Translate How do you say "gay" Spanish, how to say "gay" Spanish. See Spanish-English translatns wh d pronunciatns, exampl, and word-by-word explanatns.
Translate How do you say "gay" Spanish?. See thorative translatns of How do you say "gay" Spanish? Spanish wh d pronunciatns. * come si dice gay in spagnolo *
gay [ɡeɪ] adjective1 (homosexual) [+man, muny, movement] gay adjective:variable; (a) homosexual; [+woman] homosexual; lbiano; [+bar] gay adjective:variable; (a) gays a centre for lbians and gay men un centro para lbianas y gays; gay men and women hombr y mujer homosexual; gays y lbianas; gay sex relacn (f) homosexual; the gay scene el ambiente gay or homosexual2 gayer (parative)gayt (superlative) (cheerful) [+person, lour, stume] alegre; [+atmosphere, mic, lghter] alegre; ftivo Nancy liked their gay stum she was feelg wty and gay3 (reee) wh gay abandon spreocupadamente; alegremente He has splashed dollars around wh gay abandon she's livg the gay life Paris se da la gran vida en París; se pega la vida padre en París (rmal) I don't have the money to live the gay life gay [Paree] [Paris]noun (man) gay (m); homosexual (m); (woman) lbiana (f); homosexual (f);modifierthe gay liberatn movement gay lib (n) el movimiento liberación homosexualgay rights (n) rechos (m) los homosexual.
USAGE NOTEThe plural of “gay” n be “gay, ” “gays, ” or “gais. Si scrive tanto lla lobby gay. Bien, se cribe mucho l lobby gay.
Non era assolutamente una sa gay. No fue una sa gay en lo absoluto.
Translate Gay. See 5 thorative translatns of Gay Spanish wh example sentenc, phras and d pronunciatns. * come si dice gay in spagnolo *
Forse perfo un printe gay e nero. Quizás clo llegue a haber un printe negro y homosexual.
Sembra che nsuna lle vtime fosse gay. Al parecer, nguna nutras víctimas era homosexual.
Non avevo ia che fossi gay.
* come si dice gay in spagnolo *
La maggr parte lle ngregazni aclgono apertamente membri gay.
Translate Gay. See 5 thorative translatns of Gay English wh example sentenc, phras and d pronunciatns. * come si dice gay in spagnolo *
Dimenti le ragazze e ncentrati sui maschi gay qui.
Olvídate las chis y ncéntrate en los hombr homosexual aquí. Era vigliac, gay, omofobi e razzista. En un mismo stante fue bar, gay, homofóbi y racista.
I gay sono un'enorme risorsa fanziaria utilizzata.