5 Animal Speci That Are Totally Gay

gay facts about animals

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Gay animals imply homosexualy is natural * gay facts about animals *

Apart om "gay gen" humans, the ma evince that homosexualy is naturally selected is the fact that gay animals are so mon. Even if homosexualy were a sex-lked tra (see prev post) this cince would be unexpectedly high One of the more mon sex-lked tras, red-green lor bldns occurs about 8 percent of men which is far higher than most other leter gen. Regardls of the particular blogil mechanism through which homosexualy aris, is a pervasive phenomenon the animal kgdom, a fact that discreds the mon argument that is "unnatural.

" Acrdg to Joan Roughgarn, a trans-genred blogist who studied such phenomena, there is documented evince of homosexual behavr for some 450 different speci and undocumented reports for about another thoand speci (1).

Among primat, perhaps the most pervasive, and most enthiastic exprsn of homosexualy is found amongst bonobos (a speci fairly closely related to mon chimpanze). In the last post, I argued that exclive homosexualy humans n be partly explaed terms of gen on the X-chromosome that crease reproductive succs for femal who rry them. Regardls of what your sixth gra relign teacher may have said, homosexual activy is natural and the overwhelmg majory of animals are queer.


LGBTQ+ is not only among human begs, but also wh animals. Know more about Gay animals and their homosexualy behavur * gay facts about animals *

So, why are people still shocked that human begs (who are also members of the animal kgdom) engage homosexual behavr as well?! In fact, female and male bonobos engage homosexual behavr to cement social bonds, velop relatnships wh more domant group members and climb the social ladr.

“There’s a whole range of behavrs that f well wh how evolutn happens that now clu homosexual behavr, ” says Marlene Z of the Universy of Mnota Sat Pl. Zoologists are disverg that homosexual and bisexual activy is not unknown wh the animal and Silo, two male chstrap pengus at New York's Central Park Zoo have been separable for six years now.


Polari fds some facts about gay animals. Run away creatnists! * gay facts about animals *

Filmmakers recently went search of homosexual wild animals as part of a Natnal Geographic Ultimate Explorer documentary about the female's role the matg game.

"The homosexual behavr that go on is pletely bafflg and trigug, " says Natnal Geographic Ultimate Explorer rrponnt, Mireya Mayor. "Well, perhaps, a roundabout way, they are seekg mal, suggts primatologist Amy argu that female maqu may enhance their social posn through homosexual timacy which turn fluenc breedg succs. He believ bonobos e sex to rolve nflicts between animals appear to go through a homosexual phase before they bee fully mature.


The fact that homosexualy do, after all, exist the natural world is bound to be ed agast people who sist such behavr is the U. Already, s of animal homosexualy have been ced succsful urt s brought agast stat like Texas, where gay sex was, until recently, scientists say we should be wary of referrg to animals when nsirg what's acceptable human society. For stance, fantici, as practiced by lns and many other animals, isn't somethg people, gay or straight, generally approve of HomosexualySo how far n we go g animals to help unrstand human homosexualy?


"The bottom le is that anythg that happens other primat, and particularly other ap, is likely to have strong evolutnary ntuy wh what happens humans, " he says the bonobo's e of homosexual activy for social bondg is a possible example, addg, "One of the ma arguments for human homosexual behavr is that helps bond male groups together, particularly where a group of dividuals are pennt on each other, as they might be huntg or warfare. However, as Dunbar adms, there's a long way to go before the of homosexualy humans are fully said, "Nobody's really vtigated this issue thoroughly, bee 's so polilly sensive.

The homeosexual animals are also referred as gay animals this clus same sex sexual terurse, pair bondg and parentg among same sex animals pairs. In different geographic rang major group of gay animal is found acrdg to Bce Bagemihl same sex behavur has been documented over 450 speci of animals worldwi.

There are several exampl of animals that state animals n be gay geologist are on their heels they are disverg that homeosexual and bisexual activy is not unknown wh the animal kgdom.


The most famo one is the Humboldt pengu pair Silo and Roy, who were both exclively homosexual and refed to have any romantic or sexual ntact wh femal. The above-mentned male chstrap pengus beme known ternatnally when they succsfully hatched and red for an egg they were given, isn’t adorable that this gay animal uple prove that love occurs naturally?

It is very mon the animal kgdom over 1500 speci are known for same-sex uplg om sects to fish, birds, reptil, amphibians and mammals; studi suggt that gay sex acunts for more than 90% of all observed sexual activi, for example giraff n foreplay for long hours male giraffe knows how to flirt first neckg wh each other they jt don’t get settled very straight their, natural lovers knows the drill very well. The rearch suggts that homosexual behavur may be to strengthen thier alliance or to fe a tense suatn, generally, female baboons have iendships and mat wh multiple mal to create a probabily of re and assistance for their fants. They are gay animals, the Amerin bison is popular for their homosexualy where male to male pairg is seen outstandg numbers whereas male to female uplg is outnumbered, the matg perd bisons mat wh other mal several tim a day.


Amerin bisons are not buffalo but they are prone to homosexual behavr over 55 percent of mountg young mal is observed wh the same genr. They have good sexual hunger; studi suggt that 75 per cent of bonobo sex is non-reproductive and that majorly all bonobos are bisexual, their homosexual behavur is natural.

Brown bears are gay animal they have been observed pairg wh same sex and volvg sexual activy var specii of brown bears and black bears have been found uplg the same sex partnerships at the wildlife sanctuary Croatia two male bears have been found havg oral sex, term of gay sexual enunter. Same-sexual behavur Ap is very mon, Gorillas have been observed formg homosexual pair bonds, there are reports that suggt same sex sexual teractns between mature dividuals and between adults and mature female to femal.

Genal ntact gorillas has been prented mostly om ptivy, there are several stanc of homosexual mountg between femal both ventro ventral and dorsal-ventral posns cludg thstg, ually wh acpanyg pulatory volisatns om at least one of the partner, ’s purely sexual behavur.


Facts about gay animals .