Sttish church ph forward on gay rights | Relign | The Guardian

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LONDON (RNS) — In June, the Sttish Epispal Church, which is part of the Anglin Communn, announced that was allowg gay weddgs after s synod voted to amend s non law on marriage. * church of scotland gay wedding *

While clergy will not be required to marry same-sex upl, the move mak the mory who oppose the natnal church’s volvement gay marriage worried about further divisn. The news that the General Assembly of the Church of Stland has voted favour of allowg s misters and ans to celebrate (that is to create), wh s doctr, marriag between same-sex upl will be weled not only by relig people who believe that God treats everyone equally, and by gay people, but also by those of no fah who believe that anisatns as signifint to our natnal life as our natnal church ought to reflect the society which they claim to serve. In 2009, the General Assembly refed to overturn an Aberen parish’s ll of an openly gay man to be s mister, and 2013 formally thorised kirk ssns to ll lbian or gay misters.

Church of Stland ‘tak s cue om culture rather than Christ’ and approv gay weddgs. J’ own teachg on this Matthew 19 uld not be General Assembly was set to vote on the matter at the end of May, after this edn of ET went to Kirk says will rpect eedom of nscience and no one will be forced to participate a same-sex Revd Mike Goss of Barry Parish Church the Ang prbytery said, ‘There’s still a ntued stggle wh the Church of Stland, ’ addg that there are still ‘folk who stand by the Bible’ Church of Stland says regnis there are a range of views, and says bat should be grac and partnerships were troduced Stland for same-sex upl 2005 and full gay marriage Church of Stland allowed s clergy to engage same-sex relatnships as far back as 2009.

But until now has not allowed gay weddg ceremoni to take place s creasg acceptance of liberal moral valu wh male church has been matched wh a cle 2002, 12 per cent of the Sttish populatn attend Church of Stland servic. Image source, Getty ImagThe Sttish Epispal Church has voted to allow gay upl to marry mak the first major Christian church the UK to allow same-sex vote to amend non law on marriage, removg the stipulatn that is between a man and a woman, was rried by the Synod means that gay Christians om any Anglin Church n now ask to be married a Sttish Epispal who wish to officiate at gay marriag will have to "opt-" church said this meant that those who disagreed wh gay marriage would be protected and not have to act agast their Epispal Church's Bishop of Edburgh, The Right Reverend Dr John Arm, said: "I am very pleased for the upl who n now have their relatnships regnised by the church and blsed by God.


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"Media ptn, Sttish Epispal Church allows gay church marriageThe vote to allow same-sex marriage - which required the backg of at least two thirds of each hoe of Bishops, Clergy and Lay - has left the church at odds wh most of the rt of the worldwi Anglin Communn.


Church of Stland to ci on misters and same-sex marriage, while Epispal Church to vote on gay church weddgs * church of scotland gay wedding *

A group of global Anglin tradnalists have now announced that they will appot a missnary bishop "to serve the needs of those who oppose gay marriage".

Only Aberen and Orkney voted agast the source, Getty ImagImage ptn, The Archbishop of Canterbury Jt Welby is the Anglin Communn's spirual headAnalysis by BBC Stland rrponnt John McManThis vote to change non law, openg marriage to same sex upl, isn't jt the latt skirmish the relig war between tradnalist Christians and those of a more liberal will have profound nsequenc, bee the issue of gay relatnships has bee a touchstone for those who believe that the Anglin Church has lost s way, and needs to be Christians who live the global south, where the 80-pl ln Anglin Communn is at s strongt, look wh horror at what they see as mov to legimise gay relatnships and liftyl. 'Ignorg the will of God'They not only disapprove of those liftyl, but they see mov such as the ordatn of gay clergy as evince that the church is ignorg the will of head of the Anglin Communn is the Archbishop of Canterbury and he's e unr enormo prsure om bishops Ai and Asia to stand firm on this bishops are growg fluence and have formed an anisatn - Gafn - which is directly challengg the more liberal Christians of the global will be embolned by this vote, even if they disapprove of - and may hasten a spl the munn, wh power movg south to the church of sex marriage beme legal Stland at the end of 2014 but the Church of Stland and the Roman Catholic Church opposed the issue has provoked passnate bate wh the Anglin Communn. In January last year, the munn sanctned the US Epispal Church when cid to allow gay marriage church.

