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(PR HANDOUT IMAGE PHOTO)" class="css-12cetpi-StyledImage en5ut4d0"/></picture><figptn class="e1e1fc0 figptn css-bnbkt2-StyledFigCaptn-StyledFigptn e13f1dd25"><svg class="e13f1dd22 css-1kbtdjr-StyledCameraIn-StyledInImage e1vpj17e0" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 17 14" fill="#000"><tle>Camera In</tle><path d="M10.27 11.623c-2.02 0-3.666-1.644-3.666-3.666 0-2.022 1.645-3.667 3.667-3.667s3.668 1.645 3.668 3.667-1.646 3.666-3.667 3.666zM2.834 4.56c.7 0 1.27.572 1.27 1.272 0 .7-.57 1.27-1.27 1.27-.7 0-1.27-.57-1.27-1.27 0-.7.57-1.27 1.27-1.27zM15.19 3h-1.16c-.366-.735-.82-2.125-1.988-2.125H8.5c-.856 0-1.2.656-2.302 2.125H4.25v-.354c0-.566-.515-1.062-1.102-1.062h-.67c-.554 0-1.042.496-1.042 1.052l-.01.384C.26 3.145 0 3.916 0 4.573v7.358c0 1.077.66 1.693 1.81 1.693h13.38c1.15 0 1.81-.616 1.81-1.692V4.574c0-.718-.314-1.575-1.81-1.575"></path></svg><span class="css-ew42y0-StyledFigCaptnText e13f1dd24"><span class="css-1vt5x9l-Captn e13f1dd23">Senr Counsel Peter Gray says the quiry will seek to expose the tth of past LGBTIQ aths. (PR HANDOUT IMAGE PHOTO)</span><span> Cred: <!-- -->AAP</span></span></figptn></figure></div><div class="css-404zpd-StyledInsetCell ell6x8x4"><h1 emProp="headle" class="css-1d82-StyledHeadle e6r4fv90">Inquiry hears of vlence at gay beats</h1></div><div class="css-404zpd-StyledInsetCell ell6x8x4"><addrs class="css-ycmgy8-StyledByle e1qmdp8f21"><div class="css-jfngg4-StyledByleText e1qmdp8f20"><div class="css-nemhhm-StyledByleTextWrapper e1qmdp8f13"><div class="css-mzi4ul-StyledByleTextWrap e1qmdp8f16"><span emspe="" emType=" class="css-4jfl1n-StyledByleTextBlock e1qmdp8f15"><span emProp="name">Margaret Scheikowski</span></span><span class="css-4jfl1n-StyledByleTextBlock e1qmdp8f15">AAP</span></div></div><div class="css-3nalsi-StyledMetaDataWrapper e1qmdp8f3"><time dateTime="2022-11-22T00:33+0800" class="e1qmdp8f10 css-eddwdk-StyledTimtamp-StyledTimtamp oze8g2">November 22, 2022 12:33AM</time></div></div><div class="css-a5s9re-StyledButtonContaer e1qmdp8f1"></div></addrs></div><div class="css-404zpd-StyledInsetCell ell6x8x4"><div class="topic-list hi-prt css-1baot6e-StyledTopicListContaer exqmkap3"><h2 class="css-zshng4-StyledHear exqmkap1">Topics</h2><nav class="css-1dtlpsd-StyledTopicNav exqmkap2"><a data-sectn="news" class="css-rsnjnt-StyledTag e1f4srfq0" href="/news/crime">Crime</a></nav></div></div><div><div class="css-czxz1x-StyledArticleContent ell6x8x3"><div class="js-taboolaReadMoreContent css-1bgobxc-StyledBlockContent eh7f8mi1" id="ArticleContent"><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">Men at a popular Sydney gay beat had to stter when a r reered towards them "like was on a kangaroo shoot", an quiry has heard.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">The r's headlights and an apparent spotlight were blazg as the r drove at men at Rhcutters Bay Park Sydney's east, the 1990s.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">"It was a by Saturday night and men were stterg everywhere, nng like the dickens," Barry Charl said on Tuday.</p><div class="hi-prt ad-no-notice css-qyun7f-StyledAdUnWrapper ezkyf1c0"><div class="css-1ilcqyj-StyledCenter ezkyf1c3"><div class="css-k85b03-StyledNotice ezkyf1c2"><div class="ad-article-mrec-one css-ssup-StyledAdUn ezkyf1c4"></div></div></div></div><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">The 72-year-old long-time gay rights activist was givg evince at the NSW Special Commissn of Inquiry to LGBTIQ hate crim.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">It is vtigatg historil hate crim agast the queer muny, particularly a wave of gay hate homicis and other crim Sydney durg the AIDS epimic of the 1980s.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">Dcribg himself as a "beats queen", Mr Charl said he was aware that vlence agast gay men at beats was occurrg before the 70s.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">He equented them between 1969 and 1998, visg at least 40 different on around Sydney.