Former GHS basketball ach Lonnie Gaylor to be ducted to Hall of Fame | The Graham Lear

graham gaylor

Graham Gaylor has a long history of work experience, begng 2008 when they were an tern at SmartVlt.



Graham Gaylor on the 2021 30 Unr 30 - Social Media - Gaylor is the founr of VRChat, a social work that allows ers to build virtual worlds to * graham gaylor *

About Graham GaylorGaylor is the founr of VRChat, a social work that allows ers to build virtual worlds to hang out . Gaylor attend Vanrbilt and prevly worked at Zynga before startg VRChat 2015.

整理:EW | 胡陈超 金佳审稿:EW | 岳 鸿(上海)支持:东西游戏组 东西虚拟娱乐组导 读成立于2014年,以“VR+社交”为定位的平台VRChat,目前是Steam和Ocul Rift商店中排名第一的免费VR应用程序,拥有超过40, 000名同时在线玩家、数十万个世界和超过一千万个独特的头像。另根据官方和一些公开途径的可查的数据,VRChat或已拥有数百万名玩家。2021年6月底,VRChat宣布完成了8000万美元D轮融资,截至目前,VRChat的融资总金额达到了9520万美元。VRChat允许玩家个性化他们的VR体验,包括自定义头像、场景/世界、游戏、活动等,玩家可以凭借3D角色模块与来自世界各地的其他玩家一起探索、社交和创造,同时也支持Ocul Rift、HTC Vive和Wdows Mixed Realy虚拟现实头戴式显示器。由于VRChat自由的社区环境,它不仅成了玩家在线活动与虚拟聚会的场所,也成了一种与目前元宇宙等概念密切相关的社会文化现象。除了让玩家自由创造虚拟化身以及虚拟化身相关的一切社会行为,在产品和模式层面,VRChat吸引大量玩家的一个原因在于,它尚未实现场景内的货币化,它是完全免费,另外,玩家没有VR设备也可以进行体验——只需要一台电脑。虽然在没有头显的情况下,玩家不会感觉那么的身临其境,也不能体验所有功能,但并不影响他们参与玩乐。不过,首席技术官杰西·乔德里(Jse Joudrey)表示,“人们在没有VR头显的情况下加入 VRChat,进行一次难忘的冒险,然后立即寻找虚拟现实硬件来升级他们的体验,这是一个非常循自然的过程”。这番言论实际上也触发了市场对于VRChat未来商业模式可能性的想象。投资机构之一的Anthos Capal表示,VRChat进一步革新了社交体验。随着虚拟现实市场的增长,VRChat作为虚拟世界的领先平台,将迎来显著的扩张和增长。”VRChat成立于2014年。目前,公司董事会共有三名执行董事:Graham Gaylor(联合创始人/首席执行官)、Jse Joury(联合创始人/首席技术官)和 Ron Millar(首席创意官)。创始人之一格雷厄姆·盖勒(Graham Gaylor)毕业于范德堡大学(Vanrbilt Universy),大学期间学习数学和计算机科学。VRChat 开始是Graham Gaylor在大学时的项目,2014年1月Redd上,VRChat 作为与 Microsoft Wdows 兼容的独立应用程序发布,彼时马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)去Ocul考察 VR技术。