And Febary, a report opposg gay marriage was opposed by the Church of England's Synod.


The first gay weddg to be held at the Uned Reformed Church, Rutherglen, Glasgow, between Ian McDowell (L) and Jamie (Jam) Wallace (R). Their marriage is a morn love story for Stland and yterday Jamie Wallace and Ian McDowall beme one of the first gay upl to tie the knot church. He said: “Jamie and Ian’s weddg is yet another wele landmark as we ntue to make sure, morn Stland, gay people have the same rights to marriage as everyone else.

The Church of Stland will allow gay marriag for the first time followg a historic vote, but clergy n opt out of holdg church’s General Assembly, s cisn-makg body, voted by 274 to 136 on Monday to allow s misters and ans to opt to officiate at same-sex weddgs, endg a centuri-old vote mak the Church of Stland the largt church the UK to allow gay marriag. LONDON (RNS) — The first gay marriage an Anglin church Bra took place this week, a day after Archbishop of Canterbury Jt Welby scribed the ntug squabbl over same-sex marriage the worldwi Anglin Communn as “tractable. The gay uple, known as “Mark and Rick, ” had their orr of service posted on Facebook, which told people that they were married on Tuday (Aug.


In June, the Sttish Epispal Church, which is part of the Anglin Communn, announced that was allowg gay weddgs after s synod voted to amend s non law on marriage. Has allowed gay marriage sce 2015.

Welby, speakg to the BBC om Ai where he has been travelg, was asked if the Anglin Communn’s rift over homosexualy might worsen, given that the munn’s center of growth is on that ntent, where tradnal views on marriage hold sway. Holdsworth, a leadg figure the Changg Attu Stland mpaign, said that people Stland have changed their mds on gay marriage and now support .

Although they have only an timated 100, 000 members, the impact of gay weddgs s Sttish Epispal church will be signifint, acrdg to Simon Sarmiento, of the webse, Thkg Anglins. “Gay Anglins England will be able to travel to Stland to get married, puttg more prsure on the Church of England, ” he said. Wh the Church of England there are eply divergent views on gays, and at the most recent General Synod, a bishops’ report advotg no change the church’s stance on the blsg of gay partnerships or the nductg of gay marriag was narrowly rejected.


Holdsworth said Welby is wrong to say the problem is tractable and urged him to speak to gay people who want to help e up wh solutns. Sttish church are phg forward on gay rights, wh the Church of Stland to ci on Saturday whether to allow s misters to be same-sex marriag and the Sttish Epispal Church likely to take a signifint step next month towards permtg gay weddgs s approved, the chang will differentiate the two church om the Church of England, which bans clergy om beg married to partners of the same sex and has refed to allow gay church Church of Stland’s general assembly, which opens Edburgh on Saturday, is to vote on extendg a law passed last May that perms misters to be same-sex civil the past year, 29 prbyteri have approved such a move, and 19 opposed .


A vote to allow misters to be gay marriag would not promise the church’s tradnal stance that marriage was a unn of a man and a woman, the source year, the church’s Theologil Fom is to plete a review of tradnal church teachg on human sexualy and an terim report to this year’s assembly, said the issue had threatened to polarise the church.

”Same-sex marriage was legalised Stland December 2014, wh almost 500 gay upl gettg married the followg three Church of Stland – known as the Kirk – is the largt church Stland wh almost a third of the populatn claimg allegiance the 2011 cens.


Songs of praise as gay uple get hched church - The Sunday Post .