Project 10 is a meetg place and advote for lbian, gay, bisexual, tersex, queer, trans, two-spir, and qutng youth Montreal, QC.
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Wh ACCM’s KONTAK** program, the outreach ordator will provi and enhance sexual health and harm rctn servic for queer, trans and gbMSM (gay, bisexual, and men who have sex wh men) muni.
Here is a list of muny anizatns, webs, and other rourc available to queer people livg Montreal. ACCM AIDS Communy Care Montreal (ACCM) is a volunteer-driven muny anizatn that provis support servic and treatment rmatn to people livg wh HIV/AIDS and/or hepatis C. ADA The Au-déla l'arc-en-ciel (ADA) is a discsn group for Hispanic gay men. AGIR AGIR is a non-prof anizatn for LGBTQ+ refuge and immigrants Montreal, who offer servic, rmatn, programs and rourc, addn to protectg and fendg the legal, social and enomic rights of migrants (asylum seekers, refuge, immigrants, and those wh untermed stat) om lbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer (LGBTQ) muni, all a spir of solidary and tersectnaly. Alterheros Alterheros is an onle work of experts mted to provi rmatn about the challeng of sexual and genr diversy and to mystify LGBTQ+ inti and orientatns. APGM The Associatn s pèr gais Montréal (APGM) is a group of gay dads who, through activi and meetgs, share their experienc as gay dads who take re of their children. L'Asterisk L'Asterisk is a place for young LGBTQ* unr 25 to get together and get some rmatn. Several servic are available, cludg a phone le, dividual unsellg, a drop- center and social activi. ASTT(e)Q ASTT(e)Q aims to promote the health and wellbeg of trans people through peer support and advocy, tn and outreach, and muny empowerment and mobilizatn. ATQ The missn of Ai x Trans du Québec (ATQ) is to assist trans people before, durg and after their journey of transn. Helpg and listeng are the ma pillars of support offered by ATQ through var activi, nferenc, group meetups, providg rmatn and fundraisg. CACTUS Montreal CACTUS Montréal is a muny anizatn for the preventn of blood-borne (BBSI) and sexually transmted fectns. We work wh jectg and halg dg ers, sex workers, and trans people. CAEO CAEO Quebec’s missn is to bat homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and heterosexism. SILK, (Sexual Informatn Leads to Knowledge) is an tnal program n by CAEO Québec that provis English speakg high schools wh ee workshops to promote diversy. Communy Centre LGBTQ+ of Montreal The Communy Centre LGBTQ+ of Montreal acts to improve the well-beg of people LGBTQ+ muni by promotg operatn and muny and social velopment by dividuals and anizatns. One of the servic of the Centre is the Open Book Library, one of the biggt LGBTQ+ librari the Franphony and the world, wh more than 20,000 documents (novels, says, books of poetry, ic books, newspapers, amic books, movi, documentari, and youth llectn) related to the reali of the LGBTQ+ Communi and accsible to everyone. Centre for Genr Advocy The Centre for Genr Advocy is an pennt, stunt-fund, Conrdia Universy anizatn, mandated to promote genr equaly and empowerment particularly as relat to margalized muni, pecially LGBTTQIA people. This mandate is achieved through ongog programmg, mpaigns, rourc, servic, advocy and a mment to accsibily. CLGA Canadian Gay and Lbian Archiv (based Toronto). Conseils Québéis LGBT The Conseil Quebeis LGBT is an anizatn for the llective fense of LGBT rights and the primary terlocutor wh the ernment of Quebec on LGBT issu. CSL The missn of the Centre solidaré lbienne / Lbian Solidary Centre (CSL) is to improve the livg ndns of lbians by providg servic and terventns adapted to their realy the areas of domtic vlence, well-beg and health. CSSQ The Coaln Sida s Sourds du Québec / Aids Coaln of the Deaf of Quebec (CSSQ) anizatn offers preventative and tnal servic on HIV/AIDS and STBBI for Deaf and Hard of hearg muni Quebec. We also provi support servic to Deaf and Hard of hearg people wh HIV/AIDS and STBBI. Égale Égale is a Canada-wi anizatn promotg lbian, gay, bisexual, and trans human rights through rearch, tn and muny engagement. Équipe Montréal Équipe Montréal is a LGBTQ sports team aln. Fondatn Emergence The Foundatn offers rmatn and awarens programs aimed at favorg the well-beg and fense of human rights of LGBT persons. Its ma activy nsists of planng the Internatnal Day agast homophobia and transphobia (IDAHOT), which they iated. Fugu Fugu is a gay/lbian magaze Quebec. Ga'ava Ga'ava is an anizatn for the LGBT Jewish Communy of Montreal. Gay & Grey Gay & Grey Montréal is a group offerg social and rmatnal activi for English speakg LGBTQ2S+ senrs (50+). Our goal is to lsen isolatn and enurage muny volvement a safe rpectful space. Helem Helem Montreal is an NGO which aims to bat homophobia the Lebane Diaspora of Montreal and to support the Arabic-speakg LGBT dividuals Montreal. IMAGE+NATION IMAGE+NATION is Montreal's annual LGBT film and vio ftival and the longt-nng LGBT film ftival Canada. Interligne Interligne (formerly Gai-éute) is a first rponse centre that provis help and rmatn to those ncerned wh sexual orientatn and genr diversy. Jnse Lambda Jnse Lambda is a Franphone muny anizatn created by and for lbian, gay, and bisexual anphone youth aged 25 and unr Montreal. Many