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">"Hangg around for longer than necsary was dangero, bee you knew you uld be apprehend, or were danger of vlence and some men were at risk of beg exposed as gay," he said.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">Mr Charl listed a strg of vlent acts he wnsed or experienced at beats, tellg the quiry he managed to sprt over the footbridge away om the r at the Rhcutters Bay cint.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">"I never saw who was the r or what they did, bee I jt ran for ," he said.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">As far as he knew, the only way a r uld ga accs was via a padlocked gate, ually only opened when uncil workers mowed the lawn.</p><div class="hi-prt ad-no-notice css-qyun7f-StyledAdUnWrapper ezkyf1c0"><div hidn="" class="css-ka2gzg-StyledCenter ezkyf1c3"><div class="css-k85b03-StyledNotice ezkyf1c2"><div class="ad-article-mrec-two css-ok8w0n-StyledAdUn ezkyf1c4" hidn=""></div></div></div></div><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">"So I have always had the belief, rightly or wrongly, that mt have been a raid by police," he said.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">In about 1971, at Tempe park Sydney's ner-wt, he saw a group of youths wieldg a length of bumper bar as they chased a man down the median strip of the highway.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">He himself had been attacked Alexandria Park, the first time beg h by youths wh lengths of whe PVC pipe.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">They had asked him: "Are you a poofter? Are you a faggot?"</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">Police were lled but he felt they were more terted what he had been dog, rather than what had happened to him.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">Another time an adolcent boy h him wh a tree saplg om the park, which was later the scene of a bashg murr of a gay man.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">He outled his years of activism, notg a gay solidary Sydney rally 1973.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">Police phed the marchers back and began arrtg people after they cid to lay a wreath at the war memorial, to memorate gay and lbian service people.</p><div class="hi-prt ad-no-notice css-qyun7f-StyledAdUnWrapper ezkyf1c0"><div hidn="" class="css-ka2gzg-StyledCenter ezkyf1c3"><div class="css-k85b03-StyledNotice ezkyf1c2"><div class="ad-article-mrec-three css-ok8w0n-StyledAdUn ezkyf1c4" hidn=""></div></div></div></div><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">"The police behavur that I saw was very trmatic for me," said Mr Charl.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">"I regard as btaly. I was only a young man at the time, 23 years old. I rried the emotnal srs om that event for a long time."</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">Durg the early 1980s, the gay muny's growg visibily and nfince also meant growg vlence agast them.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">But he rejected opns that the advent of HIV/AIDS gave rise to more anti-gay vlence wh beg ed as an exce or jtifitn.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">"My personal opn is that a ltle too much is ma of that relatnship," he said.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">"I really don't thk gangs of suburban youth were very engaged or rmed about HIV/AIDS."</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">The hearg ntu.</p></div></div></div><div class="css-404zpd-StyledInsetCell ell6x8x4"></div><div class="css-404zpd-StyledInsetCell ell6x8x4"><div class="css-i2ml8v-StyledSharg e1sjvqe43"><button class="gtm-facebook-share-button css-zk8z1i-StyledButton e1sjvqe42"><svg class="css-opb8k2-In-StyledIn-FacebookStyledIn e1mieozu1" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 438 817.8"><tle>Share to Facebook

