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153.643313,42.437 153.643313,42.196 L153.643313,25.799 C153.643313,25.559 153.803313,25.398 154.043313,25.398 L157.043313,25.398 C157.482313,25.398 157.842312,25.039 157.842312,24.599 L157.842312,20.8 C157.842312,20.359 157.482313,20 157.043313,20 L144.645313,20 C144.205312,20 143.844313,20.359 143.844313,20.8 L143.844313,24.599 C143.844313,25.039 144.205312,25.398 144.645313,25.398 L147.644313,25.398 C147.884312,25.398 148.044313,25.559 148.044313,25.799 L148.044313,42.196 C148.044313,42.437 147.884312,42.596 147.644313,42.596 L144.245313,42.596 C143.805313,42.596 143.445312,42.956 143.445312,43.395 L143.445312,47.195 C143.445312,47.635 143.805313,47.995 144.245313,47.995 L157.442313,47.995 C157.883313,47.995 158.242312,47.635 158.242312,47.195 L158.242312,43.395 Z M122.445312,26 L6.9453125,26 C6.6693125,26 6.4453125,26.225 6.4453125,26.5 L6.4453125,81.5 C6.4453125,81.776 6.6693125,82 6.9453125,82 L121.945312,82 C122.221312,82 122.445312,81.776 122.445312,81.5 L122.445312,26 Z M200.445312,3 L200.445312,65 C200.445312,66.657 199.101313,68 197.445312,68 L128.445312,68 L128.445312,85 C128.445312,86.657 127.102313,88 125.445312,88 L3.4453125,88 C1.7883125,88 0.4453125,86.657 0.4453125,85 L0.4453125,23 C0.4453125,21.344 1.7883125,20 3.4453125,20 L122.445312,20 L122.445312,3 C122.445312,1.343 123.789312,0 125.445312,0 L197.445312,0 C199.101313,0 200.445312,1.343 200.445312,3 Z M104.720312,62.396 L95.2423125,62.396 C95.0023125,62.396 94.8413125,62.236 94.8413125,61.996 L94.8413125,57.197 C94.8413125,56.957 95.0023125,56.797 95.2423125,56.797 L104.240313,56.797 C104.680312,56.797 105.040312,56.438 105.040312,55.997 L105.040312,51.998 C105.040312,51.558 104.680312,51.198 104.240313,51.198 L95.2423125,51.198 C95.0023125,51.198 94.8413125,51.038 94.8413125,50.798 L94.8413125,45.999 C94.8413125,45.759 95.0023125,45.599 95.2423125,45.599 L104.560312,45.599 C105.000312,45.599 105.360312,45.239 105.360312,44.799 L105.360312,40.8 C105.360312,40.359 105.000312,40 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84.4403125,40 84.0013125,40 Z M61.4413125,40 L57.4023125,40 C56.9623125,40 56.6023125,40.359 56.6023125,40.8 L56.6023125,59.597 C56.6023125,61.356 55.1633125,62.796 52.7223125,62.796 C50.3633125,62.796 48.9243125,61.356 48.9243125,59.597 L48.9243125,40.8 C48.9243125,40.359 48.5633125,40 48.1243125,40 L44.0853125,40 C43.6443125,40 43.2843125,40.359 43.2843125,40.8 L43.2843125,59.597 C43.2843125,64.436 47.2843125,68.435 52.7223125,68.435 C58.2423125,68.435 62.2413125,64.436 62.2413125,59.597 L62.2413125,40.8 C62.2413125,40.359 61.8823125,40 61.4413125,40 Z M39.4423125,40.8 L39.4423125,44.799 C39.4423125,45.239 39.0823125,45.599 38.6423125,45.599 L33.6433125,45.599 C33.4033125,45.599 33.2433125,45.759 33.2433125,45.999 L33.2433125,67.195 C33.2433125,67.635 32.8823125,67.995 32.4433125,67.995 L28.4443125,67.995 C28.0043125,67.995 27.6443125,67.635 27.6443125,67.195 L27.6443125,45.999 C27.6443125,45.759 27.4843125,45.599 27.2443125,45.599 L22.2453125,45.599 C21.8043125,45.599 21.4453125,45.239 21.4453125,44.799 L21.4453125,40.8 C21.4453125,40.359 