Out Magaze’s Popnography vers the latt trends on everythg LGBT, om polil fights, to the latt LGBT film, to the risg gay or lbian celebry, to velopments the trans muny, to the hottt new drag queens - fd out the what, where, why. and who of gay culture!
Lookg for a list of the bt gay sgers and gay micians of all time? We've round up our top picks along wh their bt songs! * pop gay icons *
When Madonna ed her posn as the biggt pop star on the pla to explore darker them of the sexualy that lks all, was as brave a move as a new act allowg themselv to be marketed as the world’s first “out” rock star the early 70s, when “gay liberatn” had barely got gog. His homoerotic 1972 Top Of The Pops performance of “Starman” wh Mick Ronson set youngsters’ puls racg and their parents’ blood prsure risg, but helped cement Bowie’s superstar stat the UK, wh the rt of the world tchg up not long after.
Her 1961 double-album, Judy At Carnegie Hall (later performed live s entirety by Ruf Wawright), bagged a Grammy and beme the five highlight of her illtr reer, which was cut short by her early ath 1969 – an event that, ’s said, helped spark the Stonewall Rts New York and marked the begng of the morn gay-rights movement. Maybe was the famo Bob Mackie ocks on her US televisn spectaculars, but gay men saw somethg special om the start pop’s perennial survivor, who left a troubled marriage yet a succsful bs partnership wh Sonny to fe a huge solo reer. A famo statement, released at the lnch of his 2013 tobgraphy, ma clear he was “humasexual, ” not homosexual, spe the revelatn he’d been a relatnship wh photographer Jake Owen Walters.
Overwhelmed by the ill-advised marketg tsunami that characterized his 1973 self-tled but, the openly gay rock sger tapped to the -vogue glam scene to a largely different public rponse. Diana was of the most fervent advot for those afflicted wh the HIV/AIDS, pecially the early years of the disease’s onslght, and she did this at a time when few others would – a time when gay men beme public enemy no. Those who were ma to feel “different” by a society that was largely homophobic uld intify wh Diana’s suatn life, and most uld admire her for the fiant poise and grace wh which she handled all.
Harvey Milk was a trailblazg openly gay polician who, as a member of San Fransis’s Cy Board of Supervisors, champned gay rights before beg assassated alongsi the cy mayor by a disgntled polil rival.
What mak the acplishment even more admirable is that she had to overe ocsnal homophobia om the lol electorate – somethg which seems to be a fact of life even supposedly progrsive Chigo. Lightfoot was honored as one of the grand marshals of the Chigo Pri Para 2019, and 2020 she was named by Queerty (an onle magaze verg LGBT liftyle and news) as one of the 50 hero “leadg the natn toward equaly, acceptance, and digny for all people, ” honor of the 50th anniversary of the first gay pri para (which took place on June 28th, 1970 NYC). Asi om his role as the groomg expert of the Queer Eye reboot, Jonathan has starred the web seri Gay of Thron, and is the host of his own podst, Gettg Cur wh Jonathan Van Ns, which won the iHeartRad Podst Award for Bt LGBTQ Podst.
The actrs, edian, wrer, and Saturday Night Live alum is also an openly lbian woman who has also appeared on The Big Gay Sketch Show, addn to the Audible d seri Heads Will Roll (which has also featured Bob the Drag Queen and Queer Eye’s Fab Five). Michael grew up a time that had not seen the progrs we enjoy today, and like many gay men of his generatn, Michael stggled to e to grips wh his sexualy and to fd acceptance, livg a culture where homophobia was the le, not the exceptn.
It won the 2019 Digal Publishg Award for bt digal lumn that this is the 100th edn of this lumn and that we're nearg the fal days of my first full wrg about all thgs gay on the regular, I figured why not go all out and unt down the queer pop culture moments that fed an absolutely extraordary for LGBTQ excellence? Andrew Stt on FleabagBeyond beg more or ls the greatt achievement serial storytellg 2010s, the send season of Fleabag also let gay actor Andrew Stt bee the most lted after man the world for a hot mute thanks to his perfectly sexy (and jt perfect general) portrayal of "Hot Prit.
Scht's CreekArguably the most popular Canadian televisn export sce The Kids and the Hall (if not ever), CBC's very own Scht's Creek gave both everyone's favoure pansexual sweater enthiast David Rose (seri -creator Dan Levy) and the fictnal utopia we all serve: a world where homophobia don't seem to exist and David's sexualy is simply accepted by all the show's characters whout qutn. Followg an agg novelist as he travels the world on a lerary tour (though really he's avoidg the weddg of an ex-boyiend), Ls is very much about what means to get old as a gay 's also hilar and romantic, landg wh a perfect endg that still mak me tear up when I thk about .
Pedro Almodóvar's Pa and GloryAnother masterfully realized reflectn on gay agg is currently still cemas: Pedro Almodóvar's Pa and Glory, a semi-tobgraphil look at a filmmaker whose hope and health is fadg, portrayed by longtime Almodóvar me Anton Banras sentially playg Almodóvar a reer-bt performance (give him an Osr nomatn, please).