26 Famo Gay People History - LGBTQ Rights Movement Facts for Pri Month

famous historical lgbtq figures

Fascatg stori about the most famo gay people the world. From Michelangelo to Ellen DeGener, Out celebrat the liv of notable LGBT figur.



This Pri Month, celebrate the famo people who have played a major role the Gay Rights Movement over the years. * famous historical lgbtq figures *

Baker also served as a spy for the French durg World War II, passg along secrets she heard while performg for German Herich Ulrichs Ulrichs is regard by some as the pneer of the morn gay movement and the first person to publicly “e out. ” In fact, Volkmar Sigch, a leadg German scholar sexual science, scribed him as “the most cisive and fluential pneer of homosexual emancipatn … world history. He wrote pamphlets about beg gay Germany and, Augt 29, 1867, Ulrichs spoke Munich at the Congrs of Jurists to mand legal equal rights for all sexuali.

Cárnas helped start the stggle agast gay prejudice Mexi and fought for equal rights for everyone, no matter their NkoliSimon Nkoli is seen by many as the central hero of the gay and lbian stggle South Ai.

They also played an tegral role nvcg the Ain Natnal Congrs, South Ai’s lg polil party, to formally regnize gay and lbian rights the untry. Five years later, Nkoli clared his HIV posive stat and began workg to stigmatize HIV/ NasimIfti Nasim was a gay Pakistani poet who moved to the Uned Stat to avoid persecutn for his sexualy.


Famo Gay People - History's Most Influential LGBT People |.