21.8043125,40 22.2453125,40 L38.6423125,40 C39.0823125,40 39.4423125,40.359 39.4423125,40.8 L39.4423125,40.8 Z" id="TuneIn_Marquee"></path></g></g></svg></a></div><a data-ttid="searchOpen" class="hear-module__searchToggleContaer___H0IaD" href="/search/"><svg width="30px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 30 30" data-ttid="searchIn" fill="none" xmlns="><path d="M23.0003 22.9998L17.35 17.3496" stroke="#1c203c" stroke-width="2" stroke-merlim="10"></path><path d="M13.0603 19.1205C16.4072 19.1205 19.1205 16.4072 19.1205 13.0603C19.1205 9.71327 16.4072 7 13.0603 7C9.71327 7 7 9.71327 7 13.0603C7 16.4072 9.71327 19.1205 13.0603 19.1205Z" stroke="#1c203c" stroke-width="2" stroke-merlim="10"></path></svg></a></div></div><div><div style="lor:#000;background-lor:#F1F2F3;transn:-ms-transform 450ms cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1) 0ms,-webk-transform 450ms cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1) 0ms,transform 450ms cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1) 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153.643313,42.437 153.643313,42.196 L153.643313,25.799 C153.643313,25.559 153.803313,25.398 154.043313,25.398 L157.043313,25.398 C157.482313,25.398 157.842312,25.039 157.842312,24.599 L157.842312,20.8 C157.842312,20.359 157.482313,20 157.043313,20 L144.645313,20 C144.205312,20 143.844313,20.359 143.844313,20.8 L143.844313,24.599 C143.844313,25.039 144.205312,25.398 144.645313,25.398 L147.644313,25.398 C147.884312,25.398 148.044313,25.559 148.044313,25.799 L148.044313,42.196 C148.044313,42.437 147.884312,42.596 147.644313,42.596 L144.245313,42.596 C143.805313,42.596 143.445312,42.956 143.445312,43.395 L143.445312,47.195 C143.445312,47.635 143.805313,47.995 144.245313,47.995 L157.442313,47.995 C157.883313,47.995 158.242312,47.635 158.242312,47.195 L158.242312,43.395 Z M122.445312,26 L6.9453125,26 C6.6693125,26 6.4453125,26.225 6.4453125,26.5 L6.4453125,81.5 C6.4453125,81.776 6.6693125,82 6.9453125,82 L121.945312,82 C122.221312,82 122.445312,81.776 122.445312,81.5 L122.445312,26 Z M200.445312,3 L200.445312,65 C200.445312,66.657 199.101313,68 197.445312,68 L128.445312,68 L128.445312,85 C128.445312,86.657 127.102313,88 125.445312,88 L3.4453125,88 C1.7883125,88 0.4453125,86.657 0.4453125,85 L0.4453125,23 C0.4453125,21.344 1.7883125,20 3.4453125,20 L122.445312,20 L122.445312,3 C122.445312,1.343 123.789312,0 125.445312,0 L197.445312,0 C199.101313,0 200.445312,1.343 200.445312,3 Z M104.720312,62.396 L95.2423125,62.396 C95.0023125,62.396 94.8413125,62.236 94.8413125,61.996 L94.8413125,57.197 C94.8413125,56.957 95.0023125,56.797 95.2423125,56.797 L104.240313,56.797 C104.680312,56.797 105.040312,56.438 105.040312,55.997 L105.040312,51.998 C105.040312,51.558 104.680312,51.198 104.240313,51.198 L95.2423125,51.198 C95.0023125,51.198 94.8413125,51.038 94.8413125,50.798 L94.8413125,45.999 C94.8413125,45.759 95.0023125,45.599 95.2423125,45.599 L104.560312,45.599 C105.000312,45.599 105.360312,45.239 105.360312,44.799 L105.360312,40.8 C105.360312,40.359 105.000312,40 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84.4403125,40 84.0013125,40 Z