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letter to my gay daughter

Read “Mom, Dad… I’m Gay.” A Christian Parent’s Rponse by David Murray and more articl about Christian Life and Wiki on



She jt told me she’s gay. I’ve already talked to her about sex wh boys—how do I talk to her about girls? * letter to my gay daughter *

She jt told me she’s gay. Sign up to get "Dear Therapist" your Therapist, As a parent, I firmly believe that is my duty to prepare my kids to be posive, healthy, and productive people both the world and personal when my 12-year-old dghter announced that she is gay, my md started spng. Rachel Held Evans nclus her blog post If my son or dghter were gay wh this paragraph:.

If God bls Dan and me wh a child who is gay, I would want that child to know whout a doubt that he or she is loved unndnally. I believe Rachel’s motivatn is to create a more welg and lovg environment the church for those who intify themselv as homosexuals, or who stggle wh homosexual sire. I admire and agree wh her motive, and mt say that I’ve learned om her this area of beg much more reful how I speak and wre about homosexualy.


She jt told me she’s gay. I’ve already talked to her about sex wh boys—how do I talk to her about girls? * letter to my gay daughter *

First, she don’t munite any ncern about the sfulns of homosexual sir nor the immoraly of homosexual actns. She seems to nvey that homosexual sir are not part of human brokenns, and that to pursue homosexual practic do not have any bearg on a person’s relatnship wh Christ.

” There is no ditn that she se anythg wrong or unbiblil about homosexualy. Send, Rachel seems to intify everyone who tak the view that homosexual sir are part of broken human sfulns, and that homosexual actns are s, as bulli.

However, ’s irrponsible and unfair to group all who say that homosexualy is immoral as bulli of Christ’s ltle on.


What do you mean by “I thk I’m gay”? Are you therefore planng to pursue homosexual relatnships? Sixth, if your son agre that homosexualy is sful, and he wants to have victory over the temptatns, then there are many Gospel promis you n enurage him wh.

However, if he says that he believ homosexualy to be okay and he’s cid to pursue , then while assurg him of your ntued love and re, you mt lovgly warn him of the spirual and physil dangers of homosexualy.

Seventh, I’d enurage the son not to see himself as a homosexual, not to fe himself by his sexualy. Rather I’d want him to see himself as creature ma God’s image, a man wh many parts to his inty, a person wh many gifts, a son wh a diverse character and personaly, one part of which, at least for the moment, is to have a homosexual sir. Eighth, I would ask him to keep g to church, pecially as homosexualy is sometim the rult of worshippg self rather than God (Romans 1:24-25).


But I would ask his permissn to let the pastor know about his suatn bee I’d want to urge the pastor to greater sensivy towards those stgglg wh homosexualy. Like Rachel, I too have wced and crged as preachers have nmned homosexualy as if is an unfiveable abomatn that only weird and wicked people outsi of church stggled wh. Is somehow nceivable that there are some our church who have stggled wh homosexual sire and have fallen to s this area?

Where I do disagree wh Rachel, is her refal to accept that hell and judgment are any part of the Christian msage about s, cludg homosexual s. Y, the Gospel wel sners, heterosexual and homosexual sners, but, thanks be to God, do not leave there (1 Cor.


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