Cuba's Gay Travel Inx by tegory 2020 | Statista

cuba lgbt tourism

La revolución la unidad LGBTQ en Cuba súa a la Habana o un sto turismo gay iendly muy atractivo para viaj. ¡Dcubre s rn y bar!



Here's a gui to tips for gay and lbian travelers Cuba - everythg you need to know. * cuba lgbt tourism *

Cuba is a popular LGBTQ+ travel statn thanks to s rich history and culture, unspoiled nature, and y, vibrant gay life – pecially pared to other islands the Caribbean. While the pri paras were stopped 2019, the ernment sanctned the openg of the untry’s first gay hotel, the Gran Muthu Rabow Hotel and there has been discsn of regnizg the rights of same-sex upl.

You’ll fd a visible queer scene Havana: the Vedado neighborhood, along the Malacón at Mi Cayo beach, which is popular wh gay men, and bars and clubs that reflect a more nocent, pre-Grdr time. X Y (formerly Bar Myxto) is one of our favore Cubano gay bars and Café Cantante Mi Habana, a club near Havana’s Revolutnary Square, hosts live mic.

Throughout this article, we will go through some ndid advice on safely travelg around Cuba, which of Havannas’s gay bars and clubs are the bt, as well as explorg Santa Clara’s liberal cy and Mi Cayo which is Cuba’s Gay Beach. In fact members of the LGBTQ muny have been treated horrendoly for many years Cuba, wh homosexualy beg scribed as iologil diversnism.


Mi Cayo, a gay beach east of Havana, is one of the bt spots to fd LGBT people Cuba. Read our tips on where to fd gay Cuba travel experienc. * cuba lgbt tourism *

That beg said, PDAs (public displays of affectn) between homosexuals are fairly unmon as s society is still fairly nservative. Throughout the years, gay nightlife has really begun to flourish, so you’ll be happy to know that you won’t be stuck for party statns! It was once named after s historil ti to a late revolutnary figure Santa Clara, but has sce bee the polil re for LGBT activism and is also seen as Cuba’s ma gay landmark.

El Mujunje was an stutn for tolerance and acceptance, not jt for homosexualy, but jt to create a more open-md muny general. Mi Cayo’s openly gay beach is perfect for all beach bums that would like to lounge on a sunbed all day and tch a tan the relentls Cuban sun. Instead, this sectn was removed entirely – neher prohibg nor promotg same sex unns – a move which is seen as posive by gay mpaign groups.


* cuba lgbt tourism *

Workplace discrimatn on the basis of homosexualy is illegal, but Cuba’s anti discrimatn laws do not extend to other areas of society, such as hog or tn. What’s more, homosexualy was viewed some circl as an example of palist nce – or ‘iologil diversnism’ to e the phrase ed by Raúl Castro – that perpetuated ‘bourgeois’ valu unpalatable the new, Communist Cuba. A handful of gay bars existed at this time, but prostutn would have been one of the most visible forms of homosexualy, and as the brothels, bars and sos that promoted were largely ntrolled by US-based crimals, sex workers, gamblg and anised crime were extribly entwed.

One of the most horrific featur of this perd were the so-lled ‘rehabilatn mps’ – effectively forced labour mps which were set up to ‘rrect’ any form of ‘viance’, and while this wasn’t exclively limed to LGBT people, the mps were known to target gay men as officials unleashed their homophobia on them.


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In 1988 Fil Castro himself publicly cricised the untry’s homophobic past, and the police were orred not to harass LGBT people. It wasn’t until 2010, however, that Castro fally took full rponsibily for the labour mps and their persecutn of homosexuals.


Out Adventur gay travel is the premier provir of exclive gay tours, cis, and safaris. Jo an expedn or relax luxury. * cuba lgbt tourism *

Yet jt as WiFi hotspots are poppg up on street rners and flat screen TVs n be glimpsed through the wdows of fay hom, so too are gay bars begng to open up, and same sex upl may be seen walkg hand hand down the street. In Havana particular, there is a growg gay scene; one nsequence of Cuba’s limed ter accs (read: datg apps), which means that face to face enunters are still very much the norm when to meetg partners of any orientatn. You may well see gay upl the street, as well as transgenr people, thanks to the availabily of reassignment surgery (and of Cuba’s famoly excellent healthre service), and transvt – all acceleratg the ‘normalisatn’ of LGBT culture Cuban society.

In the past few years, gay tourism to Cuba is gag tert & the abily to vis has improved creatg new opportuni for those the LGBT muny. * cuba lgbt tourism *

Ined, while the untry celebrat the WHO’s Internatnal Day Agast Homophobia (IDAHO) each year wh two weeks of paras, lectur, plays, exhibns and ncerts, do so only through official events – anised by the ernment, of urse. A report by the publitn Foreign Policy quot a gay Cuban who claims “We live unr nstant ernment surveillance and harassment, while at the same time beg manipulated for...

While LGBT Cubans are still tiptoeg around the island’s plex relatnship wh homosexualy, LGBT tourists here should not experience discrimatn or harassment. Some sas are owned by gay upl; if your holiday pany knows any and n book you , this n provi a fascatg sight to lol LGBT life as well as supportg people who have tradnally suffered om discrimatn. Havana’s gay scene foc on the culture-heavy Vedado neighbourhood, as well as along the Malen; the area around Avenida 23 known as La Rampa is a particular hangout, wh several gay iendly bars and diss.

In 2020, Cuba sred a total of -2 pots on the Gay Travel Inx, puttg 56th place for the saft LGBT tourism statn. * cuba lgbt tourism *

Mi Cayo beach, a short drive north of Havana, is known as the ‘gay beach’ – ial for same sex upl who are worried about feelg unfortable elsewhere.


Gay Cuba Travel for Amerins .