M61.4413125,40 L57.4023125,40 C56.9623125,40 56.6023125,40.359 56.6023125,40.8 L56.6023125,59.597 C56.6023125,61.356 55.1633125,62.796 52.7223125,62.796 C50.3633125,62.796 48.9243125,61.356 48.9243125,59.597 L48.9243125,40.8 C48.9243125,40.359 48.5633125,40 48.1243125,40 L44.0853125,40 C43.6443125,40 43.2843125,40.359 43.2843125,40.8 L43.2843125,59.597 C43.2843125,64.436 47.2843125,68.435 52.7223125,68.435 C58.2423125,68.435 62.2413125,64.436 62.2413125,59.597 L62.2413125,40.8 C62.2413125,40.359 61.8823125,40 61.4413125,40 Z M39.4423125,40.8 L39.4423125,44.799 C39.4423125,45.239 39.0823125,45.599 38.6423125,45.599 L33.6433125,45.599 C33.4033125,45.599 33.2433125,45.759 33.2433125,45.999 L33.2433125,67.195 C33.2433125,67.635 32.8823125,67.995 32.4433125,67.995 L28.4443125,67.995 C28.0043125,67.995 27.6443125,67.635 27.6443125,67.195 L27.6443125,45.999 C27.6443125,45.759 27.4843125,45.599 27.2443125,45.599 L22.2453125,45.599 C21.8043125,45.599 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class="hear-module__tleActnButtonsContaer___hBqhk"><div class="hear-module__tleContaer___uDoJp hear-module__hasDcriptn___APJsV"><div class="pageTl-module__pageTle___yApR2"><h1 data-ttid="profileTle" tle="The Authentic Gay Man Podst">The Authentic Gay Man Podst</h1></div><a class="chevron-lk-module__lk___HfVSL mon-module__lk___Mz1h3" data-ttid="profileSubtleLk" href="/rad/Health--Wellns-Podsts-g3429/"><h2 class="pageTl-module__pageSubtle___qlY33" data-ttid="profileSubtle">Health & Wellns Podsts</h2><div class="chevron-lk-module__chevronWrapper___KRO47"></div></a><h2 class="pageTl-module__scriptn___zCUFQ" data-ttid="profileTleDcriptn"><div class="pageTl-module__scriptn___zCUFQ">Coach Maddox, host of The Authentic Gay Man Podst, reveals why so many gay men experience lonels and isolatn and the steps they n take, so they n create ep meangful iendships that help them experience a profound sense of belongg and muny. If you have ever felt like you were on the outsi lookg , you’re not alone. It's a mon theme among gay men. Maybe you are wonrg what means to be an Authentic Gay Man? Maddox engag his guts hont and raw nversatns, ncerng topics that gay men rarely speak about. When we are able to get real wh ourselv, enabl to get real wh others. That creat emotnal timacy…somethg we often fear and crave at the same time. Disver how to bee more thentic and vulnerable, so you are magic to the people you engage wh. Tune to each episo for a raw, ndid, and uncensored exploratn to the challeng of beg an Authentic Gay Man. If you’re terted gag sights to your own challeng by hearg vulnerable stori of other gay men and if you aspire to be an Authentic Gay Man, this is the podst for you.</div></h2></div><div class="hear-module__actnButtonsContaer___fUQla"><div class="hear-module__profilePlayButton___dNNKY"><a class="gui-em-module__guiItemLk___HP1Vy mon-module__lk___Mz1h3" href="/podsts/Health--Wellns-Podsts/The-Authentic-Gay-Man-Podst-p1598530/"><svg width="48px" height="48px" viewBox="0 0 45 45" class="tune-button-module__solid___vhIa1" data-ttid="profilePlayerActnButton" data-in="play" prerveAspectRat="xMidYMid"><tle>Play Button