大约一个月后,Gaylor遇到了Jse Joudrey,他是EA的资深员工,后来成为VRChat的首席技术官。同年3月Facebook收购Ocul后, 他们决定把VRChat变成事业。 “直到Facebook收购了Ocul,我们才真正知道这是VR的一个杀手级应用。”以“VR+社交”为自身平台的定位, VRChat当时拥有(现在仍然拥有)的最大资产之一是它的社区,在社区内,玩家能够创建世界和虚拟人物,由于核心技术是围绕Uny建立的,因此玩家可以很容易地使用脚本创建头像、场景、世界和几乎任何他们想要的东西(虚拟的)。在VRChat完成C轮融资时,首席执行官Graham Gaylor表示:“我们的目标是将人们联系起来,让他们能够像在同一个房间一样进行互动。你想要的任何社交体验都应该存在,如果不存在,应该有人能够创造它。”另外,VRChat也曾公开表示:“我们的长期目标是让创作者用他们在VRChat中创造的东西来支持他们自己:建立世界、化身、表演、体验、事件和其他。”公司的资金始于2015年的亲友轮。2016年10月,VRChat完成了120万美元种子轮投资,2017年2月1日,VRChat通过Steam的抢先体验计划推出,2017年9月至今,VRChat相继完成了多轮融资。关于最近的D轮融资,VRChat表示,这笔投资将用于“加速创造经济的发展,让成员可以从中获利,增强社交发现系统,获得更有意义的体验,并向更多平台扩展。”这些改进将有助于VRChat的快速增长,并允许更多的人访问这个虚拟世界。截至目前,VRChat融资总金额达9520万美元。VRChat看点:延展性、出圈过程、流行文化属性延展性:自由创造虚拟化身以及虚拟化身所需的社会行为VRChat的官网说,“任何用VRChat平台建立的虚拟世界都会立即成为一个社交VR世界。”通过向公众提供了基于Uny的 SDK,VRChat玩家只要拥有足够的计算机存储空间,在通过YouTube教程快速了解了方法后,就可以创建自定义头像、游戏和世界,进行创造性地添加,这对VRChat玩家来说,意味着几乎可以探索永无止境的新事物,卡通形象的数字化身是VRChat最知名的功能之一,许多玩家喜欢扮演他们所选择展示的角色,以该角色的方式与他人互动。 与splay不同的是,在虚拟现实中,根据化身和控制器的复杂程度,一些玩家可以让他们的化身执行手势、面部表情,甚至可以虚拟触摸其他化身。总的来说,VRChat就是一个超现实的虚拟空间,允许玩家自由发挥创造力,玩家通过创建自己的虚拟化身,创造自己的故事、社区,通过3-D空间化音频,玩家也可以通过声音与其他玩家交谈,同时也能够使用手势、表情,甚至触摸,实现虚拟互动,在玩家自己创造的虚拟场景或者世界中,人们可以自如地进行社交、参加活动、上课、创作艺术、玩游戏、为大量玩家表演或是构建新的虚拟世界。靠YouTuber和Twch的主播出圈,疫情又加速出圈VRChat人气飙升的原因主要是YouTuber和Twch的主播的推崇。比如YouTube主播Nagzz21,几乎每天都会上传他在VRChat体验的视频,其中包括奇怪的约会场景、VRChat中玩家和群组之间发生的一些事件,探索所有不同的领域。Twch流媒体Nagzz21在Bs Insir的采访中说"通过VRChat,你和真正的人一起参与了(创造新世界)。因为你面对的是在虚拟环境中互动的真人,你永远不知道接下来会发生什么。"知名主播JP则在Twter上称,玩VRChat给了他无数关于未来流媒体的想法,他将深入研究VRChat给予玩家带来的全新的体验。疫情加速了VRChat的破圈。原本重体验的场景转移至线上,进入到了和虚拟现实/增强显示结合的层面,从而创造出了新的体验形态。典型如基于VRChat的大型多人在线社交功能,所筹办的线上虚拟音乐会。2020年6月21日,由VRrOOm 的 Louis Cacciuttolo 牵头,推出名为Alone Together 的项目,在该项目中电子音乐传奇人物Jean-Michel Jarre举办了一次虚拟音乐会,吸引数千人在VRChat上观看。