None of the legal s of tradnal Buddhist untri crimalized homosexualy per se, although, of urse, there were penalti agast homosexual rape and homosexual acts wh mors jt as there were for siar offenc mted by heterosexuals. In most Buddhist untri today, homosexualy is ually nsired strange although not wicked or evil. Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Cha, Vietnam, Mongolia, Japan and South Korea have no laws agast homosexualy between nsentg adults. Homosexualy is illegal Burma and Sri Lanka maly bee their legal s were part drawn up durg the lonial era. Recently Sri Lanka, the penalty for homosexualy was creased an ill-nsired rponse to the growg problem of sex tourism the untry. See Sexual Behavur.
Redisverg Buddhism’s LGBT history of gay monks, homoerotic samurai, and genr-nonnformg practners and gods * homosexuality and monks *
Views about homosexualyYounger MillennialOlr MillennialGeneratn XBaby BoomerSilentGreattSample sizeShould be accepted26%17%24%27%7%< 1%230Sample siz and margs of error vary om subgroup to subgroup, om year to year and om state to state. Views about homosexualyImmigrantsSend generatnThird generatn or higherSample sizeShould be accepted23%22%55%234Sample siz and margs of error vary om subgroup to subgroup, om year to year and om state to state. Views about homosexualyLs than $30, 000$30, 000-$49, 999$50, 000-$99, 999$100, 000 or moreSample sizeShould be accepted35%20%31%13%206Sample siz and margs of error vary om subgroup to subgroup, om year to year and om state to state.
Gay spirual wrer Toby Johnson on a hidn kd of gay history down through European history * homosexuality and monks *
Views about homosexualyHigh school or lsSome llegeCollegePost-graduate greeSample sizeShould be accepted19%33%27%21%233Sample siz and margs of error vary om subgroup to subgroup, om year to year and om state to state. Views about homosexualyMarriedLivg wh a partnerDivorced/separatedWidowedNever marriedSample sizeShould be accepted35%12%11%2%41%234Sample siz and margs of error vary om subgroup to subgroup, om year to year and om state to state.
Views about homosexualyBelieve God; absolutely certaBelieve God; fairly certaBelieve God; not too/not at all certaBelieve God; don't knowDo not believe GodOther/don't know if they believe GodSample sizeShould be accepted27%30%10%1%28%5%235Sample siz and margs of error vary om subgroup to subgroup, om year to year and om state to state.
Views about homosexualyVery importantSomewhat importantNot too importantNot at all importantDon't knowSample sizeShould be accepted34%38%15%11%3%235Sample siz and margs of error vary om subgroup to subgroup, om year to year and om state to state.
Homosexualy is the tenncy to be sexually attracted to persons of the same rather than the oppose genr. In the Buddhist scriptur homosexual mal are lled astapaṇḍaka and femal are lled women of uncerta femy (sambhna) or mascule women (vepurisikā, ,271). Today the first are lled gays and the send lbians. Acrdg to the ancient Indian unrstandg, homosexuals were thought of simply as beg ‘the third nature’ (tṛtīya prakṛti), rather than as perverted, viant or sick. Wh s emphasis on psychology and e and effect, Buddhism judg acts, cludg sexual acts, by the tentn behd them and the effect they have. A sexual act motivated by love, mutualy and the sire to give and share would be judged posive no matter what the genr of the two persons volved. Therefore, homosexualy as such is not nsired immoral Buddhism or agast the third Precept. If a homosexual avoids the sensualy and licence of the so-lled ‘gay scene’ and enters to a lovg relatnship wh another person, there is no reason why he or she nnot be a scere practisg Buddhist and enjoy all the blsgs of the Buddhist life. * homosexuality and monks *
Views about homosexualyAt least once a weekOnce or twice a month/a few tim a yearSeldom/neverDon't knowSample sizeShould be accepted19%50%31%1%235Sample siz and margs of error vary om subgroup to subgroup, om year to year and om state to state.
Views about homosexualyAt least dailyWeeklyMonthlySeldom/neverDon't knowSample sizeShould be accepted43%17%8%30%1%235Sample siz and margs of error vary om subgroup to subgroup, om year to year and om state to state. Views about homosexualyAt least once a weekOnce or twice a monthSeveral tim a yearSeldom/neverDon't knowSample sizeShould be accepted14%12%15%58%1%235Sample siz and margs of error vary om subgroup to subgroup, om year to year and om state to state.
Views about homosexualyAt least once a weekOnce or twice a monthSeveral tim a yearSeldom/neverDon't knowSample sizeShould be accepted70%6%7%17%< 1%235Sample siz and margs of error vary om subgroup to subgroup, om year to year and om state to state. Views about homosexualyAt least once a weekOnce or twice a monthSeveral tim a yearSeldom/neverDon't knowSample sizeShould be accepted62%14%13%10%1%235Sample siz and margs of error vary om subgroup to subgroup, om year to year and om state to state.