activi are geared towards assistg youth wh qutns about sexualy, g-out, and acceptance. Jhalak Jhalak is a Montreal-based LGBTQ anizatn that aims to provi a safe space for South Asians and members of 's related cultur wh the provce of Quebec. Through anized soc-cultural, workg and tnal support events, Jhalak aims to aid 's mographic tegrate smoothly wh the LGBTQ muny and society general wh Montreal, Quebec and Canada. LGBT Fay Coaln The LGBT Fay Coaln is a bilgual group of LGBT parents and future parents advotg for the legal and social regnn of LGBT fai, exchangg rmatn and sharg rourc. LGBTQI Migrants Realés This webse highlights the rults of a project that aimed to crilly asss the state of knowledge of LGBTQI migrants livg Canada relatn to the state of global LGBTQI reali and migratns. This project also highlights var policy and practice implitns for LGBTQI migrants livg Canada and intifi key areas for future rearch. Lerary Pri Lerary Pri / Fierté Ltéraire prents a seri of events to disver thors om the LGBT muny. Montreal Pri Montreal Pri / Fierté Montréal is a week of cultural and muny activi, hosted Augt. Never Apart Never Apart is a gallery and cultural space aimg to te on equaly, the environment and nsc livg, while celebratg both tablished and emergg artists. The platform is geared towards igng posive change and uny through culture — gathergs, mic, art exhibns, panel discsns, workshops and special events, often highlightg queer artists. PLURI PLURI (Peace Love Uny Rpect Iniative) aims to rce harm on dance floors by anizg workshops and discsns. They anize discsns wh margalized muni to reflect on boundari and experienc at events. They produce workshops for alli to enurage engagement and beg actively eful and supportive of others. PLURI is a femist, anti-racist, anti-discrimatory platform proactively creatg change wh mic muni. Pri Team: Argyle Instute The Pri Team at the Argyle Psychotherapy Instute is ma up of therapists om all levels of experience wh and wh LGBTQ+ muni. All Pri Team therapists are mted to and have received trag the prcipl of LGBTQ+ affirmative therapy, and are supportive of dividuals their sexual and genr inty exploratn. Servic clu dividual, uple, and fay therapy to LGBTQ+ muni, are offered French and English, and acrdg to a slidg sle acrdg to e. Prisoner Corrponnce Project The Prisoner Corrponnce Project is a solidary project for gay, lbian, transsexual, transgenr, genr-variant, two-spir, tersex, bisexual and queer prisoners Canada and the Uned Stat, lkg them wh people a part of the same muni outsi of prison. Project 10 Project 10 is a muny anizatn that provis peer unsellg, support, and referrals to lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenred, two-spired, tersex, queer and qutng youth aged 14-25. One-on-one person meetgs and acpaniments are available. Project 10 also nducts outreach activi, speakg schools and givg prentatns to health re profsnals etc on queer and trans issu and reali and safer spac. The Quebec Gay Archiv The Quebec Gay Archi llects, nserv and prerv materials that document the history of the gay and lbian muni of Quebec. Queer Between the Covers Queer Between the Covers provis accs to queer materials that are otherwise unavailable the cy, and draws attentn to the role of queer bookstor providg muny space and supportg cultural productn. Queerg the Map Queerg the Map is a muny-generated mappg project that geo-lot queer moments, memori and histori relatn to physil space. Quebec Lbian Network The Quebec Lbian Network is the only fence of rights anizatn that exclively addrs Quebec lbians. RÉZO RÉZO is a muny-based anizatn for gay and bisexual men Montreal whose foc is overall health promotn as well as the preventn of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmted fectns (STIs). Takg What We Need Takg What We Need is an rmal llective anizg to fight for the liv of our sisters and ourselv. We acknowledge and abhor the realy that many transfeme people face on a daily basis, fallg at the tersectns of poverty, racism, misogyny, social isolatn, and lonial vlence. Takg What We Need’s primary missn is to empower our sisters through discretnary fundg and build solidary wh our muny by llectively ristg transmisogyny. Trans Pri Trans Pri / Fierté Trans is an annual Event aimg at raisg awarens about trans rights. Wt Island LGBTQ Youth Centre The Youth Center provis support and referrals to young people wh qutns about their sexualy or genr inty. Folks n ll to talk to someone, or to arrange a one-on-one meetg. * queer jobs montreal *
Clics like Rézo and Clique Quartier Lat offer STI servic to gbMSM (gay and bisexual men who have sex wh men).
For rmatn on gay-straight allianc and other youth-foced rourc, you n check out Interligne’s n I fd rourc for LGBTQ+ elrs? There’s also Gay and Grey, which has regular updat, events, and other rourc for LGBTQ+ people over 50! And Fondatn Emergence’s Ageg Gayfully has support for LGBTQ+ senrs, as well as trag for those providg servic to LGBTQ+ n I meet other queer and trans people for fun activi?
Montreal’s gay village (also lled The Village) is loted the Ville-Marie borough. There you n fd lots of gay bars, muny centr, queer-iendly bs, and other thgs to do! The Au-déla l'arc-en-ciel (ADA) is a discsn group for Hispanic gay men.