在线节目LONER Onle也与VRChat联手创建了带有夜总会club氛围的现场音乐表演活动,后又发展成为一个双月一次的活动,大约有四场音乐表演,每场大约30分钟。去中心化,成为虚拟的公共文化社区在对外表明自身优势时,VRChat提到,通过VRChat,玩家可以与世界各地的人们互动,通过更换新头像来试验不同的身份;玩家可以建立世界并邀请人们加入,勇敢地表达自己,建立起长久的友谊,有许多玩家报告称VRChat有助于克服社交焦虑。玩家评论在VRChat大部分虚拟场景都是由玩家生成的,这样自由的社交和创造环境,将VRChat塑造成了一个带有浓厚世代气质的公共文化场所,在VRChat上充斥着大量的流行文化和亚文化。VRChat显然在有意识地将自身与公共文化属性捆绑,以此来构建独一无二的社区氛围。VRChat网站上有一个官方日历,列出了在各个虚拟房间中发生的公共事件。玩家可以请求举办一次性活动,如聚会,或一系列正在进行的活动,如开放麦克风之夜或日语课程, 冥想会话或即兴表演。所有这些事例都是在VRChat中的真实虚拟事件。不过,群体狂欢往往也会催生一些低俗的现象发生。在VRChat曾流行一个名为“乌干达纳克鲁斯”的梗:有一群玩家以Do you know the Way?”为密语,声音极具感染性,在游戏中骚扰其他玩家为乐,而且越来越多的人被洗脑加入。他们恶搞的视频在Youtube、twter、redd等平台被人们广泛传播,逐渐成为了一个梗。上述行为实际上影响到了其他玩家的游戏体验,情况几近失控后VRChat也被推向风口浪尖。为解决这个问题,VRchat开发人员已推出了一个恐慌按钮。使用该按钮后,玩家可以把所有不在好友列表中的参与者头像换成灰色,并同时将相应的玩家静音。VRChat的商业模式猜想作为一个免费的社交平台,VRChat的盈利模式尚不明朗。在外界看来,除了从融资轮次中获得的直接资金,VRChat 还可能通过合作伙伴关系从VR设备和定制化身的销售利润中分得一杯羹。目前尚不确定VRChat是否以及通过与HTC等公司以及游戏开发平台Uny等公司的合作获得了多少收益。据MakeMoney预计,随着VRChat玩家带来HTC Vive系列的大量直销,VRChat可能会在销售额中获得一定比例的分成。另外,VRChat 是使用Uny游戏引擎构建的。当创作者为 VRChat 玩家构建自定义内容(如头像、游戏和新世界)时,他们将会使用 Uny Asset Store,其中也有一些付费资产和插件。VRChat表示,他们已经与Uny合作构建了创作者可以使用的新资产。所以猜测VRChat也有可能从Uny Asset Store的销售中分一杯羹。还有评论指出,随着VRChat的持续流行,它也可以和娱乐行业结合,比如可以通过使用他们的歌曲与艺术家合作,或是在VRChat中举办特别活动,宣传他们即将发布的版本。 目前,VRChat 并没有否定允许广告商为平台内虚拟场景广告牌付费的想法。他们还可以与公司合作,在平台上赚取广告收入,广告可以采用虚拟房间的形式,在虚拟场景中进行扩展。上述这些变现模式还处在不可知的状态,不过和上述种种猜测相比,在变现模式上,围绕VRChat自身的虚拟经济体系和虚拟交易,被认为是未来最大的看点。虽然目前VRChat尚未实现平台内货币化,但其创始人一直致力于推动货币化的实现。2019年,VRChat已宣布它正在走向货币化,它正计划发力虚拟经济,推动虚拟交易。在招募虚拟经济经理时,他们表示:“在VRChat,我们对如何推动虚拟经济体系有了一些想法,但我们正在寻找有经验的人来帮助指导和领导这项工作。作为我们的虚拟经济经理,您将负责VRChat虚拟经济、货币和市场的监督、开发、发布和管理。”此外,在职责清单中,他们再次明确指出他们正在寻找并实施良好的货币化模式:一是,与设计和生产部门合作,规划、记录、全面设计、实施和管理虚拟商品市场;二是,与各个团队合作实施、质量检查和发布各种货币化模型。2020年12月,该公司构建一个名为VRChat Pl的可选付费订阅,收费标准为每月9.


