Our Top 10 Thgs to Do Gay Friendly Barcelona | Two Bad Tourists

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The LGBTI Centre is the cy’s leadg facily for LGBTI (lbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and tersex) issu. * barcelona lgbt logo *

Barça agast homophobia, biphobia and transphobia.

Last month on ocsn of European Diversy Month the club also addrsed LGTBIQ+ muni through such actns as a vio starrg María León and Dani Alv on May 17 to memorate the Internatnal Day Agast Homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. As part of this mment do build a more diverse and clive blgrana muny, on Febary, which is the Internatnal Day Agast LGTBI-phobia Sport, the club signed a partnership agreement wh the Panter Grogu associatn to support the mpaign agast homophobia and discrimatn for reasons of sexual orientatn sport and society, which even clud a modifitn to the club statut. LGTBI Pri Day shar the date of the events New York on 28 June l 1969, when the police charged agast the gay muny at Stonewall Inn.


El Centro LGTBI el equipamiento referencia en el ámbo LGTBI (lbianas, gays, transexual, bisexual e tersexual) la ciudad Barcelona. * barcelona lgbt logo *

It was the first major ocsn when the gay muny stood up for their rights agast the social and stutnal abe that they nsistently suffered, and the succs of their actns is viewed as the first step the global mpaign towards gay rights. The first Gay Pri Day happened New York on 28 June 1970. That's very low, " @AbjaFCB wrote on Twter, referencg the fact that a lot of Mlim untri, homosexualy and other acts are illegal.

"You n't hi behd relig beliefs when you're actually really jt homophobic.


Gay & Lbian Barcelona: Disver gay and lbian clubs Catalonia's pal pl gay events, listgs, rtrants, bars and rmatn. Your plete gui to gay and lbian events Barcelona and more. * barcelona lgbt logo *

Established 2001, the Associatn of LGBTI Fai (FLG) promot the normalisatn of lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr and tersex fai all spher of society.

Associatn of Parents of Gays, Lbians, Bisexuals and Transsexuals (AMPGIL).

Sce then, the anisatn has implemented a wi-rangg programme of activi foced on awarens-raisg, support and promotn aimed at fai wh gay, lbian, bisexual, heterosexual and transsexual children. Found 1976, Casal Lambda is a non-prof associatn whose missn is to normalise homosexualy.

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Established 1994, the Gais Posi associatn pursu the missn of raisg the profile and normalisg seroposive gay people, both society and general and among the LGBTI muny. To do so, the associatn promot support, anis activi and provis servic that ntribute to improvg the qualy of life of seroposive homosexuals, their creasg social normalisatn and non-discrimatn of their rights. Gais Posi was first mutual support associatn Spa, and ntu to be the only anisatn the entire State that is managed wholly by gay and bisexual men who live wh HIV or Aids.

The Observatory Agast Homophobia.

Top Barcelona Gay Clubs & Bars: See reviews and photos of Gay Clubs & Bars Barcelona, Spa on Tripadvisor. * barcelona lgbt logo *

The Observatory Agast Homophobia (Observatori ntra l’Homofòbia) is engaged signg and implementg a permanent system to monor discrimatn and homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, etc., the different spher where may be found. The Observatory also provis trag aimed at lol thori, schools and other anisatns on such issu as the ntent of the law agast homophobia, bullyg, LGBTI rights, procr for lodgg plats, affective and sexual diversy, etc.

Gay travelers Barcelona will have no shortage of bars, f, and clubs to vis. The ma gay area is at the edge of the Old Town district, the lively Eixample neighborhood, which is home to some of Barcelona’s bt cultural attractns.


Our Top 10 Thgs to Do Gay Friendly Barcelona | Two Bad Tourists .