gay loneliness podcast

Why didn’t gay rights cure gay lonels?" name="scriptn



Coach Maddox, host of The Authentic Gay Man Podst, reveals why so many gay men experience lonels and isolatn and the steps they n take, so they… * gay loneliness podcast *

Still, even as we celebrate the sle and speed of this change, the rat of prsn, lonels and substance abe the gay muny rema stuck the same place they’ve been for s.

In a survey of gay men who recently arrived New York Cy, three-quarters suffered om anxiety or prsn, abed dgs or alhol or were havg risky sex—or some batn of the three. “Marriage equaly and the chang legal stat were an improvement for some gay men, ” says Christopher Stults, a rearcher at New York Universy who studi the differenc mental health between gay and straight men. In the Netherlands, where gay marriage has been legal sce 2001, gay men rema three tim more likely to suffer om a mood disorr than straight men, and 10 tim more likely to engage “suicidal self-harm.


If male lonels is a morn epimic, where are all the lonely gay men? * gay loneliness podcast *

TTravis Salway, a rearcher wh the BC Centre for Disease Control Vanuver, has spent the last five years tryg to figure out why gay men keep killg themselv. By the late 2000s, he was a social worker and epimlogist and, like me, was stck by the growg distance between his straight and gay iends.

When the dispary first me to light the ’50s and ’60s, doctors thought was a symptom of homosexualy self, jt one of many maniftatns of what was, at the time, known as “sexual versn. “That was the ia I had, too, ” Salway says, “that gay suici was a product of a bygone era, or was ncentrated among adolcents who didn’t see any other way out. He found that gay men everywhere, at every age, have higher rat of rdvascular disease, ncer, ntence, erectile dysfunctn, ⁠ allergi and asthma—you name , we got .

“We see gay men who have never been sexually or physilly asslted wh siar post-trmatic strs symptoms to people who have been bat suatns or who have been raped, ” says Alex Kroghlian, a psychiatrist at the Fenway Instute’s Center for Populatn Rearch LGBT Health. And I kept nyg was a problem bee I had always told myself, ‘I’ve e out, I moved to San Francis, I’m done, I did what I had to do as a gay person.


Coach Maddox, host of The Authentic Gay Man Podst, reveals why so many gay men experience lonels and isolatn and the steps they n take, so they n create ep meangful iendships that help them experience a profound sense of belongg and muny. If you have ever felt like you were… * gay loneliness podcast *

For s, this is what psychologists thought, too: that the key stag inty formatn for gay men all led up to g out, that once we were fally fortable wh ourselv, we uld beg buildg a life wh a muny of people who’d gone through the same thg. “It’s like you emerge om the closet expectg to be this butterfly and the gay muny jt slaps the ialism out of you, ” Adam says.

It got so bad that I ed to go to the grocery store that was 40 mut away stead of the one that was 10 mut away jt bee I was so aaid to walk down the gay street.

Several studi have found that livg gay neighborhoods predicts higher rat of risky sex and meth e and ls time spent on other muny activi like volunteerg or playg sports. Acrdg to Dane Whicker, a clil psychologist and rearcher at De, most gay men report that they want to date someone mascule, and that they wished they acted more mascule themselv. A two-year longudal study found that the longer gay men were out of the closet, the more likely they were to bee versatile or tops.


Is there a bigger source of lonels-ducg trma the gay muny than relig trma? This is Craig's story. * gay loneliness podcast *

Rearchers say this kd of trag, liberately tryg to appear more mascule and takg on a different sex role, is jt one of the ways gay men prsure each other to atta “sexual pal, ” the equivalent of gog to the gym or pluckg our eyebrows. So, his sophomore year, he started watchg his male teachers for their flt posns, liberately standg wh his feet wi, his arms at his sis.

In the last 10 years, tradnal gay spac—bars, nightclubs, bathho—have begun to disappear, and have been replaced by social media.