* graham gaylor *

AboutGraham Gaylor has a long history of work experience, begng 2008 when they were an tern at SmartVlt. In 2014 they worked as a Software Engeer at Zynga, and also -found VRChat Inc, where they currently serve as CEO and wears all of the Gaylor attend Kkaid High School om 2006 to 2010.

The fay name Gaylor is thought to be of Norman origs. Origally, Gaylor was a name given to a happy, joyo, and bold person. The name Gaylor riv om the nickname the galliard, which means the bold or the joyo.


Read the Gaylor surname history and see the fay crt, at of arms for the English Orig. Disver the Gaylor surname history. Where did the name Gaylor e om? * graham gaylor *

[2] Early Origs of the Gaylor fayThe surname Gaylor was first found the London area where the first rerd of the name was the Lat form: Gaylard 1206. Later, Robert Gaylard was listed 1225, and later aga, John Galard was listed 1232. [3]The Hundredom Rolls of 1273 listed: John Gayllard, Cambridghire; William Gallard and John Galard Oxfordshire.


VRChat CEO And Executiv - Learn more about VRChat CEO Graham Gaylor and key people by explorg the management team. * graham gaylor *

[4]As a forename, we found Gaillarda Blome the Close Roll, 5 Edward II and Gaylar uxor Arnaldt Purib, Close Roll, 39 Henry III. " [5] Early History of the Gaylor fayThis web page shows only a small excerpt of our Gaylor rearch.

Another 130 words (9 l of text) verg the years 1426, 1341, 1667, 1675, 1676, 1351, 1687, 1749 and 1687 are clud unr the topic Early Gaylor History all our PDF Extend History products and prted products wherever possible. Gaylor Spellg VariatnsSpellg variatns nam were a mon occurrence the eras before English spellg was standardized a few hundred years ago. Many variatns of the name Gaylor have been found, cludg Gaylord, Gaillard, Galliard, Gaylor, Gayleard and others.

Early Notabl of the Gaylor fay (pre 1700)Outstandg amongst the fay at this time was Richard Gaillard and Hugh Gaillard, Brish Squir who bravely fought at the Combat of the Thirty on March 26th, 1351.


VRChat is an onle virtual world platform tablished by Graham Gaylor and Jse Joudrey 2014. Wh virtual realy gatherg momentum, Gaylor qu his job at Zynga and brought Joudrey to help him velop the new generat revenue by sellg premium subscriptns that give ers accs to enhanced featur. The price for this subscriptn, VRChat Pl, is $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year if purchased the Steam also sells brand merchandise s onle store. Items clu tops, sweaters, tote bags, mugs, pillows, and smartphone s. * graham gaylor *

Another 33 words (2 l of text) are clud unr the topic Early Gaylor Notabl all our PDF Extend History products and prted products wherever possible. Gaylor RankgIn the Uned Stat, the name Gaylor is the 5, 406th most popular surname wh an timated 4, 974 people wh that name.


Graham Gaylor. * graham gaylor *

[6] Gaylor migratn to the Uned Stat +For many English fai, the social climate England was opprsive and lacked opportuny for change. Early North Amerin rerds dite many people bearg the name Gaylor were among those ntributors: Gaylor Settlers Uned Stat the 17th CenturyMrs.

Gaylor, aged 37, who arrived Dorchter, Massachetts 1630 aboard the ship "Mary & John" [7]Mr.

Samuel Gaylor, aged 10, who arrived Dorchter, Massachetts 1630 aboard the ship "Mary & John" [7]John Gaylor, who arrived Virgia 1652 [8]Gaylor Settlers Uned Stat the 19th CenturyR C Gaylor, who land San Francis, California 1855 [8]Robert S. Gaylor, aged 32, who land Ameri, 1893Edward Gaylor, aged 25, who immigrated to the Uned Stat om Liverpool, 1897Frank Gaylor, aged 17, who land Ameri om Liverpool, 1897Gaylor Settlers Uned Stat the 20th CenturyRalph W. Gaylor, who settled Ameri, 1907John Gaylor, aged 26, who land Ameri om Hoylake, England, 1909Joseph Gaylor, aged 35, who settled Ameri om Ireland, 1910Lena Gaylor, aged 35, who land Ameri om Bradford, England, 1911Isabel Gaylor, aged 15, who land Ameri om Brodsford, England, 1911...


Vanrbilt alumn Graham Gaylor and Assistant Profsor of Pharmalogy Cody Siciliano have been named to the 2021 Forb “30 Unr 30.” * graham gaylor *

) Gaylor migratn to Atralia +Emigratn to Atralia followed the First Fleets of nvicts, traspeople and early settlers. Early immigrants clu: Gaylor Settlers Atralia the 19th CenturyMr.


a taylor swift fan who believ taylor swift is gay" name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn * graham gaylor *

Robert Gaylor, (b. 1822), aged 21, English butcher who was nvicted Bridgewater, Somerset, England for 7 years for stealg, transported aboard the "Crsy" on 28th April 1843, arrivg Tasmania (Van Diemen's Land) [9] Contemporary Notabl of the name Gaylor (post 1700) +Alan B. Gaylor (1926-2008), Amerin bsman bt known as the founr of Al's Formal WearChief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Robert D.


