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gay sunday zurich

GayOut is your leadg source for gay events and venu around the world. Start planng your dream vatn here. Add your gay venu and events for ee.



Disver gay Zurich, Geneva and more – wh the ultimate sir's gui to Swzerland’s LGBT nightlife scene, urty of Time Out Swzerland * gay sunday zurich *

Homosexualy is not jt addrsed out the open on the street, but also the form of lorful events, first and foremost the Zurich Pri Stori You Might Like. Var party labels changg lotns guarantee a lively ambiance – particularly popular are the events staged by the largt gay party anizer Angels.

Sce the year 2000 the "Warmer Mai" (Warm May), a cultural month, is held annually, focg on homosexual them the fields of art and culture.


Top Zurich Gay Clubs & Bars: See reviews and photos of Gay Clubs & Bars Zurich, Swzerland on Tripadvisor. * gay sunday zurich *

Swzerland’s bt LGBT clubsFd the bt gay and lbian nights out – wh the ultimate gui to Swzerland’s LGBT nightlife sceneThe LGBT party scene Swzerland offers somethg for everyone, om relaxed, mixed-queer shdigs to sweaty danceathons. For all their alpenhorn-apotheosizg and maret-margalisg tradnalism, the Swiss have for many s taken a world-leadg stance on gay and lbian rights. Same-sex relatns were crimalised here 1942, and on New Year’s Day 2007 a referendum ma Swzerland the first untry on Earth where gay civil unns were voted by the public, not jt parliament – and by a massive majory.

Today Zurich, which happens to have a chic lbian mayor Core Mch, is very much Swzerland’s LGBT pal, as well as one of the world’s most gay-iendly ci, wh bars, f, snas and clubs addg up to dozens of gay venu. The old town’s Barfüsser is nsired Europe’s olst gay hostelry and the annual Zurich Pri event now draws around 45, 000 pk party people.

Tellg the story of the world’s first gay and lbian anisatn, a Zurich-based group, which formed the 1940s, this excellent docudrama has won plds and awards at film ftivals all over the world.


Travelg to Zurich and you want to stay at a gay-iendly hotel? This gui to the cy’s bt gay hotels vers all your bt optns for Zurich! * gay sunday zurich *

Welg to men, women, straights and other, L Garçons opened late 2013 the lively, multicultural area around Langstrasse – also the cy’s red-light district and no ls fun for that – and has been weled by younger gay guys particular as a long overdue rethkg of the Zurich LGBT waterg hole, plete wh glass-walled fumoir and ee wi-fi. Maly male A-gays both young and old flock to this smart, two-storey bar the heart of the old town for the jtly famo cktails (as everywhere this town they are far om cheap, but happy hour, currently between 5pm and 7pm, eas the punishment to your purse) and chilled chat, even if the tun hover at the chey end of the spectm.


Suated on the shor of Lake Zurich, gay Zurich is the largt cy Swzerland and nsistently ranked as one of the wealthit the world. This prospery affects every aspect of the cy: om 's world-class art llectn at the Zurich Mm of Art, to the luxury stor lg Bahnhofstrasse, to the famed Zurich Opera Hoe, to s nightlifte district Nierdorf and the Langstrasse. Gay Zurich is also the host of the world renowned Street Para, an annual ftival that occurs every Augt. * gay sunday zurich *

HeavenThe closure last year of club T&M marked the end of an era for a generatn of Zurich gays. Steps om the Cranberry and the only full-time gay nightclub town, the iendly venue’s genero space and high-qualy sound system uld always be relied on to pull a crowd and brg the party. It’s the statn for several regular tourg party nights such as the joyoly mp Balkan Gay Night and the hip-hop twkft Boyakasha.

HelnbarEvery Wednday, live mic bar Provreff, on the edge of Zurich Wt, is taken over by Helnbar, somewhere between a mixed alternative bar and an arty gay club night that wouldn’t look out of place Berl.


* gay sunday zurich *

MännerzoneHeroilly unrenstcted, the Männerzone bar, next door to s leather and fetish shop, is a gay men’s space like Daddy ed to make, and draws a more mature crowd. Lsanne43&10Outsi Zurich, Lsanne is the only Swiss cy to have a dited gay club, and the unabashedly mastream 43&10 ters to a young, hedonistic crowd every Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

On Sundays ’s ee to get for gay night BarOpened 2011, the P-up Bar is that rart of LGBT thgs, a genuely mixed lbian and gay bar. It’s also the newt scene succs story what has recent years bee Swzerland’s gay send cy.


Zurich is one of the most liberal and open-md of the world's ci. Here are the top 11 gay iendly hotels and acmodatn Zurich. * gay sunday zurich *

P-up regularly jos forc wh another lol gay lounge bar, GT’s, to put on dance parti unr the banner Lsanne LBiGay Ssns. The olst gay bar Geneva, Le Déclic is a rt of Roman lumns, plastic palm tre, fairy lights, animal prts and those horrid wavy mirrors om Ikea. A young, alternative-ish clientele workg a Brooklyn via Berl vibe chat and chill a sual urban fé-lounge space that’s welg and stylish, one of the last central areas to rist the homogenisg hand of big-bucks gentrifitn.

Cranberry • ZurichThis two-floor tablishment has been amongst Zurich's most popular gay bars for a uple of s, always by, always btlg. GAY SAUNA ZURICH. Gay Sna Zurich – Motache Zurich, your place for fun and relaxatn a pleasant atmosphere.

PURE RELAXATION AT GAY SAUNA ZURICH! 5 bath towels and a hot drk are clud the entry fee at Gay Sna Zurich. If you have paid the normal price, you will receive a ee re-entry pass on requt, wh which you n return to Motache – Gay Sna Zurich durg the entire day whout any addnal sts – or ntue your sna at Mann-O-Mann St.


