectns 365 of the Sri Lankan Penal Co 1886) crimalizg gay sex (“rnal terurse”) wh up to 10 years prison and a fe are still place. Unfortunately 1995 the Sri Lankan judiciary threw gay Sri Lanka backwards by amendg this law to crimalize acts of "gross cency" wh a fe and up to 2 years prison (sectn 365A).


Travel rrponnts Stefan and Sebastien traveled to Sri Lanka December 2014. Sri Lanka is a tropil island natn shaped like a pearl the Indian Ocean jt off the Indian maland. Stefan and Sebastien are origally om London and France, rpectively and Nomadic Boys is their gay travel blog. Funny Boy is a Sri Lankan book Stefan grew up wh and loved (wrten by Shyam Selvadurai and highly remend to any LGBT traveller visg Sri Lanka). It tells the story of a young Ta gay boy lled Arjy growg up 1980s Sri Lanka durg the civil war era, stgglg to e to grips wh his homosexualy a very relig and tradnal fay and society. But g here some 30 years later late 2014, we wonred if much has changed. Gays Sri Lanka are pretty much regard as crimals, like gays India or gays the Maldiv. The dranian laws om the Brish lonial era (sectns 365 of the Sri Lankan Penal Co 1886) crimalizg gay sex (“rnal terurse”) wh up to 10 years prison and a fe are still place . Unfortunately 1995 the Sri Lankan judiciary threw gay Sri Lanka backwards by amendg this law to crimalize acts of "gross cency" wh a fe and up to 2 years prison (sectn 365A). There is no guidance as to what exactly “gross cency” is or isn’t, which leav open to abe by the police to victimize the LGBT muny. Dpe attempts by the UN and var Sri Lankan LGBT prott groups to qutn and repeal the laws, the ernment has not historilly been the most obligg: The recent former Print Rajapaksa, stated gay marriage would the Buddhist herage of the natn. He also opposed Norway's ambassador to Sri Lanka (Grete Lochen) brgg her wife to Sri Lanka, argug that lbian marriag are not legal Sri Lanka, so allowg *them* would enurage Sri Lankan women to want to behave this manner! Grete Lochen, Norway's ambassador to Sri Lanka wh former Print Mahda Rajapaksa - is that a fake se....??!! The recent surprise rult the Sri Lankan electns removed Rajapaksa om power and saw Mahripala Sirisena elected. Whilst this brgs an end to the homophobic ernment of Rajapaksa, remas to be seen if Sirisena’s will be any more welg to the hidn gay Sri Lanka muny than his precsor was. As foreigners Sri Lanka, we had a lovely time, pletely trouble ee and found the lols to be very iendly, kd-hearted people. But as we found the Maldiv, as foreigners, we will always enjoy a different level of treatment, whether straight or gay. Prcs Seby mpg up Nuwara Eliya, hill untry of Sri Lanka So, what's actually like livg there? We met a Shale thor Colombo, Kaluu, who has published var books and poetry, some wh a LGBT theme. He has asked to rema anonymo for fear of reprisal om fay and his work, so we will refer to him jt as - "Kaluu" ( means black Shale, his nickname bee he has darker sk than your average Sri Lankan). Ayubowan Kaluu, wele to our blog! Please troduce yourself: Good afternoon Nomadic Boys. I am Sri Lankan born, 34 years old, livg Colombo. I’m also a son, a iend, a gay, a Buddhist, a wrer, and a poet. Above all, a human. Two Ta boys beg very docile wh each other on the b Nuwara Eliya You’ve asked to keep your name anonymo on our blog, why is this? Sri Lankans do not posss posive attus towards homosexualy. Exposg my sexual inty uld affect my job, embarrass my fay and uld even be life threateng. My iends have faced such bter experience for beg “out”, particularly ral areas. For example, one iend was beaten by his olr brother when he me out to him until he bled. He ran away and now liv alone. Another iend me out to his fay and his father had a heart attack when he found out. He cid to marry and live a “good” heterosexual life to please his parents and cut off all ntact wh his gay iends, cludg me. CONTINUED, AFTER THE JUMP... * sri lanka lgbt travel *

Whilst this brgs an end to the homophobic ernment of Rajapaksa, remas to be seen if Sirisena's will be any more welg to the hidn gay Sri Lanka muny than his precsor was.