Former Graham High School basketball ach Lonnie Gaylor will be ducted to the Texas Associatn of Basketball Coach Hall of Fame. The ductn will be at 6 p.m. on May 21, at the El Tropina Hotel San Anton.  Gaylor had a long reer playg and achg basketball. He graduated om Jacksonville (TX) High School and went on to play at Jacksonville College. From there, he played basketball at Stephen F. At State Universy. He attaed his Bachelors and Masters gre at Stephen F. At. * graham gaylor *

Gaylor (b.

1930), the fifth Chief Master SergeantAnnie Lrie Gaylor (b.

Gaylor Contractg provis reliable, profsnal servic for your mercial needs. We n assure you that Gaylor Contractg do!


Graham Gaylor has a long history of work experience, begng 2008 when they were an tern at SmartVlt. * graham gaylor *

We n AboutProjectsExperienceTakg the LeadGaylor Contractg was tablished 1987, buildg multi-faceted projects, cludg both mercial and rintial velopment and nstctn. Quote om VRChat creator Graham Gaylor on the metaverse and VRC om May 2014. There are very tertg and fuential people ved to Gunters shows, and on ep #5 of "Virtually Inrrect", Graham Gaylor is asked about the metaverse bee he is velopg VRChat at the time:.

Based on our data team's rearch, Graham Gaylor is the VRChat's CEO. Name & TleBGraham GaylorCo-Founr and CEOJse JoudreyBoard MemberFounr VRChat, @a-c-r-o-n-y-m-gam • Worked at @electronic-arts • Studied at @universy-of-new-bnswickRon MillarChief Creative OfficerRon Millar is a Game Dev Consultant / Ocul Touch Game Dev / VR / Aud at Fun Bs Interactive and Chief Creative Officer at VRChat and is based San Francis, California. Ron studied at Game Indtry Sce High JobsVRChat FounrsName & TleBGraham GaylorCo-Founr and CEOJse JoudreyBoard MemberFounr VRChat, @a-c-r-o-n-y-m-gam • Worked at @electronic-arts • Studied at @universy-of-new-bnswickVRChat Board MembersName & TleBJse JoudreyBoard MemberFounr VRChat, @a-c-r-o-n-y-m-gam • Worked at @electronic-arts • Studied at @universy-of-new-bnswickVRChat Executiv FAQsWho Is the CEO Of VRChat?

Graham Gaylor and Jse Joudrey found giv an -pth look to the tails of VRChat, cludg salari, polil affiliatns, employee data, and more, orr to rm job seekers about VRChat.

Former Graham High School basketball ach Lonnie Gaylor will be ducted to the Texas Associatn of Basketball Coach Hall of Fame. The ductn will be at 6 p.m. on May 21, at the El Tropina Hotel San Anton.  Gaylor had a long reer playg and achg basketball. He graduated om Jacksonville (TX) High School and went on to play at Jacksonville College. From there, he played basketball at Stephen F. At State Universy. He attaed his Bachelors and Masters gre at Stephen F. At. * graham gaylor *

VRChat is an onle virtual world platform tablished by Graham Gaylor and Jse Joudrey 2014.

Wh virtual realy gatherg momentum, Gaylor qu his job at Zynga and brought Joudrey to help him velop the new project. Before the two me together, Gaylor worked as a software engeer at Zynga while Joudrey had only jt started his own virtual realy velopment firm. At some pot, Gaylor qu his job at Zynga to vote more time to a project lled VRChat.

Wh the populary of virtual realy gatherg momentum, Gaylor brought Joudrey to help him velop the game. But Gaylor and Joudrey also wanted VRChat to bee the first virtual realy hangout, where players uld ctomize their worlds, host dance parti, and even date other players.


Urban Dictnary: gaylor .