Siar spots occur on soft palate and uvula (Nagayama spots).
Two-thirds of patients wh roseola also have Nagayama spots which are erythemato papul found on the soft palate and uvula. Uvulopalatoglossal spots also referred to as Nagayama spots, are erythemato papul found on the soft palate and uvula that are seen two-thirds of patients[3] rapid fervcence of the fever around days three to five, small, rose-pk or red 2 mm to 5mm papul and macul will velop. Sixth diseaseRoseola Human herpvis 6 and 7SprgRose-pk, maculopapularNeck and tnk High feverLymphanopathy, febrile seizur, Nagayama spots.
Nagayama spots: erythemato papul on the musa of the soft palate and the base of the uvula. Nagayama spots may occur on the soft palate and uvula. The characteristic enanthem (Nagayama spots) nsists of erythemato papul on the musa of the soft palate and the base of the uvula.
Nagayama's spots From Wikipedia, the ee encyclopedia Nagayama's spots are enanthem of red papul on the soft palate.