gay bomb: meang - WordSense

define gay bomb

A bomb proposed by the Air Force lab to U.S. ary lears 1994. The "gay bomb" would nta a chemil that would e enemy solirs to bee gay and fd one another sexually irristable, rultg the breakdown of their uns. The proposal hypothized that the enemy soldiers would be more terted havg sex wh one another than fightg. The Air Force lab asked for $7.5 ln to velop the chemil weapon. The "gay bomb" proposal was ultimately rejected." name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn



The ia of a gay bomb me om a sire to bilate enemi but not necsarily kill them. The proposed bomb would nta strong aphrodisiacs and make soldiers "sexually irristible" to each other. * define gay bomb *

The ia of a gay bomb me om a sire to bilate and distract their opponents but not necsarily kill them. Wikimedia CommonsThe gay bomb was a theoretil cloud of gas that would turn enemy soldiers gay. The ncept of a “gay bomb” sounds like somethg out of a bad science fictn movie.

5 ln ventn: the gay bomb. The gay bomb would be a cloud of gas that would be discharged over enemy mps “that ntaed a chemil that would e enemy soldiers to bee gay, and to have their uns break down bee all their soldiers beme irristibly attractive to one another. Basilly, the pheromon the gas would turn the soldiers gay.


Defe gay bomb. gay bomb synonyms, gay bomb pronunciatn, gay bomb translatn, English dictnary fn of gay bomb. a chemil weapon that mak enemy soldiers sexually irristible to each other; also lled love bomb Abed, Confed, & Mised Words by Mary Embree... * define gay bomb *

The scientists ntued to suggt addns to the gay bomb, cludg aphrodisiacs, and other scents. Thankfully, the gay bomb was only ever theoretil and never put to motn.

Like the gay bomb, the creative chemil ias also never me to un. Dpe the drawbacks, for their work such an novative field, the rearchers who nceptualized the gay bomb were award the Ig Nobel Prize, a parody award which celebrat unual scientific achievements that “first make people lgh, and then make them thk.

The gay bomb certaly fs the bill for that one. After readg about the theoretil gay bomb, check out the super real Bat Bomb.


* define gay bomb *

Gay bomba chemil weapon that mak enemy soldiers sexually irristible to each other; also lled love bombAbed, Confed, & Mised Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree. It's sentially a very funny film about crazy thkg at the heart of power - somethg which never seems to go away if you believe stori that the army were recently velopg a pheromone releasg 'gay bomb' and draftg psychics to ppot the whearabouts of B wners clud this year's Ignobel Peace Prize, which went to the US Air Force'sWright Laboratory Ohwhere a team of rearchers submted a proposal to velop a chemil weapon to make enemy soldiers sexually irristible to each other - a so-lled "Gay Bomb" ary velopers of a chemil "gay bomb" that ma headl earlier this year were among the (not-so) proud recipients of 2007 IgNobel Air Force Wright Laboratory Dayton, Oh, received this year's IgNobel Peace Prize for rearch and velopment on a so-lled "gay bomb" that would "make enemy soldiers bee sexually irristible to each other".

I agree wh Christopher Rice Coastal Disturbanc ["Band of Lovers, " Augt 14] that the Defense Department's ncept of a "gay bomb" that would make enemy soldiers fall to each other's arms a f of duced sexual passn and then wake up the next morng huiated and moralized is typilly homophobic and story of the "gay bomb" first surfaced a few years ago, but seems only the GLBT prs took notice, cludg this lumn, back then. Q Dave, what kd of Iraq policy would you follow: Stay the urse, Cut and n, Duck and ver, fight 'em over there so they won't fight over here, surge, turn a rner every six months, surrenr, add more GOP llege terns to work the green zone, drop the gay bomb, or ne Iran?


I remember the Gay Bomb story, havg vered New Scientist a uple of years ago — — right after Noah ma his ial report — and beg amed by the subsequent media tert. It’s wikipedia and even has s own web se ("Make Love Not War.") The media redisvered this week, […] * define gay bomb *

I'm very relieved that the "gay bomb" project proposed by U. If history is any ditor, the "gay bomb" would have been a disaster, bee gay soldiers ually prove to be ightengly good soldiers: Achill, for stance, and then there's Alexanr the Great, who apparently don't even register on the radar screens over at the Wright Laboratory, even though his bloody Afghan mpaign turned out to be an eerie foretellg of our current nightmare the Middle bombed out the semifals while Powell, who held the world rerd at 9.

▲GavialidaeGavialisGavialis gangeticgavialoidGavidaegaviiform seabirdGaviiformGavleGavotgavotteGAWGawaGawbygawdgawkgawkergawkihoodgawkilygawksgawkyGawnGawntreegawpgawpgaygay bombGay GordonsGay Johngay libgay liberatn movementGay Lsac's towergay manGay Netigay womanGayagayalgaytngaydarGaydiangGayegayetygayfeathergay-feathergay-iendlyGayley procsgaylordGay-LsacGay-Lsac Joseph LouisGaylsaciaGaylsacia bactaGaylsacia brachycera▼. ▲gay as a 3 dollar bill.


Defn of gay bomb the dictnary. Meang of gay bomb. What do gay bomb mean? Informatn and translatns of gay bomb the most prehensive dictnary fns rource on the web. * define gay bomb *

gay as a 3-dollar bill.

gay as a lark. gay as a lark, as.

gay as a lark, be.


Enola Gay, the B-29 heavy bomber that was ed by the Uned Stat on Augt 6, 1945, to drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. It was the first time the explosive vice had been ed on an enemy target, and stroyed most of the cy. The aircraft was named after the mother of pilot Pl Warfield Tibbets, Jr. * define gay bomb *

gay as a piic basket.

gay as a three dollar bill. gay as a three-dollar bill. gay as pk k.

gay as sprg time. gay as sprg time, as. gay as sprg-time.


Radiatn emtg as a rult of the explosn of a gay bomb. The gaydiatn is not as proment as the actual blast, and may only turn people genr queer, exploratory, or bisexual." name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn * define gay bomb *

gay as sprg-time, as. gay as sprgtime.


gay as sprgtime, as.

gay as sprgtime, be. Gay Asian. Gay Asian Male.

Gay Asian Men. Gay Asian Men's Network. Gay Asian Pacific Alliance.


Gay Asian Pacific Islanr Men of New York. Gay Asian Pacific Support Network.


Gay Asians of Vanuver Area. Gay Auckland Bs Associatn.

Gay Auckland Perdic Sex Survey.


Gay bashg.

Gay Bt Friend. Gay Black Female.

Gay Black Male.


gay bombGay Bowel Disease. gay bowel syndrome. Gay boy.


Gay Boy Gangsters. Gay Buddhist Fellowship.


In 1994, The U.S. Milary Actually Consired Buildg A "Gay Bomb" .