gay beats perth western australia

Those who are very much out and proud, and choosg to pay a vis to the cy of Perth, will be pleased to learn that there is a very tablished and welg gay muny prent.



Disver Gay datg near you and Perth, Wtern Atralia. Fd a lol nnectn today! * gay beats perth western australia *

Home Interts By Lotn Register for Free Connect wh other guys near you - Gay and bisexual datg Perth, Wtern Atralia Chemistryx, 42 Perth tim011, 49 Perth tobykid, 24 Perth Ozyjosh, 37 Perth Obel, 23 Perth Jakey717, 46 Perth BTM6005, 48 Perth HornyGuy123, 45 Perth Bt50, 68 Perth jack1999, 24 Perth veman, 37 Perth newbrian, 60 Perth Rsys1, 25 Perth Ryzonguyz, 33 Perth koshurlover1990, 33 Perth Tyrell69, 25 Perth Anallover, 30 Perth leon69, 61 Perth Opel, 64 Perth blazk8er95, 27 South Perth Tomharris19, 24 Armadale Lookg4that1, 25 Rockgham Gay Datg Perth © 2023. Perth Gay and Lbian Scene.


* gay beats perth western australia *

Those who are very much out and proud, and choosg to pay a vis to the cy of Perth, will be pleased to learn that there is a very tablished and welg gay muny prent. Many of the gay venu Perth tend to be centred around the Fremantle and Northbridge areas, where themed party nights and live baret acts are all part of the fun.


A HISTORIC glory hole has been accepted to the WA Mm’s llectn as a signifint object Perth’s LGBTI history. The hole had been cut through the door of a r park toilet block on the Albany Highway-si of the Gosnells tra statn and was ed by gay men for vert sex and to fd… * gay beats perth western australia *

Also very much of note to gay men visg Wtern Atralia is the by Perth Steam Works Sna, which is loted on William Street, the Northbridge area and jt off Newstle Street. LGBT gay and lbian iendly beach offer a chance to be yourself the Perth area. The Perth Gay Pri Ftival regularly attracts more than 100, 000 people and ually begs the early part of November, lastg for the majory of the month.


Top Perth Gay Clubs & Bars: See reviews and photos of Gay Clubs & Bars Perth, Atralia on Tripadvisor. * gay beats perth western australia *

Other LGBT Gay and Lbian Events Perth clu:Fairday - early Febary, market stalls, street entertament and a dog show, at Hy Park. Wtern Atralian Gay Olympics - November, sports event. The hole had been cut through the door of a r park toilet block on the Albany Highway-si of the Gosnells tra statn and was ed by gay men for vert sex and to fd boyiends back when beg queer rried a nasty stigma.


A gay rights activist has told an quiry about a strg of vlent cints he experienced at popular gay beats he equented between 1969 and 1998. * gay beats perth western australia *

Glory hol were also ed by men who hid their sexualy behd a tradnal marriage, and men who didn’t intify as gay but got off on the anonymy and tachment of sex through a hole. Neil Buckley, aka Mother Gretta om gay activist group Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, saved the door wh iend Bill Mart 1997, shortly before the toilet block was molished. Gay beats.


A Perth mum has taken to social media to expose reports of a gay sex hotspot at a Joondalup Shoppg Centre." name="scriptn * gay beats perth western australia *

Mr Buckley had featured the door a short film he’d ma that year tled The Other Si of Glory, explorg the culture surroundg gay beats. “I am sure this exhib will brg back a lot of fond memori for many of the men who ed beat culture as a way to meet other gay men to form a iendship, partnerships and a quickie. “Beats were an important part of gay social life and culture: they were a great place to meet, make iends and have a great anonymo sexual experience.

“Beat culture is not often talked about, but most of the gay muny has done at one time or another. Sadly this culture has now disappeared wh the stallatn of tomated toilet cub and gay pick up apps like Grdr [and] Scff.

Men at a popular Sydney gay beat had to stter when a r reered towards them "like was on a kangaroo shoot", an quiry has r's headlights and an apparent spotlight were blazg as the r drove at men at Rhcutters Bay Park Sydney's east, the 1990s.


Disver gay and lbian acmodatn Perth, Atralia. Gay owned B&Bs, boutique gutho & hotels welg the LGBT traveller. * gay beats perth western australia *

"It was a by Saturday night and men were stterg everywhere, nng like the dickens, " Barry Charl said on 72-year-old long-time gay rights activist was givg evince at the NSW Special Commissn of Inquiry to LGBTIQ hate is vtigatg historil hate crim agast the queer muny, particularly a wave of gay hate homicis and other crim Sydney durg the AIDS epimic of the 1980s. Dcribg himself as a "beats queen", Mr Charl said he was aware that vlence agast gay men at beats was occurrg before the equented them between 1969 and 1998, visg at least 40 different on around Sydney. "Hangg around for longer than necsary was dangero, bee you knew you uld be apprehend, or were danger of vlence and some men were at risk of beg exposed as gay, " he Charl listed a strg of vlent acts he wnsed or experienced at beats, tellg the quiry he managed to sprt over the footbridge away om the r at the Rhcutters Bay cint.