Colombo don't have gay plac as such, but the growth of ter age Sri Lanka has allowed the LGBT muny to nnect easier wh each other via s like Lanka Love and Gayromeo and more recently, Grdr.

Many of my gay iends have married women to relieve them om fay prsure, but dog so they create more problems rultg divorce, fleeg the untry and more extreme s, suicis. Dpe the polics, I mt clearly state that the majory relign Sri Lanka (Buddhism) holds no negative attus towards homosexualy, spe some of our polil lears tryg to e our religns as a means to jtify a homophobic culture. For example, gay iendly hotels are allowed to openly market to gay tourists, like Negombo, which has bee que popular wh gay tourists over the past few years.


Planng your gay holidays Sri Lanka? Disver the gay life of Sri Lanka and the bt gay hotels and gay-iendly rorts loted close to popular gay plac! * sri lanka lgbt travel *

Even though homosexualy is officially illegal  Sri Lanka, is remarkable that thgs have changed over time and gay people are now more accepted that the past. This is bee many experience homophobia their personal liv, and so many refe to utilize the anti-discrimatn laws fear of beg outed to those they know.

Fd below top hotels that feature exotic pools, direct accs to the beach, gourmet rtrants and lounge bars, as well as luxury su for your dreamy gay honeymoon! The most famo of the discrimatory laws is the now dormant (and varly reported as crimalised) Sectn 365 that crimaliz homosexual sex, but other laws agast genr impersonatn and pimpg n also be nsired to discrimate agast LGBT people. Both the nservative ernment of Srisena and the socialist ernment of Rajapaska have stated that discrimatn agast sexual mori is unnstutnal and that Sectn 365 nnot be legally applied to nsensual homosexual sex, but ntradictn to this the socialist llatn refed to allow the nservative ernment’s attempted letn of Sectn 365 om legal texts.

Book Last Mute Deals on Gay iendly Hotels Sri Lanka, . Save more wh our Hot Rate Deals. * sri lanka lgbt travel *

A number of non-ernmental anisatns, lawmakers and relig anisatns have e out favour of sexual mori, and openly homosexual gay and transgenr lawmakers n be found the parliament and the ernment. Sri Lankan societi generally tak a mostly unobtsive and tradnalist view of homosexualy and certa tradns exist for the promotn of transgenrs (albe third genr appears to have ped the island spe havg roots historilly wh Sri Lankan culture) and nsequently the laws have mostly been applied loosely (if ever) and discrimatn by police (and the like) is often associated wh rptn and/or attus towards sexual promiscuy which are applied to heterosexuals as well. 3 In the untry guidance se LH and IP (gay men: risk) Sri Lanka CG [2015] UKUT 00073 (IAC), promulgated on 18 Febary 2015 (heard on 6–8 Augt 2014) the Upper Tribunal found that, although all LGBTI persons form a PSG, wh regard specifilly to those who are a civil partnership or married, that they ‘…do not nsir that dividuals whose civil partner stat or stat as married homosexuals is not reflected their legal stat their untry of orig form a separate particular social group’ (para 25).

Official figur on the prosecutns of gay men and those the LGBTI muny generally Sri Lanka have not been specifilly reported on sce 2018, but has been claimed that between October 2019 and October 2020 6 gay men were prosecuted (see Implementatn and enforcement of the law). 8 In the untry guidance se LH and IP (gay men: risk) Sri Lanka CG [2015] UKUT 00073 (IAC), promulgated on 18 Febary 2015 (heard on 6–8 Augt 2014), the Upper Tribunal (UT) noted ‘…that s.


Gay Tours, Gay Holidays, LGBT Travel operator Sri Lanka .