Wh rabow flags flutterg all along the River Limmat, Zurich has been playg host to the ntent's biggt gay and lbian culture event for the past month. This g weekend, EuroPri reach s culmatn wh what will no doubt be the most lourful para of the year. That Swzerland hosts major ternatnal events is well known, yet the ia of the untry hostg a gay-themed ftival still tak some people by surprise. It's te that Zurich do not necsarily jump to md as a primary statn for gay visors, wh such ci as Berl, Paris, Barcelona, and London enjoyg a more visible gay prence. But is also a fact that Swzerland has one of the bt veloped gay astctur the world, wh many social, polil, athletic, and amic anisatns enhancg Zurich's reputatn as the European cy wh the hight number of nightclubs per pa. Zurich was selected over Mannheim and Tel Aviv to be host cy 2009. The central purpose of each EuroPri event is to foc attentn on gay, lbian, bisexual and transgenr culture on a European level and brg a stronger foc on the muni each host cy. Drsg up, strippg off? EuroPri celebratns do not ually last more than a week, but Zurich, already the lotn of gay cultural events, cid to rporate the to EuroPri this year and extend the ftival to five weeks. In Zurich we ran wh the ia that we clu the already existg succsful bs to one - Pk Apple, Warmer Mai, pl the Christopher Street Day para. Those were the three pillars, explaed Michael Rüegg of EuroPri's anisg mtee. Then the gay sports associatn started planng a weekend of sports petns, jt like the Eurogam that took place Zurich 2000, but on a smaller sle. Those who thk gay events are merely an exce for men to drs women's cloth and for others to take their shirts off are for a surprise. EuroPri Zurich 2009 has rporated a film ftival, bs symposia, polil discsn, sports petns, and many a cultural event to the celebratns, which are meant to wele everyone regardls of sexual orientatn. Tourist mag The event has attracted travellers om as far as California and Atralia. We have Glasgay and other ftivals back home, but I wanted to see what Swzerland uld do wh , said John Douglas of Stland. Another visor, Ana María om Spa, explaed that while Barcelona and Madrid are well known as havg thrivg gay muni, her small town has nothg like the big events that take place elsewhere her untry. Comg to Zurich gave me the chance to meet other people and fd out about lbian life other parts of Europe , she said. Regnisg the important enomic ntributn to the ffers of the lol and natnal tourism dtry, Swzerland Tourism produced a glossy, 32-page brochure to enurage visors to e to Zurich for the event. Zurich Tourism, too, has gone all out to wele visors and make their stays the cy as enjoyable as possible. EuroPri's own 120-page magaze tails day by day the lendar of events, which will reach s peak this weekend. The Town Ftival takg place on Saturday and Sunday the EuroPri village will offer food stalls, open air ncerts, bars, street artists, and rmatn booths. On Sunday, there will be a polil rally wh speakers cludg Moldovan activist Mihaela Copot. Robert La Bua, In brief This year's EuroPri marks the fortieth anniversary of New York's Stonewall Rts, wily regard as the semal event that served as a talyst for the creatn of an active gay rights movements across the world. Zurich was a safe haven for gay people long before June, 1969. The cy's Barfüsser claims to be Europe's olst ntuoly operated gay bar (open sce 1956), and the magaze Der Kreis, an important vehicle for gay liberatn and culture Europe and beyond, was found Zurich 1943. Laws agast homosexualy were abolished Swzerland 1939 and civil partnerships were legalised 2005 - the first time a partnership law was approved directly by the people. The cizens of Swzerland accepted the Partnership Act Registratn for same-sex upl wh a vote of 58 per cent favour on June 5, 2005 and the Act me to force on January 1, 2007. The cy of Zurich's newly elected mayor, Core Mch of the centre-left Social Democrats, is openly gay. Adoptn chanc On Wednday the newly found Fay Chanc mtee lnched a petn on the sil of EuroPri llg for same sex upl to be allowed to adopt children. It propos that homosexual upl are put on an equal footg wh married upl when to parental and adoptn rights. Currently upl registered homosexual partnerships are not allowed to adopt, cludg any stepchildren that might be brought to the partnership. Sgle gay people are allowed to adopt. * gay sunday zurich *

You don’t need to brg anythg wh you to enjoy your stay at Motache – Gay Sna Zurich … except good humor, tolerance and your imagatn. Last updated: June 20th, 2023There’s no shortage of fabulo hotels Zurich, and many of them are gay-iendly. The tablishments are an excellent optn for gay travelers, partly bee they’re often close to gay bars, and partly bee you get to support an tablishment that supports and promot your valu.

Whether you’re gay yourself or you jt want to support a gay hotel, Zurich won’t disappot. You’ll get a warm wele at any of the hotels featured this gui, so, keep readg to fd out about the bt gay-iendly hotels Zurich, and fd the bt hotel the part of the cy where you want to stay! If you want to be close to the cy’s bt gay bars and nightclubs but you’d rather not spend a fortune on a hotel room, this is fely an optn worth nsirg.

GayOut is your leadg source for gay events and venu around the world. Start planng your dream vatn here. Add your gay venu and events for ee. * gay sunday zurich *

On the other hand, if you’re more terted the Kg Kong parti and siar events Zurich, you’ll be glad to know that the gay scene this neighborhood is thrivg and you’ll be wh walkg distance of the bt lols. Langstrasse is the hip and trendy area of Zurich, where you will fd a thrivg gay nightlife wh plenty of gay lol.

The area is jt a short walk away om the heart of the cy, and ’s a great part of Zurich to stay if you’re lookg for lower hotel pric and an excellent gay scene.


Swiss no miss: Zurich wel gays :: Bay Area Reporter .