Another time an adolcent boy h him wh a tree saplg om the park, which was later the scene of a bashg murr of a gay outled his years of activism, notg a gay solidary Sydney rally phed the marchers back and began arrtg people after they cid to lay a wreath at the war memorial, to memorate gay and lbian service people. "Durg the early 1980s, the gay muny's growg visibily and nfince also meant growg vlence agast he rejected opns that the advent of HIV/AIDS gave rise to more anti-gay vlence wh beg ed as an exce or jtifitn. There are gays, bi, s tv, s and even upl who e this area.


Perth Gay Bar Gui. Fd the bt gay bars and gay pubs Perth, Atralia. Reviews, photos, rmatn and maps. Updated for 2023. * gay beats perth western australia *

32pmA Perth mum has taken to social media to expose reports of a gay sex hotspot at a Joondalup Shoppg Centre. Rebec Brten wrote a lengthy post on her Facebook se scribg her shock and disgt at posts which dite there are regular gay sex ssns beg anised Laki Joondalup's public toilets.

Rebec Brten exprsed her shock over what appears to be a gay sex hotspot at Laki FacebookThe mother-of-three said she was Googlg the shoppg centre when she me across an onle fom wh hundreds of ments regardg gay sex the of the posts are extremely graphic and seem to dite that men and boys have been meetg up for gay sex on an every-day basis. I don’t know if was by chance, but when we went, there were a gaggle of gays soakg up the sun the spot next to #lgbtmuny. A trip to a queer lole n provi everythg you need, wh trendy f for readg femist lerature, unrground bars for a big gay night out and avant-gar galleri for supportg queer art and exprsn.


Gay Melbourne Gui 222 for gay travelers. Fd the bt gay bars, gay clubs &amp; dance†Òparti, gay snas &amp; cise clubs, gay-rated hotels Melbourne. Exclive reviews, photos, disunts, maps. * gay beats perth western australia *

The areas surroundg Oxford St and Taylor Square Darlghurst are the epicentre of Atralia’s gay muny, wh Darlghurst the fol pot of the annual Sydney Gay and Lbian Mardi Gras each year. Compared to Sydney’s ncentrated LGBTQIA+ neighbourhoods, Melbourne has a more diverse and well-tegrated gay populatn.

Melbourne’s CBD, Fzroy and Collgwood all offer refed bars, upsle rtrants and cultural attractns (perfect for the effortlsly posh gays), while if you're more ‘hipster gay’ cled, Bnswick featur the ual hallmarks of gaybourhoods wh a profn of f, street art, and quirky shops. While queer Atralians tend to hab the ner-cy suburbs of pal ci, further afield Daylford (often affectnately known as Gaylford) li a thrivg gay muny.

After celebratg at the annual Brisbane Pri Ftival New Farm, ’s only a short skip to Fortu Valley to enjoy some great gay nightlife. The streets of Perth Cy, Maylands (Gaylands) and Bayswater (Gayswater) e alive durg the month-long PriFEST, wh lol-favoure events like Fairday, Bake-Off and the Para beg highlights. Perth has a few nu beach that are popular amongst gay crowds, wh the most popular beg North Swanbourne Beach, Warnbro Beach and the seclud bays of Rottnt Island.


Top Greater Perth Gay Clubs & Bars: See reviews and photos of Gay Clubs & Bars Greater Perth, Atralia on Tripadvisor. * gay beats perth western australia *

Where do the quiet gays go? It’s fair to assume Canberra would be filled wh heteronormative, sued up policians, but statistilly speakg, ACT has more gay and lbian upl than any other state or terrory. Outsi of the, be sure to have a drk and a dance at Darw Cy’s legendary gay bar, Throb (be sure to tch their qualy drag shows), or else if you’re travellg down to the Red Centre of Atralia, you n live out your Priscilla Queen of the Dert dreams at the FABalice Ftival Alice Sprgs.

There are no signated gay bars Alice but when you head to the pub for a beer, ’ll be fairly apparent why, anecdotally, Alice Sprgs is known as the “Lbian Capal of Atralia”! Richard’s of Northbridge is a gay owned Bed & Breakfast one Km om Perth CBD. Wh walkg distance of all gay venu, cultural centre, clubs & rturants.


6 Bt Beach Perth, Atralia - Gays That Travel .