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In “But How Gay Is It? Which gay ins star the film?
(The survival of that last actor’s character is supposed to be a surprise, but he’s advertised as beg the movie, and you’re readg a review of Maze Runner: The Death Cure by a homosexual who hasn’t seen the first two movi, so I assume you don’t md. But how gay is ?
It’s a hell of a lot gayer than I’d have expected.
Combed wh Clarkson’s inic prence and the general Basket o’ Twks vibe, and The Death Cure wds up pretty gay nsirg havg no nonilly gay characters. ALL POSTSNewt gay?????? Okay as an outed person for likg the same genr and lovg all people for who they are i for one do not thk that is homophobic or to say that he uld fact be bi many fan fictns he is fact bi and there hasn’t been a problem i for one am wrg a fan fictn where his love tert is the oppose genr and there is nothg wrong wh that h a fictnal character and many people view him different ways i am not a fan girl nor fan boy as i am very well aware that newt is fact gay but people view thgs different to be fair to people who would like him to explore a female relatnship i say the same thg the only girl he ever remembers beg acquated wh is tera and brenda which both if the characters have a thg for thomas and as a person who went through a sexual relatnship problems and genr inty problems i say there is no reason people n not view him or hope to view him as a bi character as much as i love to see him as eher or there is nothg wrong wh an between.