This is all the ntent that Phil McAuliffe's created to support you and other gay men experiencg lonels to help you get the thentic nnectn you need and serve. This is the home of The Lonels Guy's blog, the Connectn over Coffee podst and YouTube channel. * gay loneliness podcast *

Usually when you hear about the shockg primacy of hookup apps gay life—Grdr, the most popular, says s average er spends 90 mut per day on —’s some panicked media story about murrers or homophob trawlg them for victims, or about the troublg “chemsex” scen that have spng up London and New York. But the real effect of the apps is quieter, ls remarked-upon and, a way, more profound: For many of , they have bee the primary way we teract wh other gay people. The worst thg about the apps, though, and why they’re relevant to the health dispary between gay and straight men, is not jt that we e them a lot.

In terviews that Elr, the post-trmatic strs rearcher, nducted wh gay men 2015, he found that 90 percent said they wanted a partner who was tall, young, whe, mcular and mascule.

Phil McAuliffe is gay and gets lonely. Jo Phil for a ffee and chat wh him and his guts about how you n move through your lonels towards the thentic nnectn you've been searchg for. * gay loneliness podcast *

Walt Ots, a psychologist who’s been wrg about social isolatn sce the 1980s, says that gay men ed to be troubled by the bathho the same way they are troubled by Grdr now. The gay men I terviewed talked about the datg apps the same way straight people talk about Comst: It sucks, but what are you gonna do? “We often live our liv through the ey of others, ” says Alan Downs, a psychologist and the thor of The Velvet Rage, a book about gay men’s stggle wh shame and social validatn.

PPerry Halkis, a profsor at NYU, has been studyg the health gap between gay people and straight people sce the early ’90s.

He has published four books on gay culture and has terviewed men dyg of HIV, reverg om party dgs and stgglg to plan their own weddgs. One of the most strikg studi I found scribed the spike anxiety and prsn among gay men 2004 and 2005, the years when 14 stat passed nstutnal amendments fg marriage as beg between a man and a woman.

The Authentic Gay Man Podst podst on mand - Coach Maddox, host of The Authentic Gay Man Podst, reveals why so many gay men experience lonels and isolatn and the steps they n take, so they n create ep meangful iendships that help them experience a profound sense of belongg... * gay loneliness podcast *

Gay men those stat showed a 37 percent crease mood disorrs, a 42 percent crease alholism and a 248 percent crease generalized anxiety disorr. Now square that wh the fact that our untry recently elected a bright orange Demogon whose admistratn is publicly, eagerly attemptg to reverse every sgle ga the gay muny has ma the last 20 years. Only around 30 percent of school districts the untry have anti-bullyg polici that specifilly mentn LGBTQ kids, and thoands of other districts have polici that prevent teachers om speakg about homosexualy a posive way.

For the last four years, Nicholas Heck, a rearcher at Marquette Universy, has been nng support groups for gay kids high schools. His parents meant well—they were jt tryg to enurage him to a field where he would enunter fewer homophob—but he was already anx: If he gave up on fance, was that surrenrg to stigma?

"Gay Men Gog Deeper" Dealg wh Lonels (Podst Episo 2022) - Movi, TV, Celebs, and more..." data-id="ma * gay loneliness podcast *

In the last five years, as evince of this ternnectedns has piled up, a few psychologists and epimlogists have started to treat alienatn among gay men as a “synmic”: A clter of health problems, none of which n be fixed on their own. There will always be more straight kids than gay kids, we will always be isolated among them, and we will always, on some level, grow up alone our fai and our schools and our towns. I keep thkg of somethg Pl, the software veloper, told me: “For gay people, we’ve always told ourselv that when the AIDS epimic was over we’d be fe.

Connectn is the antidote to gay lonels, so let's stay nnected through the mailg list or the Premium Connectn Lounge on Facebook. * gay loneliness podcast *

Coach Maddox, host of The Authentic Gay Man Podst, reveals why so many gay men experience lonels and isolatn and the steps they n take, so they n create ep meangful iendships that help them experience a profound sense of belongg and muny. If you’re terted gag sights to your own challeng by hearg vulnerable stori of other gay men and if you aspire to be an Authentic Gay Man, this is the podst for you.


The Authentic Gay Man Podst .